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Welcome, 5 th Graders! Miss DiPinto. About Miss DiPinto This is my fifth year teaching math! Moved from Pennsylvania in July 1 sister and 1 brother (my.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome, 5 th Graders! Miss DiPinto. About Miss DiPinto This is my fifth year teaching math! Moved from Pennsylvania in July 1 sister and 1 brother (my."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome, 5 th Graders! Miss DiPinto

2 About Miss DiPinto This is my fifth year teaching math! Moved from Pennsylvania in July 1 sister and 1 brother (my brother Nick is 11 years old! Not much older than all of you!!) 1 nephew (Jordan is 4 years old) 2 pets (1 dog  Sammy and 1 cat  Moe) I Love Animals! My birthday is January 13 th (Sometimes my birthday is on Friday the 13 th ) Some of my hobbies are: running, snowboarding, bowling, fishing, volleyball and lounging on the beach! I love learning new things and of course teaching mathematics to students like you!

3 Supplies for 5 th Graders #2 Pencils (PLEASE NO MECHANICAL or LIQUID PENCILS) Erasers (Eraser caps are great!) 2 Pens (PLEASE NO BLACK INK) 2 highlighters Colored Pencils or Crayons Glue Stick Pencil Case Four 1” Binders for H.A.B/HW Folder, and pencil case, Math, Literacy, and Science/Social Studies Loose-leaf paper (3-hold punched for each of the three subject binders) 4 packages of 5 dividers with plastic tabs for subject binders 3 Marble Composition Books for Language Arts/Literacy/Writing 4 Pocket Folders for Science, Social Studies, Writing and Spanish 2 Single Subject Spiral Notebooks for Math and Music Class 1-Flash Drive for Computer Class (OPTIONAL) *Please keep in mind that paper, pencils, erasers, pens, glue sticks and highlighters will need to be replenished throughout the year.

4 Code of Conduct 3 Simple Rules 1) Be Respectful Be a good listener Stay seated Use respectful language (no put downs) Respect yourself and others

5 2) Be Responsible Be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings Follow directions the first time given Be organized and prepared Bring all required books and materials to class Complete all homework (should be neat, organized and work shown) Turn all assignments in on time

6 3) Try Your Best Have a spirit of enthusiasm Have a positive attitude and be willing to learn Put forth your best effort

7 Incentives and Consequences Incentives It is important that you respect and follow the classroom rules and procedures on a daily basis. There will be appropriate rewards, as well as consequences for not following the classroom rules and procedures. School Wide Hornet Hundred Program Reward Ticket to be put in a basket for prize drawing Homework Pass Other incentives will be incorporated throughout the year

8 Incentives and Consequences Consequences for Inappropriate Behaviors Warning- Hey, we all make mistakes! Think About It- We will sit and discuss the choices made during class, and how they are not aligned with our Code of Conduct. Write About It- If your actions warrant it, you will write explaining your choices. This will need to be signed by a parent. Talk About It- For severe situations, students will be sent directly to the office to speak with Mrs. Evans

9 Expectations Be Prepared Have all essential materials in class Pencil case with PLENTY of sharpened pencils Pencils should be sharpened each night at home so you are prepared to work as soon as class begins If an EMERGENCY, pencils should be sharpened when entering or before exiting the classroom. Only ONE at a time at the sharpener! Binder with 5 tabs Notebook H.A.B D.E.A.R Book

10 Expectations Homework A) Importance Homework is an essential part of learning, and should be completed every night. It should be well organized, neat and completed in PENCIL !

11 Expectations Homework A) Importance B) Homework Policy Each marking period you will start out with 100% for one of your homework grades. Each assignment not completed, not FULLY completed or work not shown (if necessary), will be considered missed and you will forfeit 5 points. This can really help or hurt! If I do not see your homework by the end of the day it is considered missed. If you miss a homework assignment, I will stamp your H.A.B and it will need to be signed by a parent that night. If you are in school but not in class (band, leaving school early etc.) you are responsible for finding what your homework is and completing your homework. If you are absent because of sickness, etc. you will have the same amount of days that you were absent to complete the homework. Homework should not be started in school or it will be considered missed! (This is your warning)

12 Expectations Absences If you are absent, it is you responsibility to find out what materials you missed. Upon returning back to class, please check the absent folders in the front of the classroom. You may check the folders at the beginning or end of class. No disruptions during instruction please!

13 Procedures Entering Classroom Line up quietly outside of the classroom. Go straight to your seat and take our your H.A.B and your homework. If you missed your homework the night before, I will check that your H.A.B is signed and that you completed the homework. Copy down your homework for the day. Complete the DO NOW for the day. D.E.A.R

14 Procedures Leaving Classroom Double check your homework is written. If you were absent, make sure you check the absent folders in the front of the room. Pack up and sit quietly (make sure you have everything you need) I will dismiss student(s) to the door when I see you are ready, packed and sitting quietly. There will be many days that you will complete an Exit Card. It shows me what you have learned that day. You will put the ticket in your classroom folder on your way out, so please have it handy! The class does not leave the room unless you are in a QUIET, single file line.

15 Procedures Bathroom If it is an absolute emergency the bathroom may only be used at the beginning or end of class. Only one boy and one girl allowed to the bathroom at a time. You are not allowed to leave during instructional time.

16 5 th Grade Class Subjects and Specials Math Science ELA Writing Social Studies Art Computers Music Library Physical Education

17 What will you learn in math this year??? Everything involving decimals and fractions Long Multiplication Long Division Place Value of whole numbers and decimals Area and Volume of 2-D and 3-D figures Measurement (Customary and Metric)

18 Class Goals Learn new math skills, concepts, strategies Discover new interests Make new friends Have fun and support each other

19 Miss DiPinto’s Goals To provide a safe and positive learning environment. To help you learn math concepts to the best of your ability! To help you develop a LOVE for math, or at least like math.. even if it is just a little bit.. I know you can do it! To be there for you if you have any questions, concerns or just want to tell me a story (not during class please! )

20 Communication Questions?? If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me in class! It is better to be safe than sorry! Phone a friend in class or any other student who has me for math! Class web site:

21 Questions?

22 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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