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Ultracold Neutrons as Probes for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations A.R.Young NCState University.

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Presentation on theme: "Ultracold Neutrons as Probes for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations A.R.Young NCState University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ultracold Neutrons as Probes for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillations A.R.Young NCState University

2 What are ultracold neutrons? An N-Nbar experiment with ultracold neutrons Some source development background sources of UCN and achievable limits “Staged approaches” to N-Nbar experiments and opportunities for creativity Outline

3 Another Possibility: Ultracold Neutrons? UCN : K.E. < V Fermi ≤ 340 neV reflect, for any angle of incidence, from some material surfaces→can be stored for times comparable to the β-decay lifetime in material bottles! Materials with high V Fermi : Diamond-like carbon → V F ≤ 300 neV 58 Ni →V F ≤ 340 neV A number of very strong UCN sources are coming on line in the next 5-6 years

4 Another way of thinking about it… The UCN experiences an effective potential, U eff, due to its interaction with nuclei on the surface… If the kinetic energy of the UCN is less than the effective potential barrier at the surface, the UCN will be reflected for any angle of incidence… One can store UCN in material bottles for minutes at a time!

5 Energy of UCN moving 8 m/sec: 340 neV (nano-eV)  3.6 mK Energy of UCN in 1T magnetic field:  60 neV Energy change associated with a 1 m rise: 104 neV →implications for optimized design of N-Nbar… UCN can be polarized and stored using magnetic fields Typical UCN can bounce no higher than about 3m! UCN Energy Scales

6 UCN Experiments Have a Unique Feel… Rotating Tube = UCN Energy Spectrometer! Courtesy of E. Korobkina Giant “Kettle” to measure lifetime: Kettle rotated to pour UCN out in stages.. Lifetime Experiment (courtesy of A. Serebrov)

7 NNbar with UCN Box filled with UCN gas…many samples/neutron longer average flight times (~1/3 sec) large neutron current required hadron tracking and calorimeter n amplitude sampled when UCN hits surface magnetic shielding outer detector and muon veto vacuum vessel

8 Pros and Cons Advantages: No long, shielded beamline required: more compact Sources soon available: much less expensive Same ability to turn “on” and “off” effect w/magnetic field Almost “hermetic” detection of annhilation events Disadvantages: Limits less stringent than those obtained with CN beam geometry

9 Possible UCN sources ILL: 3x10 6 UCN/s available now Potentially competitive SD 2 sources: –PULSTAR reactor w/ 3.5 MW upgrade: 1.2x10 7 UCN/s –PSI (10-20 kW spallation target– 1 MW peak): 5x10 9 in close- coupled storage volume, every 4 to 8 minutes; operation in 2011 –FRM II reactor (24 MW): perhaps 4×10 7 UCN/s; begin operation roughly 2012 (project funded 2007) LHe superthermal sources –TRIUMF (5-10 kW spallation target; 50 kW peak): 5x10 7 UCN/s –Dedicated 1.9K source (200 kW): 3.3x10 8 UCN/s

10 Solid Deuterium: UCN Source Development Development of the UCNA solid deuterium source at LANL A follow-up: the PULSTAR solid deuterium source on NCSU campus

11 SD 2 Source Development: UCNA First angular correlations in polarized n beta-decay using UCN (P effectively 100%, negl. n backgrounds) First experiment to implement a spallation-driven SD 2 source and understand lifetime of UCN in SD 2 –High production rate in SD 2, but UCN lifetime relatively short –5K operation, large heat cap makes cryogenics straightforward Beta-spectrometer 4 kW spallation source shielding Area B of LANSCE 2010: g A /g v ArXiv:1007.3790v1

