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New HE Landscape Yana Williams Vice Principal – Blackburn College.

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1 New HE Landscape Yana Williams Vice Principal – Blackburn College

2 Blackburn College 2 nd Largest HE in FE 3000+ students 18-82 77 courses 3 Partner Universities (Lancaster, Uclan, Glamorgan) FDAP Income approx £16 million £7k fees 2012/13 100 staff who only teach HE £14 million HE building



5 War veteran creates art history An 84-year-old Fine Art student has created a little piece of art history with is final year project. Former Regimental Sergeant Major, James Alan Beet used photographs from his personal archives as the basis for his screen prints, which mixed together history and art. He exhibited his work at the College’s annual art show. James, who lives in Burnley, returned to education at 81 years of age after his wife died in 2004 and went on to study the degree in BA (Hons) Fine Art (Integrated Media) at University Centre at Blackburn College. He has now been offered gallery space at the Military Museum in Preston, which is due to launch on the 10th September.

6 Issues Validation fees Consistent approach from partner universities Progression routes Competition Reputation FDAP 9% reduction in numbers

7 White Paper – Opportunities Bid for more “own” student numbers More providers Vocational progression at Level 4 + Employer led provision

8 White Paper – threats More competition / less collaboration Validation fees University support Failure to recruit students Expansion of provision or same provision with more risks? Fees & price fixing Lose student number are not successful in bidding for new student numbers

9 Future at Blackburn College Numbers the same Foundation Degree Awarding Powers A couple of Blackburn College FD’s Focus of career pathways and employer links Development of STEM subjects

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