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1 General Structural Equation (LISREL) Models Week 1 Class #3.

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1 1 General Structural Equation (LISREL) Models Week 1 Class #3

2 2 Today’s class: Solution to covariance algebra homework Solution to covariance algebra homework Brief discussion on scaling and reference indicators Brief discussion on scaling and reference indicators IDENTIFICATION of models (major topic for today) IDENTIFICATION of models (major topic for today) A look at AMOS model (homework) A look at AMOS model (homework)

3 3 Solutions to covariance algebra exercise: COV(X1,X2) COV(X3,X4) VAR(X6)

4 4 COV(X1,X2) Relevant equations: X1 = LV1 + e1 X2 = b1 LV1 + e2 COV(X1,X2) = COV(LV1 + E1, b1LV1+ e2) = COV(LV1,b1 LV1) + COV(E1,b1 LV1) + COV(LV1, e2) + COV(e1,e2) = b1 COV(LV1,LV1) = b1 VAR(LV1)

5 5 COV(X3,X4) Relevant equations: X3 =b3 LV1 + e3 X4 =b4 LV2 + e4 LV2 = b6 LV1 + d1 COV(X3,X4) = COV( b3 LV1 + e3, b4 LV2 + e4) = cov (b3 LV1 + e3, b4 {b6 LV1 + d1} + e4) = COV(b3 LV1, b4 b6 LV1) + COV(b3 LV1,d1) + COV(b3 LV1,e4) + COV (e3,b4 b6LV1) + COV(e3,d1) + COV(e3,e4) [ orange=0] = b3 b4 b6 COV(LV1,LV1) = b3 b4 b6 VAR(LV1)

6 6 VAR(X6) Relevant equations: X6 = LV2 + e6 LV2 = b6 LV1 + d1 COV(X6,X6) = COV(LV2 + e6, LV2 + e6) = COV (b6 LV1 + d1 + e6, b6 LV1 + d1 + e6) =COV (b6 LV1, b6 LV1) + COV(d1,d1) + COV(e6,e6) [all other terms drop out!] = b6 2 VAR(LV1) + VAR(D1) + VAR(e6)

7 7 REPRODUCED COVARIANCES What have we been doing with our covariance exercises, and why? Given model parameters: a) structural equation coefficients b) variances of exogenous variables (LVs, manifest var’s that are completely exogenous + errors) c) covariances among exogenous variables

8 8 Given model parameters: a) structural equation coefficients b) variances of exogenous variables (LVs, manifest var’s that are completely exogenous + errors) c) covariances among exogenous variables We can estimate the covariances of the observed variables. COV (hat)SIGMA (more properly Sigma – hat) Reproduced covariances Implied covariances Σ

9 9 Given model parameters We can estimate the covariances of the observed variables. Σ(θ) [hat] - we will use symbol Σ Observed covariances: S S – Σ  we seek to find a set of parameter estimates which minimizes this “Fit function” (expression of S – Σ) ML fit function is: log |Σ| + tr (S Σ -1 ) – log |S| - qq=no. of manifest var’s Note that when Σ = S exactly, F ml = 0 A test of significance (χ 2 ) is based on F ml (N-1)*F ml

10 10 “Fit function” (expression of S – Σ) ML fit function is: log |Σ| + tr (S Σ -1 ) – log |S| - qq=no. of manifest var’s Fit funct. b1  Simplest case: One parameter model solution Iterative methods required: “guess” b1, then take derivative of F with respect to b1 to determine whether solution has higher or lower value of b1.

11 11 Degrees of freedom in a model: Number of observed variances/covariances minus the number of parameters 4 manifest variables: k=4 (k+1)(k) / 2 variances/covariances = 10 8 manifest variables (8+1)(8)/2 = 36

12 12 # of parameters: VAR(X1) VAR(X2) VAR(e3) VAR(e4) b1, b2, b3 COV(X1,X2) Total = 8 Number of degrees of freedom in this model = 2 Some testable assumptions in this model: X1  X4 (direct path) = 0 X2  X3 (direct path) = 0

13 13 Model parameters: VAR(X1) VAR(X2) VAR(e3) VAR(e4) b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 COV(X1,X2) Total = 10 Model df=0 When df=0, Σ = S exactly (at proper solution for parameters θ) When df>0, generally Σ ≠ S (the closer they are to each other, the better the “fit” of the model)

14 14 It is possible to have models with insufficient information to (uniquely) estimate parameters df < 0 Some examples:

15 15 Identification A model is identified if there is sufficient information to uniquely estimate parameters A model is over-identified if more than sufficient A model is just-identified if df=0 & just enough information A model is under-identified if there is insufficient information

16 16 Identification It is possible to have a model that has positive degrees of freedom, yet is under-identified

17 17 Identification If a model has negative degrees of freedom, it will be under-identified df≥0 is a necessary condition (sometimes referred to as the “t-rule”)  Not, however, a sufficient condition

