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SpaceInnovation Saar – Crosslinking between Saarland and Space Exploring Opportunities…

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Presentation on theme: "SpaceInnovation Saar – Crosslinking between Saarland and Space Exploring Opportunities…"— Presentation transcript:

1 SpaceInnovation Saar – Crosslinking between Saarland and Space Exploring Opportunities…

2 SpaceInnovation Saar Background Objectives Initiative of the Ministry of Economics and Science Saarland Co-funding of the EU Project Management: Adam Alva Neil, Saarbruecken / Bonn Structured cooperation between regional innovation initiatives in the Saar Region and the space sector in Germany and Europe Utilisation of an integrated platform for project development Creation and activation of new options for cooperation with the space sector Convergence of different high technology sectors (space and clusters) Stimulation and integration of new partners become possible

3 ESA Utilisation ISS Exploration Exploration Technologies SpaceInnovation Saar DLR Innovation Cooperation Network Saar/Space Prime Partner Output Space Industry R&D- Added value Cluster Science R&D Industry Saarland Solutions for space Segment Supply Partner

4 Workscope of SpaceInnovation Saar Evaluation of common fields of interest (Screening) Information management (Project marketing) Project Management Saarbrücken/Bonn Steering Group Networking Identification and selection of common objectives Needs/requirements of space, future space programmes Expertise and competencies from Saarland, cluster oriented Presentation of relevant knowledge bases (Saarland and Space) Distribution of information (, e-mail Newsletter) Customising individual information packages (case by case)

5 Matching Processes Project Pre-development Bilateral and individual contacts organised by project management Organised attendance in trade fairs/symposia (grouping) Workshops with public space entities (DLR/ESA) Stimulation of integrated project teams from space and R&D from Saarland Mediation und coordination between involved parties Moderation of project teams from industry and research (space/non-space) Workshops with space industries

6 Status of the Initiative Paradigm shift – from supplier to trigger for innovation Benefit of partnership Operational since 2006 – Phase 1 (06/07) and Phase 2 (07/09) SpaceInnovation Saar as a best practice-model for convergence activities Case development has priority Experiences demonstrated so far: external innovation attracts interest Spin-in/Spin along enables solutions for technical challenges New paths complement etsablished approaches Strategic (sub institutional) cooperation eases access to space and to industries Partnership on a par (win/win) Aggregation of different players faciliates single project development

7 Project Office c/o Adam Alva Neil St. Johanner Str. 41-43 66111 Saarbrücken Germany Telefon: + 49 681 95 66 24 5 Fax: + 49 681 95 66 20 0 E-Mail: …Realising Opportunities!

8 Next Steps Competences for defined topics Qualifiing of the Saar-Region as Innovation partner Further focus on single cases Broadening of the operational range Consideration of clearly defined needs and innovation for space Qualification of topics through know-how and benchmark applicationen Coordination with cluster structure in the Saar region Software verification, Security/Krypto, Nano/Hygiene, Logistics, Kryo EU-Lisbon-Strategy is an approriate framework Coordination between EU and ESA and national agencies Take an active part in integrated projects e.g. FP7

9 Status of the Initiative (II) Project office established in Saarbrücken Involvement of public space entities (space agencies) Increasing of awareness and presence within space related networks Profiling and positioning of reserach capabilities from the Saar Region Hygiene / nano structured surfaces Intelligent product memory Participation at the Empower Germany Congress and attendance of Th. Reiter


11 Project Team: Adam Alva Neil (Project Management) Peter Buetfering, Harald Kesberg, Karl-Heinz Kottenhahn Barbara Baltsch, Konstantin Arndt Contact: Project Management c/o Adam Alva Neil e.K. St. Johanner Str. 41-43 66111 Saarbruecken Ministry of Economics and Science, Saarbruecken: Dr. Roland Rolles, Daniel Wagner

12 Next Steps Matching Approaches for individual cases ESA Workshop (Paris/Noordwijk tbd.) for SME from Saarland Workshop with space industries and institutes (DLR R&D) Logistics: DFKI + DHL and futher partner Hygiene: Sarastro GmbH Verification/security of software: Verisoft, Absint, Sirrix et. Al. Cryo-Technology: FhG IBMT Ray Tracing-Technology: University of Saarland Presentation of SpaceInnovation Saar at the ISU-Congress Straßburg 2/08 Event with EU at the representative office of the Saarland in Brussels

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