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Faculty Senate Orientation October 10, 2011 Faculty Senate.

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1 Faculty Senate Orientation October 10, 2011 Faculty Senate

2 Faculty Senate Orientation Sharon A. Croisant, PhD Chair, Faculty Senate Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health Associate Professor Carol M. Wiggs, RN, PhD Chair-Elect, Faculty Senate School of Nursing Associate Professor SON Baccalaureate Program Carolyn J. Utsey, PT, PhD Past-Chair, Faculty Senate Associate Professor & Chair, Physical Therapy School of Health Professions Faculty Senate

3 Excerpt from Senate By-laws According to the Board of Regents Rules, the Faculty shall have the authority to make recommendations concerning matters of general interest and concern to UTMB and its four Faculty bodies (Part 1, Chapter 3, Sections 9.2 and 10.1). Section 8.3 (Part 1, Chapter 3) states "administration officers are expected to listen with an open and appreciative mind to criticism and suggestions coming to them from members of their staffs". In that respect, the Senate shall be available for consultation by the Administration during the planning of proposals which affect the overall policies, long- term objectives or use of major resources of UTMB. The Senate shall consider any matters referred to it by the Administration of UTMB or the Board of Regents. On its own initiative, the Senate shall submit questions or recommendations on any matter affecting the interest of UTMB to any major Administrators or Academic Leaders of UTMB. Faculty Senate

4 Officers The Chair-Elect serves in the absence of the Chair and as parliamentarian. Serves as a voting member of the School to which he/she belongs The Chair serves as the official lead of the Faculty Senate, chairs all meetings, and serves to advise UTMB administration of Faculty matters. Does not vote except in cases of a tie. The immediate Past-Chair serves in an advisory capacity. No voting privileges. Faculty Senate

5 Ex-0fficio Members President of UTMB Provost All V.P.’s Deans of the Schools Faculty Senate

6 General Features of Senate Activities Monthly meetings – 2 nd Monday 4:30-6 Website (see main UTMB page)UTMB Subcommittees – Executive, Governance, Faculty Quality, Academic and Administrative Affairs, IHOP Monthly senate leadership meetings with Drs. Callender, Watson, and Cooper Quarterly senate leadership meetings with Drs. Watson and Cooper UT System Faculty Advisory Council Faculty Senate

7 Recent & Current Activities Ombudsman policy was revised this past year to allow for current faculty to apply Select committees will be involved in creating or finalizing IHOP Policies for Financial Exigency and Abandonment of Programs/Positions as well as Post-Tenure Review Addressing Chancellor’s Framework Faculty Compensation Committee Faculty Senate

8 Academic and Administrative Affairs Committee Makes recommendations on issues related to the academic mission and well-being of faculty, including: 1. Academic standards of excellence and professional ethics. 2. Resources for academic infrastructure to deliver academic programs. 3. Relations with students, including instruction, discipline, and ethics. 4. Program initiation, review, and termination. Faculty Senate

9 Faculty Quality Committee Makes recommendations on issues related to the recruitment, retention, and support of the faculty, including: 1.Faculty responsibilities and workload. 2. Faculty compensation, including equity among U.T. System component institutions and with their academic peer universities, and the basis for merit salary increases. 3. Faculty benefits and other quality of life issues, including insurance, retirement programs, educational benefits, sufficient support personnel, and family related issues. 4. A supported professional development leave program. Faculty Senate

10 Governance Committee Makes recommendations related to the role, status, and well-being of the faculty, including: 1.Faculty participation in academic decision-making, institutional budgets and planning, and management and administration at the departmental, college, component, and System levels. 2.Faculty governance processes. 3. Hiring, evaluation, continuation, tenure, promotion, and termination of faculty. 4. Selection, evaluation, continuation, and termination of administrators. Faculty Senate

11 IHOP Committee Provide oversight of all new and proposed changes to the UTMB IHOP made by the institutional IHOP committee that directly impacts the faculty. Propose changes to the IHOP on matters relating to the faculty. Provide input to the institutional IHOP committee through the Chair of the Faculty Senate (who serves as Co-Chair of the Senate IHOP Committee). Faculty Senate

12 Senate By-laws Rules All ranks of faculty are represented from instructor to professor Maximum of two 2-year terms Three absences in a row or four total months will mean forfeiture of faculty seat. Exceptions: military service, (need temporary replacement) knowledge you will be out for three or more months (forfeiture or temporary replacement) Illness or extreme circumstance (written request to Chair of Senate and decision by the Executive Board.) Faculty Senate

13 You represent the school from which you are elected. Reporting back to the school on activities and reporting to the Senate on concerns is your responsibility. Welcome to the Faculty Senate!!! Faculty Senate

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