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Canadian National Committee for CODATA Comité national canadien pour CODATA ITEM 10.3 Best Practices for CNC Administration:

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian National Committee for CODATA Comité national canadien pour CODATA ITEM 10.3 Best Practices for CNC Administration:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian National Committee for CODATA Comité national canadien pour CODATA ITEM 10.3 Best Practices for CNC Administration: The Example of CNC/CODATA Michel Sabourin, Ph.D. Chair, CNC/CODATA

2 Six Objectives Article 1 of the CNC/CODATA Terms of Reference identifies six objectives or purposes. This presentation will mention the specific actions done to achieve those objectives. 1

3 First objective: To collect and reconcile the many views of its scientific community on relevant issues Action 1 Seminar on Access to Publicly Funded Scientific Data (NRC Partners’ meeting, May 2003) Participants:55 scientists in different disciplines Format:Keynote speeches + Open Forum discussion Objectives: Explore accessibility in Canada of publicly funded natural sciences research data; identify possible deficiencies; develop plans to address deficiency(ies). 2

4 First objective: To collect and reconcile the many views of its scientific community on relevant issues (cont’d) Action 2 National Consultation on Access to Scientific Research Data (NCASRD) (Ottawa, November 2004) Partnership:Three major funding agencies in the natural and medical sciences Organization:Blue Ribbon Task force (meeting in June 2004) Participants:70 invited scientists Format:National Forum (two days) Objective: To help Canada maximize the value received from its publicly funded natural and medical sciences research by recommending an appropriate framework to facilitate open and long-term access to this research data 3

5 First objective: To collect and reconcile the many views of its scientific community on relevant issues (cont’d) NCASRD 4

6 Second objective: To identify, represent and promote the capabilities and distinctive competence of its Canadian scientific community internationally Action 1 Facilitate the involvement of Canadian scientists in the ICSU/CODATA Task Groups (created or renewed in November 2004) Continuing Task Groups: Access to Biological Collection Data (Denis Lepage) Data, Informationand Vizualization (Paul Mezey) Virtual Laboratories in Earth, Physics and Environmental Sciences (two names suggested; appointments soon to be made) Data on Natural Gas Hydrates (John Ripmeester) Fundamental Constants (Barry M. Wood) Global Species Data Network (Guy Baillargeon) Preservation and Archiving of Scientific and Technical Data (D.R.F. Taylor) 5

7 Second objective: To identify, represent and promote the capabilities and distinctive competence of its Canadian scientific community internationally (cont’d) Action 1 (cont’d) New Task Groups: Anthropometric Data and Engineering (Eric Paquet and Marc Rioux: with Michel Sabourin acting as liaison for the Executive Board of ICSU/CODATA) Low Dimensional Materials and Technologies Network (one name suggested: appointment soon to be made) 6

8 Second objective: To identify, represent and promote the capabilities and distinctive competence of its Canadian scientific community internationally (cont’d) Action 2 Enhancing the Canadian participation in ICSU/CODATA Executive Board: –Gordon Wood (2002-2004) –Michel Sabourin (2004-2006) Secretary General: –Gordon Wood (eight years) –Paul Mezey (six years) 7

9 Second objective: To identify, represent and promote the capabilities and distinctive competence of its Canadian scientific community internationally (cont’d) Action 3 Encouraging Canadian participation in the CODATA Biennial Conferences 8

10 Third objective: To enhance the depth and breadth of the participation of the Canadian scientific community in the activities and events of CODATA and related organizations Action 1 Second Workshop on Information Vizualization (May 2001) Partnership:Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation Participants:113 computer scientists (from 8 gov’t depts, 5 universities and 46 companies) 9

11 Third objective: To enhance the depth and breadth of the participation of the Canadian scientific community in the activities and events of CODATA and related organizations (cont’d) Action 2 Creation of the Sangster Award (in 2003) Goal:To stimulate the interest of young Canadian scientists in data activities Recipient:First Sangster Award given (in 2004) to Jau-Hsiung Wang (Geomatics Engineering, Univ. of Calgary) 10

12 Third objective: To enhance the depth and breadth of the participation of the Canadian scientific community in the activities and events of CODATA and related organizations (cont’d) Action 3 Web site expertise and consultation for ICSU/CODATA web site ( Mary Zborowski, Exec. Secretary, CNC/CODATA chairing International Ad-hoc Review Committee 11

13 Fourth objective: To establish the mechanisms for communicating to its Canadian scientific community the views of CODATA and information about its activities Action 1 Six CNC/CODATA “Members” recruited to reflect Canadian data diversity: –Geographic (East-West representation) –Scientific discipline –Linguistic profile (English / French) –Sector (Government / Academia / Industry) CNC membership augmented by seeking and recruiting “Observers” (experts in data issues, who are interested, eager to contribute, and willing to pay own expenses to attend Annual Meeting) 12

14 Fourth objective: To establish the mechanisms for communicating to its Canadian scientific community the views of CODATA and information about its activities Action 2 Annual CNC/CODATA meeting Action-oriented meeting with detailed Minutes available CNC Members and Observers in attendance Invitation sent to other CNCs, to send representative to CNC/CODATA annual meeting; aim is to share similar data issues, stimulate data awareness in other disciplines, and learn from each other Upcoming meeting: Friday, Oct. 21 st, 2005, NRC Ottawa 13

15 Fifth objective: To distribute appropriate documentation, including the CODATA Newsletter Action 1 Since 1994, biennial Report on Data Activities in Canada, prepared and distributed to the ICSU/CODATA General Assembly + all Canadian recipients of the CODATA Newsletter (circa 350) 14

16 Fifth objective: To distribute appropriate documentation, including the CODATA Newsletter Action 2Action 3 Housing of two data sets:Website maintenance LogKOW (Dr. James Sangster) and a mycotoxin database (Dr. Alan Taylor, in development) 15

17 Sixth objective: To attract and stage international events of value to its Canadian scientific community Action 1 Organization of the 19 th International CODATA Conference (in Montreal, October 2002), in collaboration with the US National Committee for CODATA Participants:over 300 scientists from every continent 16

18 Conclusion I would like to express my deep appreciation and sincere thanks to CISTI and its Director General, Bernard Dumouchel, for its major support of CNC/CODATA 17

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