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5/29. Agenda Missing A LOT of questions Go over process Work Time No Weekly Reflections End Goal: Understand your own personal goals for Extended Essay.

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Presentation on theme: "5/29. Agenda Missing A LOT of questions Go over process Work Time No Weekly Reflections End Goal: Understand your own personal goals for Extended Essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 5/29

2 Agenda Missing A LOT of questions Go over process Work Time No Weekly Reflections End Goal: Understand your own personal goals for Extended Essay and be able to communicate them.

3 Extended Essay What are you trying to prove?!!?!

4 Organization It is best to think about sections, not paragraphs Think: What do you need to define? What do you need to show? How are you going to do that?

5 Outline Drafts Friday – Bare First Draft It can change as you do more research and read more books September – Completed and Detailed Final Draft You should be able to jump right in to the writing and editing process

6 Draft Intro Thesis Why is this topic important? Section Breakdown 1 Main Point of Evidence Section Breakdown 2 Main Point of Evidence Section Breakdown 3 Main Point of Evidence Section Breakdown 4 Main Point of Evidence Conclusion What is the answer to your question

7 Example Compare and contrast Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird and Holden Caufield from Catcher in the Rye. Evaluate which one is more courageous.

8 Example. Intro Important – two great pieces of lit Atticus/Holden – similar Atticus is more courageous Section 1 Definition of courageous Section 2 Similarities (Character Traits) Section 3 Differences (Character Traits) Section 4 Situations where they showed courage Conclusion Atticus and Holden are more similar than different Atticus is more courageous

9 Outline Friday – Bare Outline Due I just want to see evidence that you have a plan, that you know what you are doing, and that you have not been wasting time over the past month.

10 Next Week Monday – Work Day Tues – Nat Science Wed – Nat Science Thurs – Wrap Up Nat Science Friday – Library Day Monday 6/8 and Tuesday 6/9 – Final Exam 6/10, 6/11, 6/12 – Practice for TOK Essay

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