12 California Institute of Technology R. Carr, B. Filippone, K. Hickerson, J. Liu, M. Mendenhall, R. Schmid, B. Tipton, J. Yuan Institute Lau-Langevin P. Geltenbort Idaho State University R. Rios, E. Tatar Los Alamos National Laboratory J. Anaya, T. J. Bowles (co-spokesperson), R. Hill, G. Hogan, T. Ito, K. Kirch, S. Lamoreaux, M. Makela, R. Mortenson, C. L. Morris, A. Pichlmaier, A. Saunders, S. Seestrom, W. Teasdale North Carolina State University/TUNL/Princeton H. O. Back, L. Broussard, A. T. Holley, R. K. Jain, C.-Y. Liu, R. W. Pattie, K. Sabourov, D. Smith, A. R. Young (co-spokesperson), Y.-P. Xu Texas A&M University D. Melconian University of Kentucky B. Plaster University of Washington A. Garcia, S. Hoedl, A. Sallaska, S. Sjue, C. Wrede University of Winnipeg J. Martin Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University R. R. Mammei, M. Pitt, R. B. Vogelaar UCNA Collaboration Students in green Underlined students from TUNL

13 SD 2 source (primary construction finished 2004, first real tests 2005) How does this work? Pre-polarizer magnet/Al foil assembly – funded through LDRD Polarizer AFP magnet – funded through NSF MRI Spectrometer – funded through NSF MRI Possible analyzer magnet – availability/funding not yet determined Cryogenic plant Major-System Status:

14 Loading the Decay Volume: SD 2 source facility 2005: no decays replaced horizontal guides w/ SS 2006: 2 s -1 current: <1 μ A →2μA, improved flapper 2007: 6 s -1 current: →4μA, source volume 2l 2008: 15 s -1 guides changed to DLC-coated EP Cu, geom C 2009: >30 s -1 new target and improved upstream of AFP 2010: <60 s -1 Solid deuterium source Looks promising! Equivalent to typical ILL expt! Only source of extracted UCN in the US

15 150 x 70 mm ID coated tube UCN Source and Transport Prototype source set world record for UCN production Developed polarization preserving diamondlike carbon-coated guide tubes 95% transmission per meter – some of the best guides available

16 PhD Thesis: Chen-Yu Liu C. L. Morris et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 272501 (2002) confirmed: F. Atchison et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 182502 (2005) A. Saunders et al., Phys. Lett. B 593, 55 (2004) confirmed: F. Atchison et al., Phys. Rev. C. 71, 054601 (2005) Liquid N 2 Be reflector Solid D 2 (5K) 77 K poly Tungsten Target 58 Ni coated stainless guide UCN Detector Flapper valve LHe SS UCN Bottle 5 K poly  UCN → 145 ± 7 UCN/cm 3  para = 1.2 ±.14 (stat) ±.20 (syst) ms Key UCNA SD 2 Prototype Results Diamondlike Carbon Films 300 neV >V fermi > 270 neV, specularity > 99%, lpb < 10 -4 PhD Thesis: Mark Makela Recent update: C.-Y. Liu et al., ArXiv:1005.1016v1

17 Technical Aside on Production Using SD 2 as a generic example: The UCN production rate from cold neutrons with energy E ’ is proportional to Favors low Debye T materials with good overlap with CN distribution (T  20 – 30 K) Favors low mass species

18 Cold neutrons downscatter in the solid deuterium, giving up almost all their energy, becoming UCNs UCN guide or bottle Solid Deuterium at 5K Cold Neutrons (CN) UCN Production CN UCN Phonon Inelastic scattering is dominated (He and ortho- Deuterium) by interactions with phonons

19 Achieving the Limiting Density UCNs accumulate until the destruction rate in the source (N ucn /  ) = the production rate ( R ) N ucn /  = R N ucn = R  Lifetime of UCNs in source, is a critical parameter in the establishment of large UCN densities At this point, volume of bottle is full of UCNs with density N ucn

20 Superthermal Source Candidates He has (by far) longest absorption time: high densities accessible D 2 has larger cross-sections: higher production rates accessible (good for flow-through experiments, such as the one we plan for LANL) Need very low neutron capture cross-sections!