18 18 Identification Identification status of a 3-indicator latent variable model: Parameters: VAR(F1) * VAR(E1) VAR(E2)*one of VAR(E3)these must b1 *be fixed b2 *to 1.0 b3 * Empirical covariances, variances: 6 Parameters: 6 df=0 Three-indicator rule

19 19 Three indicator rule Latent variable (factor) model with 3 indicators will be identified Sufficient condition *  * subject to note below All 3 coefficients must be non-trivial.  If one is very close to 0, then the model reduces to a 2-indicator model

20 20 What if only 2 indicators? VAR(F1) VAR(E1) VAR(E2) b1 B2 5 parameters Fixing one of VAR(F1), b1 or b2 to 1.0 reduces # of parameters to 4 3 variances & covariances VAR(X1) COV(X1,X2) VAR(X2) Under-identified! df= -1

21 21 What if 4 indicators? Parameters: b1,b2,b3,b4 VAR(L1) * one fixed to 1.0 VAR(e1) VAR(e2) VAR(e3) VAR(e4) Total = 8 With 4 manifest variables, we have 10 empirical variances and covariances df = 2 Over-identified

22 22 What if 4 indicators? df = 2 Over-identified Does this mean we can/should just toss out one of the manifest variables? When a model is over-identified, we can test assumptions (with df=0, no testable assumptions) Some examples of assumptions: Cov(e1,e2) = 0 Cov(e2,e4) = 0

23 23 What if 4 indicators? Implications of adding cov(e1,e2): Originally estimated b1, b2 too strong; some of covariance between X1 and X2 is not due to F1 but due to some extraneous factor.

24 24 Does this mean we must throw out variables with fewer than 3 indicators? No, but to include these variables in the model, we have to make stronger assumptions, and these assumptions are not themselves testable.

25 25 Does this mean we must throw out variables with fewer than 3 indicators? Single indicator variables This model is under-identified Parameters: VAR(LV1) b1 VAR(e1) Even fixing b1 =1.0 2 parameters, 1 variance. One possible solution: impose constraints Fix b1 = 1.0 Fix VAR(e1) = 0 ! Implies perfect measurement Now, VAR(LV1) = VAR(X1)

26 26 Does this mean we must throw out variables with fewer than 3 indicators? Single indicator variables One possible solution: impose constraints Fix b1 = 1.0 Fix VAR(e1) = 0 ! Implies perfect measurement Now, VAR(LV1) = VAR(X1) LV1 now used as predictor of other variables in model

27 27 Does this mean we must throw out variables with fewer than 3 indicators? Single indicator variables LV1 now used as predictor of other variables in model Above model reduces to this. Most software packages will allow single-indicator estimation without the need to explicitly define b1=1.0, var(e1)=0 etc.

28 28 Does this mean we must throw out variables with fewer than 3 indicators? Single indicator variables While the constraints b1=1.0, VAR(e1) = 0 are common, other constraints are possible. For example, it might be more reasonable to assume 20% measurement error as opposed to 0%.

29 29 Single indicator models with assumed (non-zero) error variances. Find out what the total variance of the manifest variable is (e.g., look at the variance-covariance matrix of manifest variables, which is usually available on printouts) If the variance of variable v239 is 2.4, and you wish to assume 20% measurement error, then the variance of the error term will be set to.20 x 2.4 = 0.48.

30 30 Single indicator models with assumed (non-zero) error variances. If the variance of variable v239 is 2.4, and you wish to assume 20% measurement error, then the variance of the error term will be set to.20 x 2.4 = 0.48. In AMOS, right- click on circled error term, then enter object properties

31 31 If 2 indicators… Model is under-identified BUT we could impose constraints:  Force b1=b2 (we haven’t learned how to do this in the software packages yet though) This is only appropriate if the 2 indicators have the same variance  Force var(e1) = var(e2) This is only appropriate if the 2 indicators have the same variance

32 32 If 2 indicators… we could impose constraints:  Force b1=b2 (we haven’t learned how to do this in the software packages yet though) This is only appropriate if the 2 indicators have the same variance  Force var(e1) = var(e2) This is only appropriate if the 2 indicators have the same variance The variance constraint implies an assumption that the 2 indicators have the same reliability (this assumption not testable), but at least we are able to estimate what this reliability (R 2 in measurement equations) is If variances of manifest variables unequal, we must impose a more complex constraint:  Example: VAR(X1) = 1.0 VAR(X2) = 4.0  Constraint: Var(e1) * 4 = Var(e2) ** (difficult with AMOS)  OR, we could adjust the variance of X2 before using it in the model (this could be accomplished by mean-centering the variable and dividing values by 2 in an SPSS RECODE statement)

33 33 More on 2-indicator models Parameters: Var(e1) var(e2) var(e3) var(e4) b1, b2 VAR(F1) VAR(F2) COV(f1,f2) 9 parameters Empirical variances/covariances: 10 Despite the fact that this is a 2-indicator model, it IS identified! TWO INDICATOR RULE

34 34 More on 2-indicator models BEWARE: ONLY This works ONLY if COV(F1,F2) is non-zero. If COV(F1,F2) = 0, then this reduces to 2 under-identified 1 LV/2 indicator models. BEWARE! BEWARE! Two-indicator models relying on the 2-indicator rule for identification (no other constraints) become unstable long before COV (F1,F2) reduces to 0. As a rule, look for covariances with standardized values of at least 0.30 before accepting models based on this principle.

