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PETA vs. Pilgrim’s Pride & KFC

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1 PETA vs. Pilgrim’s Pride & KFC
Jennifer derden Maria escuela RachAel evelti Collins Fielder

2 Background An undercover investigator for the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) installed a hidden video camera which recorded various incidents of animal abuse by employees at a Pilgrim's Pride chicken processing plant in West Virginia. The PETA investigator saw "hundreds" of acts of cruelty including workers tearing beaks off, ripping a bird's head off to write graffiti in blood."

3 Key Players People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Undercover “Employee” Pilgrim’s Pride O.B. Goolsby President & COO Yum Brands Parent company to KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Bonnie Warschauer Director of Public Relations Dr. Temple Grandin Member of animal welfare advisory board The New York Times Donald McNeil, Jr.


5 Problem On July 20, 2004 a article was released in The New York Times
KFC & Pilgrim’s Pride were being accused of the mistreatment of chickens at a Pilgrim’s Pride plant in Moorefield, West Virginia An undercover PETA investigator posed as an employee at the plant & captured hours worth of hidden video footage of the abuse to chickens Pilgrim’s Pride and KFC released immediate responses to the footage and toke immediate action to fix the problem

6 KFC Response KFC issued an immediate response to the Pilgrim’s Pride incident. KFC’s statement stated termination of business with Pilgrim’s Pride until could “definitively assure us there are absolutely no abuses taking place” (127). Dr. Grandin, trained by animal welfare was hired to monitor activity. KFC President Gregg Dedrick, called for installation of security cameras in Moorefield plant. KFC’s statement included that KFC was committed to the humane treatment of animals.

7 Pilgrims Pride actions
In April 2004, an anonymous report was made about poultry mistreatment which lead the case to be reopened. In July 2004, Pilgrim’s Pride issued their initial response upon hearing about the story being published in the New York Times In July 2004 Pilgrim’s Pride launched an investigation hearing about PETA’s video. President and chief operating officer Goolsby noted that certain employees were being suspended and thoroughly investigated and ultimately terminated. Production was stopped affecting 25 plants that handled animals. Employees were required to review and sign the animal welfare policy. Task force to ensure the animal welfare was created. Pilgrim’s Pride hired leading expert in the field of animal welfare to review their animal welfare practices.

8 Pilgrim’s pride response
Follow-up response on August 3, 2004 confirming the anonymous report in April 2004: “At that time, we promptly stopped production, addressed the allegations, and communicated the severity of these allegations to our employees, making it clear tot them that any such behavior would result in immediate termination… It is important to note that the “investigator” worked at Pilgrim’s Pride Moorefield plant for more than eight months, from mid-September to May 2004, and claims to have taken several hours of videotape. However, he chose to withhold this videotaped evidence from Pilgrim’s Pride management until last month. Additionally, the anonymous hotline report was not made until April 29, one day before the “investigator” showed up for work for the last time on April 30…Had he presented the additional videotape earlier, corrective and disciplinary actions would have been taken many months ago, and chickens would have been spared from the suffering the types of abuses shown in the video.” (127)

9 PETA response Boycott of Kentucky Fried Chicken called: Kentucky Fried Cruelty. Letters sent to Pilgrim’s Pride chairman, KFC’s executive officer, prosecuting attorney, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Free vegetarian starter kits Information on animal rights projects Kentucky Fried Cruelty website

10 Media coverage Newspaper (New York Times)
TV News stations (ABC, CBS, CNN) PETA’s website KFC homepage

11 Media perspectives CNN, ABC and NBC all cautioned viewers before airing the footage shown on July 20, 2004. All networks reported that the treatment of the chickens was shocking and appalling. ABC’s Ned Potter made his opinion very obvious by saying, “It’s a far cry from the way the industry says things are supposed to be done.”

12 New york times The New York Times provided the most information about the case by supplying statements released by Pilgrim’s Pride and PETA. PETA and Pilgrim’s Pride had a disagreement because PETA had an undercover agent and knew the abuse was happening. Pilgrim’s Pride says that the agent didn’t inform them, but PETA says that the agent told the supervisor twice and claimed the supervisor knew it was happening.

13 Consequences Humane Methods of Slaughter Act: It did not cover poultry so it wasn’t certain if any federal laws were broken. However, the USDA issued a notice to poultry slaughterhouses that live poultry has to be handled humanely. The 11 employees that were accused of abuse were terminated but no criminal charges were filed.

