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Career Pathway for Nursing & Midwifery Nicki Patterson Executive Director of Nursing, SEHSCT NIPEC Annual Conference Fit for Living, Fit for Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Pathway for Nursing & Midwifery Nicki Patterson Executive Director of Nursing, SEHSCT NIPEC Annual Conference Fit for Living, Fit for Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Pathway for Nursing & Midwifery Nicki Patterson Executive Director of Nursing, SEHSCT NIPEC Annual Conference Fit for Living, Fit for Practice

2 Northern Ireland Career Pathway for Nursing and Midwifery NIPEC Annual Conference Fit for Living, Fit for Practice

3 Nurses and Midwives are Highly Valued

4 But… we have a global shortage  Shortage of nurses around the world (ICN, 2013; WHO, 2014; Centre for Workforce Intelligence, 2014)  Countries competitively pursuing newly registered nurses (Canada, US, Dubai, New Zealand Australia)  Outward shift of many internationally trained nurses  Difficulty recruiting to some specialities (e.g. Care of the Older Person)

5 We need to make NI the ‘Employer of Choice’

6 Context  Reform agenda in NI: Creates vast opportunities for nurses & midwives in: Wider range of settings than ever before With a wider range of providers than ever before In a wider range of roles than ever before All settings, providers & roles need to be valued so....  We must encourage flexibility in approaches: Identify/signpost career pathways & options  And provide support: Preceptorship, appraisal, CPD, supervision and succession planning

7 Background  CNO commissioned NIPEC in 2014  Lead the development of a Career Pathway  As a resource to encourage, guide & signpost: those wanting to join the professions trained nurses & midwives from overseas those wanting to return to practice  And provide guidance & information for existing staff to: support a proactive and flexible approach to career planning consider the broader range of roles, opportunities and sectors that employ nurses and midwives.

8 Project Task and Finish Group Career Pathway for Nursing and Midwifery DHSSPS Chief Nursing Officer Independent Sector: NI Hospices, Macmillan, FSHC, Marie Curie, IHCP 5 HSC Trusts Professional Organisations: RCN & RCM Queen’s University Belfast University of Ulster Clinical Education Centre Nicki Patterson (Chair): Director of PCOP and Executive Director of Nursing (SEHSCT) Open University Carole McKenna (Project Lead, NIPEC) DHSSPS, Deputy CNO

9 Project Objectives i.Review literature ii.Scope existing career pathways iii.Agree a pathway for NI iv.Relevant resources v.Submit a project report to CNO vi.Host the pathway on NIPEC’s website

10 Career Pathway Career pathways describe the route and approach that can be taken by someone wishing to develop their career within a given profession. A career pathway is not just about promotion or advancement to the next level. They can be both vertical and diagonal in terms of a promotion, or horizontal in terms of a sideways development move (Civil Service, 2012).

11 My Story Student Nurse Director of Primary Care and Older People and Executive Director of Nursing (SEHSCT)






17 Make a Choice: Make a Difference Launch of the Northern Ireland Career Pathway for Nursing and Midwifery Link - More information/link to the Career Pathway at:


19 Thank You

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