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Ain Shams University Faculty Of Computers and Information DITE Diploma Credit Hours System Presented By:- Wesam Nagi Ayman Sayed Mona Medhat Mohammed Wael.

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Presentation on theme: "Ain Shams University Faculty Of Computers and Information DITE Diploma Credit Hours System Presented By:- Wesam Nagi Ayman Sayed Mona Medhat Mohammed Wael."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ain Shams University Faculty Of Computers and Information DITE Diploma Credit Hours System Presented By:- Wesam Nagi Ayman Sayed Mona Medhat Mohammed Wael Ahmed Fawzy

2 Credit Hours Agenda IntroductionProblem Statement Objectives Project PlanMethodology Work Breakdown Structure Requirements and specificationSoftware Requirements System Requirements Non-Functional Requirements Use Case Suite Architecture and designOverview Component Entity Relationship Diagram Tables Structure Technologies and tools Implementation and TestingImplementation Testing ConclusionSummary Conclusion

3 Introduction Problem Statement Applying new system Credit hours is a new system that college want to release for the graduate students Applying from any where Student needs to apply for new system (credit hours) online by visiting the university website

4 Introduction (Continued) Objectives The objective of the credit hours system is to provide new features to help the graduate students to have an easy way to have information of the credit hour studying system and apply online. Information Introduced All information of the credit hours system is available to all the graduate students. Administering system Provide back end for customizing the credit hours system Applying Online Apply online for available graduate studies according to credit hours system in an easy way.

5 Project Plan Methodology –The system pursues the Waterfall model as it performs well for products with clearly understood requirements and when working with wee understood technical tools, architectures and infrastructures. –It Minimize the planning overhead and structure minimize wasted efforts

6 Project Plan PreparationSearch and collecting information10 Day Understanding web concepts7 Day Learning required technologies10 Days InitiationCollecting requirements5 Days Requirements Specifications2 Days Requirements Validation4 Days Design PhaseLogical Model2 Days Physical data Model1 Days Website data collection3 Days Object design5 Days User interface design3 Days Design review2 Days ConstructionSystem Implementation5 Days Documentation7 Days Documentation Review2 Days Testing Planning2 Days Test Code Implementation4 Days Implement Review4 Days Work Breakdown Structure

7 Requirements and specifications Software RequirementsSoftware Requirements –Graduate Student Requirements Graduate Student can browse the website and get any information he need. Graduate Student can fill his information and apply for graduate studies. Graduate Student can see the previous and current researches for other graduate students. –Webmaster Requirements Website webmaster can administer the website from admin tool. Webmaster can add researches of the graduate student using admin tool. Webmaster can view the registered graduate student during the period of time he specify in order to contact them for completing their joining to graduate studies.

8 Requirements and specifications System RequirementsSystem Requirements It’s consider as a starting point for the system design that enable us to run the system and explain how the user requirements provided by the system. There are two types of system requirements: –Software Requirements Independent PlatformIndependent Platform Dot Net Technology (ASP.NET 2.0)Dot Net Technology (ASP.NET 2.0) Database Engine (SQL server 2005)Database Engine (SQL server 2005) –Hardware requirement Not Determined yetNot Determined yet

9 Requirements and specifications Non Functional requirements The system should have some characteristics that are important as the functional requirements which are: –Product requirements Usability requirements –Simple and attractive interface that will be easy to use by any user to encourage the graduate students to apply for studies

10 Requirements and specifications Organizational requirements –Delivery requirement The software product and its document should be delivered at due date determined by the faculty –Implementation requirements The system will be built using Dot NET framework C# and ASP 2.0 are used to implement the website application External Requirements –Privacy Requirements: each user (Graduate student, webmaster) has user name and password that enable him to do his activities Safety Requirements

11 Requirements and specifications User Case Suite –(1) Login Use Case ID 1 Use Case Name Login ActorsGraduate Student, Administrator PreconditionUser want to use one or more of Credit Hours functionality Post Conditions User Logged in and use the functionalities of the website Flow of Event User enter username and password Press on login button ExceptionThe user type the username or password wrongly

12 Requirements and specifications User Case Suite –(2) Register Use Case ID 2 Use Case Name Register ActorsGraduate Student PreconditionUser want to apply for graduate studying according Credit Hours System. Post Conditions User’s information is saved in the website database Flow of Event User inserts the required information in the registration form. User submit the form. ExceptionInvalid Entry in the registration form Some data entries must be unique

13 Requirements and specifications User Case Suite –(3) Adding Researches Use Case ID 3 Use Case Name Add_researsh ActorsAdministrator PreconditionAdministrator can add finished and current researches for graduate student. Post Conditions Graduate student’ research information is saved in the website database Flow of Event Administrator inserts the Graduate student’ research information using admin privilege. Administrator save the information. ExceptionInvalid Entry in the Application form Some data entries must be unique