21 Measured for the first time: UCN lifetime in SD 2  para = 1.2 ±.14 (stat) ±.20 (syst) Prototype Source Key Results C. L. Morris et al., PRL, in press.PhD Thesis: Chen-Yu Liu

22 Compare to previous record for bottled UCN of 41 UCN/cm 3 (at ILL) Very high densities achieved

23 PULSTAR Source Collaboration NCState Physics Department: R. Golub, P. Huffman, A. R. Young and graduate students, C. Cottrell, G. R. Palmquist, Y.-P. Xu NCState Nuclear Engineering Department: B. W. Wehring, A. Hawari, E. Korobkina PULSTAR technical staff A. Cook, K. Kincaid, G. Wicks H. Gao T. Clegg (weak interactions res.) Local research groups with overlapping interests:

24 NCSU PULSTAR Source Schematic 1 MW (funding for 2 MW upgr) Floodable Helium Nose Port Heavy Water Thermal Moderator 58 Ni-coated guides UCN extracted from SD 2 = 3×10 6 UCN/s

25 The geometry : How do we model transport?

26 Preliminary results for base case (annhilation det eff = 1, 1 year running): NCState geometry, 4 cm thick SD2, 18 cm guides, 0.050s SD 2 lifetime, model storable UCN Primary flux: 1.2 x 10 7 (below 305 neV) -- 3.5 MW Box loading efficiency: 30% 325s avg. residency in experiment Best case: diffuse walls, specular floor discovery potential = 2.3x10 9 Ns τ nn > 1.1x10 8 s

27 “straightforward gains” –4 years of running τ nn > 2.2x10 8 s “speculative gains” –Multiple reflections (x1-4) Serebrov and Fomin; coherent n amplitude enhancement (x2) Golub and Yoshiki –Compound parabolic concentrators in floor –Optimized, higher “m” wall coatings –Solid oxygen source (C.-Y. Liu) –Solid nitrogen source (interesting!) –Larger vessel (requires modifications to facility) Ultimate Reach with PULSTAR

28 The Solid Deuterium Source at PSI Total beam power 10 kW: 540 MeV beam 2mA 1% duty cycle (8s/800s) Commissioning runs began Dec. 2010 Limiting densities about 1000 UCN/cm 3

29 Mode of operation: beam pulsed w/ valve open, then valve closed and UCN stored in system (can, in principle, accumulate) Systematic studies of the PSI UCN source optimized for NNbar by A. Serebrov and V. Fomin



32 Masuda: scaling RCNP He Source Operating a prototype at the RCNP – basis for TRIUMF source 390 W spallation target 4x10 4 UCN/s Surprise: UCN lifetime still > 1s at 2K! Makes high pressure, subcooled He source possible T < 0.9 K BUT

33 At 200 kW (CW), have 100 W of gamma heating (from MCNP) subcooled superfluid He at 1.8-1.9 K in source two-phase driven flow to refrigerator/liquifier… should be possible! Shielding scheme can increase volume

34 Comparison (4y expt) PULSTAR (1.0 MW): τ nn > 1.3x10 8 s PULSTAR (3.5 MW), optimized: τ nn > 2.2x10 8 s SuperK: τ nn > 2.7x10 8 s FRM II: τ nn > 4x10 8 s (perhaps more) TRIUMF: τ nn > 4.5x10 8 s PSI: τ nn > 6.1x10 8 s 1.9K Superfluid He: τ nn > 1.2x10 9 s Vertical CN beam: τ nn > 3.5x10 9 s These are very Interesting!

35 Staged Approach? (1)Develop UCN experiment: Couple 10-20l LHe volume to cold source 1.9K, high pressure, superfluid UCN converter with mixed phase coupling to cryogenics Modernize detector approach Either reactor or spallation target possible (2) Construct shielded beamline and perform CN experiment Keep cold source and detector modules Perhaps also keep UCN converter is slower component of neutrons useful (vertical geom)

36 Creativity? For UCN experiment –CPC arrays to increase average flight time –Static fields to produce multi-bounce enhancements –New source materials ( 15 N) For CN experiment –Make staged experiment –Use UCN in source for vertical geometry

37 Intensity “frontier” for CN sources ~1 MW →0.75 MW already demonstrated at the SINQ cold source 100 kW target operated at Los Alamos (LANSCE) →Compatible with both cold and ultracold NNbar experiments (shielding approach required for UCN) →Results in even greater sensitivity improvements!

38 Motivation is strong for NN Modest improvements (at least) in the free neutron oscillation time possible at various existing or planned UCN sources Stronger planned sources could be utilized for significant improvements in sensitivity to NN-bar oscillations The vertical CN source geometry appears to be the most sensitive approach, however it may be possible to adopt a staged approach to experimental development with significant improvements at each step! Conclusions

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