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Joint EuroRec – EHTEL Workshop October 22 nd, 2007 Vienna, Austria “Mobilising Shakeholders for Quality EHRs ”

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Presentation on theme: "Joint EuroRec – EHTEL Workshop October 22 nd, 2007 Vienna, Austria “Mobilising Shakeholders for Quality EHRs ”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint EuroRec – EHTEL Workshop October 22 nd, 2007 Vienna, Austria “Mobilising Shakeholders for Quality EHRs ”

2 President & CEO, CLINICARE Corporation Dennis Niebergal CHITTA Board, Secretary Chair, CHITTA POS (Physician Office Systems) Committee Share our Experience as a vendor and a CHITTA member

3 10 Provinces and 3 Territories

4 MISSION - The mission statement focuses on building a sustainable, responsible industry “CHITTA, the voice of the Canadian Healthcare Information and Communications Technology industry, promotes a cohesive, sustainable and responsible community, that facilitates the transformation of healthcare through the deployment of world-class, innovative solutions within Canada and abroad.” CHITTA mission, updated April 2006 “Companies” - Software, Hardware, Telco, Services, etc CHITTA started 2002

5 ESTABLISHING STRUCTURE – Committees reflect CHITTA’s priorities; while Working Groups facilitate focused work effort B.C. PITO POS Working Group Alberta POSP POS Working Group Ontario CMS POS Working Group

6 CHITTA’s POS Working Group(s) PURPOSE To position CHITTA members to have an industry voice in provincial initiatives; and to encourage national participation in EHR-based activities The Provincial Committee is co-chaired by POS Vendors Has a membership of over 20 POS vendors out of the 40 POS Vendors from across Canada. Over 150 CHITTA members. “I am delighted at the establishment of CHITTA. CHITTA allows us to work proactively, with the vendor community on issues of mutual concern. While recognizing that clients and vendors respond to different drivers, CHITTA enables us to work efficiently and constructively with vendors, benefiting from their experience and expertise in developing policy or solutions to system-wide concerns. CHITTA's involvement in the POSP/VCUR process has been instrumental in making the process participative and transparent.” Mary Gibson, Alberta POSP Program Director

7 Vendors were actively engaged in Alberta’s next generation approach to POS Reached an agreement to be the official channel for communications for the Alberta POSP/VCUR process; CHITTA members were voting members on the Task Force and Work Groups They played a key role in defining the Report’s requirements and the scheduling of their implementation …and heralded the transition of CHITTA’s role to facilitate broad vendor involvement in Alberta’s EHR Rollout strategy

8 The Alberta Collaboration Experience V Vendor Conformance & Usability Requirements Vendors are an equal stakeholder with Physicians and Health Regions in helping to define the Physician Office System (POS) and Conformance Testing Processes.

9 VCUR-3 (AB) Timeline of POS Conformance Standards in North America It is expected that other Provinces will follow this model within the next 12 months. VCUR-1 (AB) April CMS-1 (ON) June CCHIT- 2006 (USA) May PITO (BC) April CMS -2 (ON) VCUR-2 (AB) April July CCHIT 2007 (USA) May March CCHIT 2008 (USA) May 20032004200620072008

10 Development of pan-Canadian Physician Office System (POS) Requirements New! Summer of 2007 Funding by Canada Health Infoway

11 Development of pan-Canadian Physician Office System (POS) Requirements  Canadian jurisdictions recognize the importance of pan-Canadian Physician Office System Requirements to support physician confidence in selecting and using EMR products and support in principle the development of these pan-Canadian requirements.  The intent is to support improved patient care with electronic medical record systems in physician offices that accommodate existing and evolving EHR needs; these systems would conform to pan-Canadian standards that enable the sharing of information and promote the adoption of the electronic health record.  Jurisdictions supported by Canada Health Infoway are in the process of developing these requirements building on the base of existing requirements in place in Canadian provinces with physician automation programs.

12 Development of pan-Canadian Physician Office System (POS) Requirements  Significant progress to date on the identification of the core pan-Canadian functional requirements.  A jurisdictional working group and physicians (many Physicians from across Canada) are engaged in the identification of the requirements.  Vendor community will be engaged to vet the requirements once drafted  Completion of proposed pan-Canadian functional requirements are expected by January - February, 2008.  Approach to conformance testing of products and the governance and maintenance of requirements to be determined.

13 CHITTA Recommendations  National POS Specifications a good thing  Vendor community needs to be engaged during the building of requirements  More Physicians need to be involve and not just IT savvy Physicians  Approach to conformance testing of products and the governance and maintenance of requirements need to include the vendors and Physicians together.

14 Steven Huesing, President CHITTA, the Health Division of ITAC Dave Wattling, Chairman Dennis Niebergal, Chair, POS Committee & Secretary OFFICES 5782 – 172 Street2800 Skymark Avenue. Suite 402 Edmonton, AB, T6M 1B4Mississauga, ON L4W 5A6 780.489.4574905.602.8345

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