14 Public relations KFC purchased 15% of the Moore field facility's product so not only is this affecting Pilgrim's reputation but clearly KFC's as well. Both KFC AND Pilgrim's Pride took the right approach on this crisis and communicated with the public very effectively. Pilgrim's Pride launched a statement in efforts to save KFC from criticism and KFC launched a statement saying they would terminate business with the Moorefield plant until Pilgrim's Price could "definitively assure us there are absolutely no abuses taking place."

15 Discussion questions What crisis communication concepts and practices were used in this situation? In this situation, one concept that was used was Repentance, If you look on page 114, the definition is " an organization fully accepts responsibility for the situation and offers to change its practices that led to the situation." Pilgrim's Pride did this by immediately releasing a statement stating " they issued a stop production order affecting 25 plants that handled live animals, directing that every employee in every shift would review their previously-established animal welfare polices and practices." Analyze the communication responses of Pilgrim's Pride and KFC during the initial phase of the crisis. Which one was more effective? Why? In my opinion, I think they both had very effective communication responses because they both issued statements immediately after the videos were released. Both organizations put the public first and that is really important in crisis communication.Not only did they address the media quickly, but the statements were filled with many ways they would go about fixing the issue.

16 Discussion questions What role does risk communication play in this situation? What might have prevented this crisis from developing in the first place? Risk communication played a major role in this situation. If KFC and Pilgrim’s Pride had done more research, they may have been able to avoid the situation and end it at an earlier state. After the video was released, both companies did a great job with getting a good response out in a timely manner and making sure it had enough information to let the public know their side of the story without being disrespectful. The internet played a major role in this incident. Explain how Pilgrim’s Pride, KFC, and PETA used their websites to communicate. Would you do anything differently? Why? During the situation, each party used websites to continually get information to the public. They released statements, videos, and had links to items that helped their side win the publics opinion. The companies handle the situation very well with giving full access to information through multiple channels. I would not have done anything differently. I feel that the companies handle the situation as best as possible.

17 Discussion questions PETA has been criticized as being too sensational and distorting the truth at times. What is your impression of its web communication tactics? The Pilgrim’s Pride incident gave PETA the perfect opportunity to expand their organization’s beliefs. PETA saw this opportunity to promote animal rights, becoming a vegetarian, and continue boycotting KFC. They did abuse KFC and involved the company in a scandal which they were not a part of. I personally think PETA took advantage of the situation to promote themselves. Was it right for an undercover PETA investigator to stand by while animal abuse was taking place? How do you think PETA justified this action? The undercover PETA investigator should have reported the chicken abuse the moment it was discovered. The videotape of the abuse did make an impact on viewers, but it should have been reported instantly. I think PETA justified this action by exposing the Pilgrim’s Pride employees who were eventually terminated. PETA might also justify their actions by considering the chickens that were saved from this abuse because of their actions.

18 Discussion questions Should organizations and activists attempt to resolve their differences in ways other than those illustrated by Pilgrim’s Pride case? What role should public relations play in this effort? I think it was acceptable for PETA to go after Pilgrim’s Pride. They were abusing animals and that needed to be exposed to the public. However, PETA should have made sure they didn’t have anything negative on their side, such as the investigator that saw the abuse happening. The PR companies that are representing each company should find out all the information about the case that they can. Statements to the public need to be frequently made. Pilgrim’s Pride and KFC should issue apologies and automatic firing of the employees needs to happen. Many activists and protest groups use visual communication to get their point across. Provide some examples of effective visual communication used in protest events. Photographs, signs, films, parades

19 Sources BBC News . (2004, July 22). KFC supplier probes poultry abuse. Retrieved from BBC News Americas: Dawn, P. S. (2004, July 25). Echoes of Abu Ghraib in Chicken Slaughterhouse. Retrieved from Los Angles Times : Jr., D. G. (2004, July 20). KFC Supplier Accused of Animal Cruelty. Retrieved from The New York Times : Kentucky Fried Cruelty . (2004). Industry Response. Retrieved from Kentucky Fried Cruelty Undercover Investigations : Kentucky Fried Crulety. (2004, July ). Thousands of Chickens Tortured by KFC Supplier. Retrieved from Kentucky Fried Crulety Undercover Investigations :

20 Sources Louisville Business First . (2004, July 20). KFC responds to secretly taped PETA video. Retrieved from Louisville Business First : Murphy, J. (2004, July 22). Taped Cruelty Leads To Firings. Retrieved from CBS News : The New York Times . (2004, July 22). Poultry Processor Fires Workers for Abuse. Retrieved from The New York Times : USA Today . (2004, July 20). PETA video shows chicken abuse at KFC supplier. Retrieved from USA Today Money : Wyld, A. (2005, December 30). PETA staffer legally changes name to Retrieved from USA Today :

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