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Name Bader AbdulShaheed AbdulHassan. All About Me Business Card Letter head Envelope.

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Presentation on theme: "Name Bader AbdulShaheed AbdulHassan. All About Me Business Card Letter head Envelope."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name Bader AbdulShaheed AbdulHassan

2 All About Me Business Card Letter head Envelope

3 Resume and Letter of Application CV/Resume Letter of Application

4 Essays September 14 22 28 October 06 12 20 26 November 03 09 17 23 January 05 11 19 25 February March

5 Essays College Essay Epic hero Compare & contrast Literary Analysis - Asian Poetry

6 Asian Persuasive Asian Comparative

7 Beowulf Comic Book – Interview with A Monster In this lesson, we took information from Gilgamesh and created a comic book. Our job was to create dialogue that would be similar to a interview. The point value for this project was high because of the many different computer program s and tools that we used. The two I used were paint and word; plus I used internet. On this project, I received full marks.

8 Asian Poetry Haiku My partners and I worked together to create on coherent poem. Ours was done in sequence therefore we received full marks Tanka My other 2 partners and I worked to create an advertisement about Tomita farm, which illuminated the sights to see.

9 Exile Lament and Medieval Manuscript The exile lament was created to better understand the Anglo-Saxon elements. We were to create an lament using kenning, assonance, alteration, caesuras and four strong beat. On this lament, I received 95/105. In the medieval manuscript, we were to take our lament and create the manuscript. This project was done for two reasons. 1.It was an appreciation of how far printed matter has come. 2.It was done to help us better understand how to use the tools within Microsoft Word.

10 Canterbury Tales Project – Miller’s Tale In this project, we, as a team, were to read a Canterbury Tale and present it to the class. To make sure that we did a good job, we also had to create a quiz.

11 Research Project – PowerPoint Paper For this research, we conducted a research like any other paper. Except, we place our information in a PowerPoint and printed with notes.

12 Symbolism We did these two pieces of art to show color symbolism that was throughout Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In the end, we had to write an essay explaining symbolism that was used in this Midievel Romantic Poem

13 Parent / Teacher Interview George Tinnin Lydia Hartman

14 Dorian Gray Self-Portrait While we read The Picture of Dorian Gray, we were asked to create a self- portrait of ourselves. One was for our present and the other for future.

15 Taming of Shrew – Playbill and Poster This was a good way for people outside our class to know that we were reading William Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew and advertise our part.

16 Movie This was done to help us learn how to be comfortable on film and in front of people.

17 Reflection of Senior English

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