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Historical Digital Orthophotography 101 John Erickson, Certified Photogrammetrist Jason Krueger, Project Manager Visualize the past to assist in predicting.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Digital Orthophotography 101 John Erickson, Certified Photogrammetrist Jason Krueger, Project Manager Visualize the past to assist in predicting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Digital Orthophotography 101 John Erickson, Certified Photogrammetrist Jason Krueger, Project Manager Visualize the past to assist in predicting the future.

2 OVERVIEW  Who Are We?  Users  Examples of Functionality  Photo Research  Define Product  Acquisition Cost  Accuracy  Three Production Strategies  Software Options  Understand Limitations

3 Who We Are…  Located in Sun Prairie, WI  Founded in 1999  Provide photogrammetry and spatial data content development services Chris Gross & Dave Hart Owners Continental Mapping Consultants, Inc.

4 Our Work  Projects in over 28 states  Two market segments  Upper Midwest State & Local GovernmentsState & Local Governments UtilitiesUtilities ManufacturingManufacturing EngineersEngineers DevelopersDevelopers  Nationwide with Strategic Partners State DOTsState DOTs DefenseDefense Local/State GovernmentLocal/State Government UtilitiesUtilities

5 CMC Specialized Services  Aerial Photography (B/W, color, infrared, oblique)  Airborne GPS/IMU  Topographic Mapping  GIS Base Mapping/feature Integration  Digital Orthophotography  Historical rectification and photo interpretation/classification  Transportation Design Mapping (VHA)  Floodplain Delineation Mapping  Laser Terrain Mapping (LIDAR)  Municipal Mapping and ALTA’s  Softcopy Photogrammetry Extraction

6 Recent Projects  Defense Geo-Intelligence  Fort McCoy  American Transmission Company  Wisconsin DOT Master Contract  City of Marshfield

7 USERS  County/Local GIS and LIO departments  Regional/County/Local Planning  Zoning Departments

8 USERS “By scanning and geo-referencing our historic aerials it allowed us to take them from the map drawers and make them part of the county's GIS system. It eliminated staff having to pull aerials for the public and make copies, they are now viewable on our website.” “By scanning and geo-referencing our historic aerials it allows us to view them within our GIS system and understand how land use on properties have change.” –Terry Dietzel, Fond du Lac County Assistant Planner

9 USERS “These images rock” “These images rock” –Ken Pabich, Calumet County Land Information Officer

10 EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONALITY  Change detection and trend identification  Urban sprawl – growth planning  Macro and Micro  Stormwater runoff

11 EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONALITY  Web-enabled  Asset Management  Changes in water ways and wetlands  Transportation network changes (great in areas with major changes )

12 EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONALITY  Historical land use changes  Historical views of urban areas  Educational tool for discussing land use changes over time  Verify zoning maps/files

13 1938 Urban Land Cover 1992 Urban Land Cover Tracking Urban Sprawl 1938 Imagery 1992 Imagery Data Source: Calumet County, WI Appleton, WI

14 Changes in Water Ways and Wetlands Data Source: Iowa County, WI Blackhawk Lake Recreational Area Iowa County 1968

15 Changes in Water Ways and Wetlands Data Source: Iowa County, WI Blackhawk Lake Recreational Area Iowa County 2002

16 Changes in Water Ways and Wetlands Data Source: Iowa County, WI Blackhawk Lake Recreational Area, Iowa County 2002 1968

17 1970 1980 1990 Review the past, predict the future Data Source: Fond du Lac County, WI

18 Review the past, predict the future 197019801990 Click Box to Change Year Data Source: Fond du Lac County, WI

19 Review the past, predict the future Data Source: Fond du Lac County, WI 197019801990 Click Box to Change Year

20 Review the past, predict the future Data Source: Fond du Lac County, WI 197019801990 Click Box to Change Year

21 PHOTO RESEARCH 1. Photo Source Federal, State, Local ArchivesFederal, State, Local Archives 2. Important Photo Specifics Type of Photography (Color, B&W, etc.)Type of Photography (Color, B&W, etc.) Photo Scale (1” = 1667’ or 1:20,000 Typically Recommended)Photo Scale (1” = 1667’ or 1:20,000 Typically Recommended) Season (Leaf-on, Leaf-off)Season (Leaf-on, Leaf-off) 3. Image Format Prints (Least Desirable)Prints (Least Desirable) FilmFilm DiapositivesDiapositives Digital ScansDigital Scans 4. Scanning Capabilities Available resolutionAvailable resolution Flatbed or Photogrammetric ScannerFlatbed or Photogrammetric Scanner

22 ARCHIVAL RESEARCH 1. Farm Services Agency (FSA): 2. US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): 3. USDA Aerial Photography Field Office (APFO): 4. USGS Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS): 5. Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WISDOT): 6. Wisconsin State Cartographers Office (SCO): 7. Regional Planning Commissions: 8. Photogrammetric Consultants

23 ARCHIVAL RESEARCH APFO (Aerial Photography Field Office- Salt Lake City, UT)  USDA (US Department of Agriculture)  FSA (Farm Services Agency)  Possesses 1”=1667’ (1:20,000) scale photography for all but 3 counties in Wisconsin.  Years available: 1950’s through the 1980’s.

24 ARCHIVAL RESEARCH NARA (National Archives - College Park, MD)  Agricultural Adjustment Agency (AAA) Photography. Precursor to the USDA.  Military  Possesses 1”=1667’ (1:20,000) scale photography for most of Wisconsin.  Years available: 1930’s through the 1950’s.