14 Requirements and specifications User Case Suite –(4) Update Researches Use Case ID 4 Use Case Name Update Research Information ActorsAdministrator PreconditionAdministrator can update entered researches for graduate student. Post Conditions Graduate student’ research information is saved in the website database after being updated. Flow of Event Administrator update the Graduate student’ research information using admin privilege. Administrator save the information. ExceptionInvalid Entry in the Application form Some data entries must be unique

15 Requirements and specifications User Case Suite –(5) List Researches Use Case ID 5 Use Case Name List Researches ActorsAdministrator, Graduate Student PreconditionUser select the degree and major. Post Conditions User lists finished and current researches for graduate student. Flow of Event The system will display all the available researches on the website that match the selected criteria. ExceptionN/A

16 Requirements and specifications User Case Suite –(6) Get Information Use Case ID 6 Use Case Name Get Information ActorsAdministrator, Graduate Student PreconditionUser view the provided information for credit hours system. Post Conditions User display available information describes credit hours system Flow of Event The system will display all the available information on the website that match the selected link. ExceptionN/A

17 Administrator Website Use Cases Requirements and specifications

18 Graduate Student Website Use Cases Requirements and specifications

19 Architecture And Design OverviewOverview –In this section we present credit hours systems architecture. The system architecture defines the main system components and how they will be used to satisfy the functional and non- functional requirements.

20 Components Samples Function GetData is used to retrieve data from the database. public void getdata() { SqlCountryComm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlCountryComm.Connection = mas.ConnSql; SqlCountryComm.CommandText = "Select * from Country"; daCountry = new SqlDataAdapter (SqlCountryComm ); daCountry.Fill (dsCountry); DropDownList1.DataSource = dsCountry.Tables[0]; DropDownList1.DataValueField = "CountryID"; DropDownList1.DataTextField = "CountryName"; this.DataBind(); SqlCityComm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlCityComm.Connection = mas.ConnSql; SqlCityComm.CommandText = "Select * from City where CountryID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() ; daCity = new SqlDataAdapter(SqlCityComm); daCity.Fill(dsCity); CityGrid.DataSource = dsCity.Tables[0]; this.DataBind(); }

21 The Save button is used in most of the forms to save data in Database SqlDataReader drCity; SqlCityComm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlCityComm.Connection = mas.ConnSql; SqlCityComm.CommandText = "Select * from City where CountryID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and CityId=" + txtCityId.Text + ""; if (mas.ConnSql.State != ConnectionState.Open) { mas.ConnSql.Open(); } drCity = SqlCityComm.ExecuteReader(); if (! drCity.Read()) { drCity.Close(); SqlCityComm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlCityComm.Connection = mas.ConnSql; SqlCityComm.CommandText = "insert into city (CountryID, CityID,CityName,CityNameAra ) values (" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + ", " + txtCityId.Text + ",'" + txtCityEng.Text + "','" + txtCityAra.Text + "')"; SqlCityComm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } Components Samples

22 else { drCity.Close(); SqlCityComm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlCityComm.Connection = mas.ConnSql; SqlCityComm.CommandText = "Update City Set CityName='" + txtCityEng.Text + "',CityNameAra='" + txtCityAra.Text + "' Where CountryID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString() + " and CityId=" + txtCityId.Text + ""; SqlCityComm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } mas.ConnSql.Close(); SqlCityComm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlCityComm.Connection = mas.ConnSql; SqlCityComm.CommandText = "Select * from City where CountryID=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString(); daCity = new SqlDataAdapter(SqlCityComm); if (mas.ConnSql.State != ConnectionState.Open) { mas.ConnSql.Open(); } daCity.Fill(dsCity); mas.ConnSql.Close(); CityGrid.DataSource = dsCity.Tables[0]; txtCityAra.Text = ""; txtCityEng.Text = ""; txtCityId.Text = ""; this.DataBind(); Components Samples

23 ERD Diagram

24 ERD Tables Country Table oThis tables consists of 3 fields:- oCountry_id and its data type is integer and its type is primary key because its not Repeated and unique oEvery table should have a primary key and this filed (country _id) saves the country Code oThe second field is (country _name_eng) take data type varchar and its length (40) to saves the name of country in english to use it in the search procedure. oThe third field is (country_name_ara), save the name of county in arabic.

