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+ Welcome to Year 7 Music. + Contents What we will be learning in Music Criteria A – Knowledge and Understanding Criteria B – Application (Performance)

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Presentation on theme: "+ Welcome to Year 7 Music. + Contents What we will be learning in Music Criteria A – Knowledge and Understanding Criteria B – Application (Performance)"— Presentation transcript:

1 + Welcome to Year 7 Music

2 + Contents What we will be learning in Music Criteria A – Knowledge and Understanding Criteria B – Application (Performance) Music and Technology – One to one Program Expectations, Rules and Consequences Criteria C – Developmental Workbook/Process Journal Criteria D – Personal Engagement More Information - How to succeed in Music

3 + What will we be learning in Music? The course is designed so that ALL students will be learning how to write their own compositions about their own living organism We will be using real musical instruments to compose individual pieces about an animal, insect or reptile All students will learn how to do the following: Compose a graphic Music Score Perform compositions in a group Evaluate and reflect on yours and other group’s performances

4 + Criteria A – Knowledge and Understanding Your first assignment will be a research assignment which requires you to write about ANY piece of music about an animal, fish, reptile or insect You will be required to: 1 analyze, describe any chosen composition about a living non human species 2 describe how music is translated and used for this creature e.g. Elephant (from Carnival of the Animals Saint Saens Big Animal – Uses Biggest instrument – Double Bass – Low Pitch and Big Sound) 3 describe the musical elements (instrumentation, pitch, tempo, melody) which help support the size, speed, movement of the creature 4 use appropriate musical vocabulary in your research You will also be given a composition workbook which helps you with Knowledge and understanding of music Criteria A is out of 8

5 + Criteria B - Application You will need to compose music You will be expected to work in a group on performing your musical composition It will be yours and your groups responsibility to complete a 2 minute performance Your final product will be recorded and videoed You will need to reflect and evaluate all performances

6 + All creatures great and small!!! All students will need to reflect on their learning in class You will need to show evidence of the steps you have taken to create your composition Printscreens are essential to show the development of your ideas

7 + Music Technology - Computers Please bring the following: Your own computers Your own chargers Your own earphones You will need to use Apple computers

8 + Rules and Expectations with the use of Computers in Music Please respect these rules as a means of ensuring that a positive learning environment is maintained. All students must bring fully charged laptops to Music class. The following programs are not permitted during Music class FacebookChat Programs SkypeMSN No water bottles or fluids are allowed anywhere near the table tops. If a bottle is accidentally knocked over spillage could permanently damage to yours, and others, computers with irreparable damage Programs which are allowed (with teacher permission) YoutubeMusic Videos Itunes At the beginning of each lesson, computers are not to be used. You will be given instructions when to operate your laptops. When a teacher speaks, please lower your computer tops.

9 + Consequences If these rules are blatantly disrespected then ONE the following will happen (1) Your laptops will be taken away from you for the rest of the period It will be returned to you when you produce your hand written classroom notes (2) A note will be made on Oasis as a “Computer Violation” (3) A second “computer violation” on Oasis will mean a meeting with HOY and parents (4) Your laptops will be taken from you and given to the HOY You will need to ask Mr Morrison personally for the return of your laptop (5) If the problem persists then you will loose your right to use your laptop in Music for a week

10 + Criteria C – Reflection – ( Process Journal or Developmental workbook ) You will all need a plastic clearfile folder for your process journal or Developmental W/book It will have a contents page and everytime something is added, you will need to update It will also contain regular reflections It will have print screens showing how you have created your ideas This folder will contain handouts from the teacher Assessment: Your Process Journal or Developmental Workbook will be checked twice. Once around the middle of May and for a final mark in the middle of June 2012 The Process journal or DW grade is out of 8.

11 + Criterion D – Personal Engagement This criteria takes into consideration the following: (1) Homework being handed in on time (2) Assignments completed on time (3) General attitude to learning during class and independent practice (4) The quality of work produced (5) The effort shown during Music class (6) Being a proactive learner and contributing to class discussion (7) Help offered to other students (8) Bringing materials and equipment regularly to class

12 + For more information You will get the most out of your Music class if you – Ask questions – If you are serious about your learning Try things for yourself first – Be a risk-taker Look at other students ideas – Share your ideas with others Use your imagination – Be creative. Don’t steal other people’s work Be yourself – With all things, don’t try to be something you’re not Consult the wikipage on VSA cares. Look for Mr Karena’s wiki Print off the material with all of the due dates Understand the assessment rubric

13 + Rock on !!!! If you have any questions, ask – Your Friends Other Music Students Your parents The Music Teacher (Mr Karena)

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