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THE GRID SYSTEM Coxwell CHECK YOUR WORK  PAGE 28  1. Computer software that can combine and display a variety of information about the same area. 

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3 CHECK YOUR WORK  PAGE 28  1. Computer software that can combine and display a variety of information about the same area.  2. GIS layers different types of information on a base map.  3. Population growth, how many students, etc.  PAGE 33  1. Government Building  2. Museum  3. East  4. Southeast  PAGE 41  1. North America, South America, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, Africa  2. Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian.

4 CHECK YOUR WORK  PAGE 86  1 Early Civilizations  2. Fertile Crescent, Ancient Egypt, Indus River Valley, and Shang Dynasty.  3. Ancient Egypt, Shang Dynasty  4. They all developed around rivers.

5 NOW TO THE GRID!  The Grid System is lines on globes and maps that provide information that can help you easily locate places on the earth.  The lines of the grid system are called Latitude and Longitude.

6 Horizontal, horizontal, horizontal cross the earth  Lines of latitude run east and west.  They are also called parallels.  The Equator is 0 degrees latitude.

7 Longitude oh Longitude they’re not lines parallel!  Longitude lines run from North to south.  They meet at the poles.  They are also known as meridians.  They measure east and west  The Prime Meridian is 0 degrees Longitude.

8 I’M ABSOLUTLY RIGHT HERE! LLLLatitude and longitude lines show absolute location. TTTThe place is located where these lines cross.

9 RULES, RULES, RULES  The starting point for Latitude lines is the Equator.  They are numbered from 1 to 90 degrees and are followed by an N or S to show whether they are north or south of the Equator  The starting point for Longitude lines is the Prime Meridian.  They are numbered from 1 to 180 degrees followed by an E or a W to show whether they are east or west of the Prime Meridian.

10 READING LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE.  Latitude is written first. Longitude is written second. There is a comma between the two.  EXAMPLE:  40N, 80W


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