25 ERD Tables City Table This table consist of 3 fields:- oCity_ID and its data type is integer and its type is primary key because its not Repeated and unique oEvery table should have a primary key and this filed (City_ID) saves the city Code. oThe second field is (City_Name_ENG) take data type varchar and its length (40) to saves the name of country in English to use it in the search procedure. oThe third field is (City_Name_ARA) oSave the name of city of Arabic

26 ERD Tables University Table –This table is uses to save the university –University_ID is a primary Key –University_Name_ENG save the name of university in English –University_Name_ARA save the name of university in arabic

27 ERD Tables Faculty Table –This table is uses to save the faculty data –Faculty_ID is a primary Key –Faculty_Name_ENG save the name of Faculty in English –Faculty _Name_ARA save the name of Faculty in arabic

28 ERD Tables Student Table –Student table consists of one primary key (user_id) and several foreign keys which considered as a primary key in other tables. –Student table consists of several of foreign key like (City_id, country_id, faculty_id, grade_id, degree_id, university_id). –Cloulms to hold another data (Full_name, Street_Address, Nationality, Birthdate, … etc)

29 ERD Tables Credit User TableCredit User Table –This table is design to limit access, only authorized users are allowed to handle data. –This table saves the user data like (user_id, UserName, password, usertype. –The user_id is consider the primary key to this table.

30 ERD Tables Degree Table –(Degree_ID) and its data type is integer and its type is primary key because its not Repeated and unique –The second field is (Degree Name) take data type varchar and its length (40) to saves the name of country in English to use it in the search procedure. –The third field is Degree_Name_ARA –The fourth field is degree_descrbition.

31 ERD Tables Major Table This tables consists of 3 fields the first fields name is (Major_ID) and its data type is integer and its type is primary key

32 ERD Tables Grade Table –This table is uses to saves the Grade data –Grade_id is a primary key and save the name of Grade in English and the name of Grade in Arabic

33 Architecture And Design Technologies and tools

34 Implementation and Testing ImplementationImplementation –This project is based on client server model, which has server that present some of services and many client that request these services. –Our website contain one interface for user (graduate student) and another interface for website administrator.

35 Implementation and Testing 1-Home Page

36 Implementation and Testing 1.Home Page This is Credit Hours system Home page, Here you could:This is Credit Hours system Home page, Here you could: Sign in.Sign in. Apply for available graduate studiesApply for available graduate studies Get any Information about the credit hours system.Get any Information about the credit hours system. Search for finished and running researches.Search for finished and running researches.

37 Implementation and Testing 2-Register

38 2-Register This form is displayed to the user to register and apply for Graduate studyThis form is displayed to the user to register and apply for Graduate study User fill in his information.User fill in his information. Submit.Submit.

39 Implementation and Testing 3-Login –This form is displayed in the homepage to let the registered user login to change whatever he want. Insert username and passwordInsert username and password Sign In.Sign In.

40 Implementation and Testing Credit Hours Administrator Control Panel The administrator can do the following:The administrator can do the following: Manage student information.Manage student information. Manage countries list.Manage countries list. Manage cities list.Manage cities list. Manage degrees list.Manage degrees list. Manage majors of the degrees.Manage majors of the degrees. Add finished and running researches.Add finished and running researches. Edit finished and running researches.Edit finished and running researches.

41 The Following are snapshots from the Admin Tool Screens. –The goal of this screens is to give the admin full control over the main data of the Application. Implementation and Testing

42 Countries Screen

43 The Goal Of the Screen:- 1.Give the admin the ability to add student countries of resident. 2.Give the admin the ability to modify countries data. 3.Give the admin the ability to delete countries data.

44 Cities Screen

45 The Goal Of the Screen 1.Give the admin the ability to add student cities. 2.Give the admin the ability to modify cities data. 3.Give the admin the ability to delete cities data.

46 Universities Screen

47 The Goal Of the Screen 1.Give the admin the ability to add student Universities. 2.Give the admin the ability to modify Universities data. 3.Give the admin the ability to delete Universities data.

48 Majors Screen

49 The Goal Of the Screen 1.Give the admin the ability to add majors. 2.Give the admin the ability to modify majors. 3.Give the admin the ability to delete majors.

50 Degrees Screen

51 The Goal Of the Screen 1.Give the admin the ability to add degrees and Link them with majors. 2.Give the admin the ability to modify degrees. 3.Give the admin the ability to delete degrees.

52 Student Report

53 The Goal Of the Screen  Give the admin the ability to view student data in four main categories Personal information, Address Information, Education information and Contact Information to Check the student eligibility and Contact him.

54 Research Topics

55 The Goal Of the Screen  Give the Admin the ability to add research topics so the web site visitors can view these topics.

56 Manage Topics

57 The Goal of this Screen  Give the ability to the admin to modify and delete any research topic data.

58 Implementation and Testing TestingTesting –In Credit hours system website, we interested to overcome any invalid input from the user, as we rarely ask the user to insert and data by hand but to select from list of choices.

59 Implementation and Testing TestingTesting NOComponentFeaturesPriorityPassed 1Authentication (Sign In) Check that the username and password are valid High √ 2Authentication (Register) Check the retype password match or not Check the entered username is unique Check that all required field are filled High √ 3Updating DatabaseCheck if the entered information is savedMedium √

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