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FOREST Source of Information: - NFI 2 (1986-1995) - NFI 3 (1997-2006): + 90.000 plots - Agricultural Year Statistics (harvests) - BEF (calculated for Mediterranean.

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Presentation on theme: "FOREST Source of Information: - NFI 2 (1986-1995) - NFI 3 (1997-2006): + 90.000 plots - Agricultural Year Statistics (harvests) - BEF (calculated for Mediterranean."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOREST Source of Information: - NFI 2 (1986-1995) - NFI 3 (1997-2006): + 90.000 plots - Agricultural Year Statistics (harvests) - BEF (calculated for Mediterranean species) CHANGES IN LAND USE AREA Forest definition: 2 compartments (no yet assessed separately) Tree forest: Crown cover of 20% or more Non tree forest: Crown cover between 5 and 20% Two parts: 1) Provinces where data of both inventories are available 2) Provinces where NFI 3 is in progress (no data now)

2 1)Increment of land area (LA) coefficient CIA =(LA NFI3/ LA NFI2) 1/T Origin : data of the year where NFI 2 was done, adding or resting coefficient depending of going ahead or back, from 1989 to 2005 2) Average-coefficient: [(sum of all the provinces 1) in 2000 / IDEM in 1990] 1/T. Use as temporal coefficient for the rest of the provinces until NFI 3 will be available

3 BIOMASS AND STOCKS Source: NFIs, stem volume overbark (SVO) Same procedure as before Results: SVO species/year Applying BEF (aboveground and belowground biomass related to SVO) calculated by Barcelona University for Mediterranean species (see COST E21 web page), or default IPCC (0,8) C Stocks and CO2: applying IPCC default factors (0,45 and 44/12) P. Sylvestris 0,62Quercus paetra 0,84 P. pinea 0,73Eucalyptus sp. 0,81 Pinus pinaster 0,55Quercus ilex 1,28

4 CARBON EMISSIONS Harvest: annual statistics of Agriculture Ministry ACCURACY LEVELS National Forest Inventories: confidence level: 95%,relative error, less that 10% Statistics: low accuracy (info not checked) PROBLEMS DETECTED NFI 3 and NFI 2 are not exactly correlated. Need to harmonized the results (key factor)

5 AFORESTATION / REFORESTATION In process to estimate. Two ways: Statistics of Agriculture Ministry related to European regulation of afforestation of agriculture land o More conservative o Not take account regional reforestations, anti- erosion plans, others… Checking new plots appeared in NFI3: O More realistic but maybe overlapping o To check age of the new forest (¿age of the new area?) o old aerial pictures (basis of NFI 2) Test phase with ESA (Kyoto Inv project) in order to assess use and accuracy of remote sensing techniques

6 DEFORESTATION No land use change after a forest fire Small areas in the vicinity of urban zones. Not assessed by the moment FOREST FIRE ISSUE Evaluating how to assess: - recover period of biomass after fire - intensity of the fire - harvest of wood (over-accounting) Selected sample of NFI 2 plots burned with different intensity in different years Asses the NFI 3 results in those plots

7 FOREST MANAGEMENT Analysis of subsamples (NFIs selected plots) in different bioclimatic areas (Mediterranean dry, Mediterranean wet, Atlantic) - Every subsample must contain plots with different ages (less and more than 60 years) different main species (conifer/broadleaves) o Compare subsample of homogeneous plots that have been managed between NFI2 and NFI3 and others that remain without management. o Expected results: percentage of change in biomass after a period by species, age, bioclimatic zone - Accounting in all the NFI 2 plots (divided in groups by the conditions) that have been resulted in NFI 3 plots with management, give the amount. (20 % in 30 yrs. - test phase)

8 LITTER – SOIL CARBON Data of 420 plots in one single inventory (ICP-Forest Level I grid, 1993-1996): stock To be repeated between 2005-2008 increasing to 620 (analysis of changes) + results of research project concerning soil carbon variability models in a climate change scenario in Mediterranean area (2002-2004) DEADWOOD Few data from Forest-Biota project (2003-2005) Database in progress (NFI 3 in several areas, Level I sistematic grid – 620 plots, 2005-2008) To be checked in the future as routine in subsmaple of NFI

9 ARTICLE 3.4 Not yet decided PROYECTIONS According final results of NFI 3, and new design of NFI 4 (foreseen 2007-2016)

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