35 35 Causal models (construct equations) RECURSIVE RULE: Recursive models are identified (sufficient condition) T-rule: Necessary but not sufficient A non-recursive model: Is it identified?

36 36 Causal models (construct equations) THE RANK CONDITION: We now construct a matrix in which the row represents endogenous variables, and the columns represent both endogenous and exogenous variables: X4X3X1X2 X31,11,21,31,4 X42,12,22,32,4 The numbers in this matrix refer to the matrix elements. Elements 1,1 and 2,2 are replaced with 1s, and other elements are replaced by the parameters [i]:[i] Matrix C: V3V4V1V2 V31eb0 V4d10c [i][i] In presentations such as those in Bollen (1989), these are actually the negative values of the coefficients, but the distinction is unimportant for purposes of this current discussion. The use of negative coefficients is associated with the matrix equations which are used in the rank condition test. See Baer manuscript, chapter 3 For each equation, we delete all columns that do not have zeros in the row in question. Thus, for the first row, X3, we delete all columns that do not have a zero in that row. We are left with the following sub- matrix: C1:0 c C2: b 0 the rank of each sub-matrix must be at least p-1, where p is the number of endogenous variables

37 37 Identification exercise examples

38 38

39 39

40 40

41 41 Example 3, continued

42 42 Note: rank condition is “sufficient”.

43 43 Setting the variance of latent variables Parameters b1,b2,b3,b4 Var(e1),var(e2),var(e3),var(e4) Var(L1) THIS MODEL WOULD APPEAR TO BE IDENTIFIED (T-RULE) BUT IS NOT UNLESS WE “FIX” THE VARIANCE OF L1 IN SOME WAY

44 44 Setting the variance of latent variables THIS MODEL WOULD APPEAR TO BE IDENTIFIED (T-RULE) BUT IS NOT UNLESS WE “FIX” THE VARIANCE OF L1 IN SOME WAY b1=1.0 OR b2=1.0 OR b3=1.0 OR b4 = 1.0 OR VAR(L1) = 1.0 Could be some number other than 1 (must be positive in the case of var(L1) though).

45 45 Setting the variance of latent variables Var(L1) 1.0Free b1.61.0*1.5 b2.4.671.0* b3.81.32.0 b4.61.01.5 VAR(L1) = VAR(X1) – VAR(E1) (2 nd model) If error small, VAR(L1) ≈ VAR(X1); if not, VAR(L1) smaller.

46 46 AMOS Example (distributed yesterday) Religiosity Indicators: V9 Importance of Religion 1=Very important; 2=quite imp.;3=not very; 4=not at all V147 Church attendance: 1=more than 1/week; 2=1/week;3=1/month;4=Christmas+Easter; 5=other holy days; 6=once/year; 7=less; 8=never V175 Views: 1=there is a personal God; 2=some sort of spirit/life force; 3=don’t know; 4= don’t think there is any sort of God V176 Importance of God in your life 1=Not at all through 10=very Sexual Morality Can each be always justified (=10), never justified (=1) or something in between. V304 Married men/women having an affair. V305 Sex under legal age of consent V307 Homosexuality V308 Prostitution V309 Abortion V310 Divorce

47 47 AMOS Example (distributed yesterday) AMOS Programs and Output Listings For Religiosity & Sexual Morality Problem RSMProg1 4 indicator model for religiosity. Fit indices OK. Modification indices suggest small improvement if correlated error term added. Model has acceptable fit without this addition - whether or not to add the term probably best adjudicated by whether or not it makes sense theoretically RSMProg24 indicator model for religiosity with correlated error term added. Note drop in R-square for the 2 indicators involved in the correlated error term. Also: it would now be slightly preferable to use as a reference indicator a variable that is not associated with a correlated error term. RSMProg3(correlated error term dropped) Add 5-indicator latent variable for sex-morality attitudes. RSMProg4Add 2 correlated error terms RSMProg5(correlated errors dropped) Like RSMProg3, but with causal model (Religiosity exogenous, Sex/morality attitudes endogenous)

48 48 (end) Exercises: -Do the covariance algebra exercises in section (h) of chapter 2. Appendix 2 is missing from the manuscript BUT we will distribute answers in a couple of days. - Work through “part 2” of the AMOS introduction

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