25 DEFINE PRODUCT This will influence accuracy requirements, production strategies, and most importantly, cost. Determine Users GIS personnelGIS personnel Administrators/Policy MakersAdministrators/Policy Makers PlannersPlanners PublicPublic Determine Purpose Visual AidVisual Aid PlanningPlanning Photo PreservationPhoto Preservation Secure ArchivesSecure Archives Space SavingSpace Saving

26 ESTIMATE ACQUISITION COST APFO: 1” = 1667’ Scans  Photo coverage Area = 4 miles.  [Total Area of County (square miles) / 4] X $10.  Example: Average County = 778 square miles  Images Needed: 778 / 4 = 194.5 (195) Images  Approximate Cost of Acquisition: 195 X $10 = $1950

27 ESTIMATE ACQUISITION COST National Archives: 1” = 1667’ Scans  Cost? Often difficult to Predict.  Pricing Factors  Limited Access to Archives  Scan resolution and file size determines cost per image.  Bulk Rates Apply?  Research Fees  Other add-on costs: Data Delivery, Flight Index, Price per Film Canister.

28 PART II Production Strategies presented by: John Erickson

29 RELATIVE ACCURACY Accuracy of one point on an image with respect to the same point on another image.

30 POSITIONAL ACCURACY Green Bay, WI 1960 Data Source: Brown County, WI Accuracy of imagery as it relates to ground truth.

31 POSITIONAL ACCURACY Green Bay, WI 1960 With Recent Road Centerline Vector Overlay Data Source: Brown County, WI

32 POSITIONAL ACCURACY Data Source: Brown County, WI Green Bay, WI 1960

33 POSITIONAL ACCURACY Data Source: Brown County, WI Green Bay, WI 2000 Courtesy of Brown Co LIO

34 ACCURACY DETERMINANTS  Source Photo Scale  Control Materials: vector, raster, or hardcopy data  Production Strategy

35 THREE PRODUCTION STRATEGIES 1. Geo-referencing (2-D overlay) Historical Aerial Photography 2. Historical Orthophotography 3. Contemporary High Accuracy Orthophotography

36 GEO-REFERENCING  Referenced to existing Vector, Raster, or Hardcopy Data  Does not require stereo-coverage imagery  Resampling Methods: Rubbersheeting, Affine, Best Fit, etc.  Low Positional and Relative Accuracy  Lowest Cost

37 HISTORICAL ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY  Surface Model  Control derived from existing Vector, Raster, or Hardcopy Data  Does not require stereo-coverage imagery  Good Relative and Positional Accuracy  Lower-cost Orthophotography Alternative

38 CONTEMPORARY HIGH ACCURACY ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY  Surface Model  AT (Aero-triangulation) or Direct Geo-referencing (Airborne GPS and IMU)  Camera Calibration Report  Stereo-coverage in most cases  High Relative and Positional Accuracy  Highest cost

39 UNDERSTAND LIMITATIONS The final product cannot be better than the input. Limitations of Materials Condition of Historical PhotosCondition of Historical Photos Photo Format (contact prints, film, diapositives)Photo Format (contact prints, film, diapositives) Scan ResolutionScan Resolution Quality and Accuracy of Referencing Materials (control)Quality and Accuracy of Referencing Materials (control) Tone Balancing (difficult with older photography)Tone Balancing (difficult with older photography) Budget Constraints

40 RECENT EXAMPLES OF OUR WORK Brown County Land Information Jeff Dumez LIO Historical Orthophotography 1938: National Archives  Source Photography: 1”=1667’ (1:20,000) photo scale from film  210 Images Scanned at 15 Micron  Final Pixel Resolution = 1’.  Work in progress. 1960: APFO  Source Photography: 1”=1667’ (1:20,000) photo scale from film  150 Images Scanned at 12.5 Micron  Final Pixel Resolution = 1’.  Positional Accuracy = 15’ - 20’  Relative Accuracy = 5’ - 10’

41 RECENT EXAMPLES OF OUR WORK Iowa County Land Records Cristina Pearson Historical Orthophotography 1968: APFO  Source Photography: 1”=1667’ (1:20,000) photo scale from film  215 Images Scanned at 12.5 Micron  Final Pixel Resolution = 1’.  Positional Accuracy = 15’ - 20’  Relative Accuracy = 5’ - 10’

42 RECENT EXAMPLES OF OUR WORK Calumet County Planning and Land Information Ken Pabich GIS/LIS Supervisor Historical Geo-referencing 1938: APFO and WisDOT  Source Photography: 1”=1667’ (1:20,000) photo scale from film and print  130 Images Scanned at 900 DPI  Rubbersheet  Final Pixel Resolution = 1’.  Positional Accuracy = Approx. 50’  Relative Accuracy = 30’ - 40’

43 RECENT EXAMPLES OF OUR WORK Fond du Lac County Planning. Terry Dietzel Historical Geo-referencing 1970, 1980, and 1990  Source Photography: 1”=400’ (1:4,800) photo scale from Large Format Mylar Prints  570 Images Scanned at 600 DPI  Rubbersheet  Positional Accuracy = Approx. 50’  Relative Accuracy = 30’ - 40’

44 Review the past, predict the future Data Source: Brown County, WI 1938

45 Review the past, predict the future Data Source: Brown County, WI 1960

46 Review the past, predict the future Data Source: Brown County, WI 2000

47 Review the past, predict the future Data Source: Brown County, WI 2000 GOPACKGO!

48 1938 1960 2000 QUESTIONS Got Any ? Visualize the past to assist in predicting the future. Contact: Jason Krueger 722 Lois Drive; Sun Prairie, WI; 53590 608-834-9823

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