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Zahra & Annika. Allegro Larghetto – A major Gavotte Finale : Molto Vivace SYMPHONY DE CLASSIQUE Written in 1916-1917 Key of D Major 15 minutes – fairly.

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Presentation on theme: "Zahra & Annika. Allegro Larghetto – A major Gavotte Finale : Molto Vivace SYMPHONY DE CLASSIQUE Written in 1916-1917 Key of D Major 15 minutes – fairly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zahra & Annika

2 Allegro Larghetto – A major Gavotte Finale : Molto Vivace SYMPHONY DE CLASSIQUE Written in 1916-1917 Key of D Major 15 minutes – fairly short Mostly staccato

3 Movements I and IV are fast Movements II and III are slow, and dance inspired Similar to Haydn’s compositions Some dissonance at times Tonal basis mostly consistent SYMPHONY DE CLASSIQUE

4 SERGEI PROKOFIEV CHILDHOOD/STUDIES April 23 rd, 1891 Sontsovka, rural Ukraine (then part of the Russian Empire). Only child First opera’s seen in 1899-1900, Moscow & St. Petersburg When he returns, he writes an opera: libretto and music together Composition lessons in 1902-1903 from Reinhold Gliere Advanced Student at Moscow Conservatory Went on to study at the St. Petersburg Conservatory Graduates in 1914, with a prize for his 1 st piano concerto

5 WWI Returns to the St. Petersburg Conservatory to escape a draft Studied organ During this time, composed the opera “The Gambler” Supposed to premiere Feb/March Bolshevik Revolution – overthrew Tsar Nicholas Premiere was put off St. Petersburg becomes dangerous, Prokofiev leaves for Caucasus Here he composed Symphony Classique Returns to St. Petersburg in 1918, for the premiere SERGEI PROKOFIEV

6 ABROAD 1918-1919 goes abroad to America, to escape violence in Russia The public mostly disliked him Chicago: more positive, commissioned by Chicago Opera Music Director During this time he wrote “Love for three oranges” Head to Europe 1920-1922 Premiered two operas in Paris, successful, bringing him fame Moved to a town in the Bavarian Alps Marries Spanish girl Lina Llubera Has two sons Writes 2 very successful ballet’s – The steel step and The Prodigal Son Discouraged by public reactions to most of his works SERGEI PROKOFIEV

7 1924: registers as a soviet citizen Abides by soviet policies on music/art Doesn’t return to Russia for good until 1936 Writes a Ballet for Romeo and Juliet Wrote music to celebrate socialist Russia Some music was held back because it painted a bad picture of Germans (this was during the non-aggression pact with Russia and Germany) Leaves Moscow during WWII Dies March 5 th, 1953 Death goes unreported for a week Only 40 people show up to his funeral SERGEI PROKOFIEV

8 Born: June 13, 1905 Fanyu, Guangdong Works: Two symphonies Violin concerto Four large-scale choral works Nearly 300 songs An opera Many essays about musical theory Died: October 30, 1945 XIAN XINGHAI

9 Violin at age 20 Nicknamed “Chicken Killer” 1934: first Chinese student in the senior composition class of the Paris Music Academy Music was a revolutionary tool for him 1935: went back to China XIAN XINGHAI AND MUSIC

10 Without pay Revive Thunderstorm Sunrise and Midnight Song Later, went to Yan'an BACK IN CHINA

11 Place of artistic peak No pianos Dean of the Music Department at the Luxun Conservatory of Music Composed great works in Yan’an 1939: composed The Yellow River Cantata IN YAN’AN

12 HUANG HE (YELLOW RIVER) “Symbol of Chinese defiance against the Japanese invaders”

13 Six days Cave Anti-Japanese War 7 movements Traditional melodies THE YELLOW RIVER CANTATA


15 Yellow River Boatmen's Song Ode to the Yellow River Wrath of the Yellow River Defend the Yellow River “Prepared in 1969 by a collective of musicians, from Xian's 1939 cantata of the same name.” THE YELLOW RIVER PIANO CONCERTO

16 1940: Soviet Union –full-length documentary background music Hard life Rescued by girl in Soviet Union Girl became wife October 30, 1945: died of pulmonary disease 40 years old AFTER YELLOW RIVER CANTATA

17 MAAJ MAAJ a&hs=6n&sa=X&tbo=d&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&biw=1525&bih=741&tbm=isch&tbnid=rnDZkTNLZRUgvM:&i mgrefurl= BEIvF8M&imgurl= w=500&h=296&ei=ayfRUKG1Nab8igKt7YGQCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx =386&vpy=284&dur=941&hovh=173&hovw=292&tx=135&ty=96&sig=111 250019564682704826&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=226&start=0&ndsp=29&v ed=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:117 a&hs=6n&sa=X&tbo=d&rls=org.mozilla:en- US:official&biw=1525&bih=741&tbm=isch&tbnid=rnDZkTNLZRUgvM:&i mgrefurl= BEIvF8M&imgurl= w=500&h=296&ei=ayfRUKG1Nab8igKt7YGQCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx =386&vpy=284&dur=941&hovh=173&hovw=292&tx=135&ty=96&sig=111 250019564682704826&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=226&start=0&ndsp=29&v ed=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:117 sergei?gclid=CIq7oPjIpbQCFQmCQgodPjIAOw sergei?gclid=CIq7oPjIpbQCFQmCQgodPjIAOw WORKS CITED

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