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Events After World War I and their Impact on Georgia Day 3.

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1 Events After World War I and their Impact on Georgia Day 3

2 Learning Targets I can analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and their impact on Georgia. --I can describe the impact of the boll weevil and drought on Georgia. --I can explain economic factors that resulted in the Great Depression. --I can discuss the impact of the career of Eugene Talmadge. --I can discuss the effect of the New Deal in terms of the impact of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Agricultural Adjustment Act, rural electrification, and Social Security.

3 The New Deal When Roosevelt accepted his party’s nomination, he told the audience, “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.”

4 Franklin D. Roosevelt Polio Legs were paralyzed and wore steel braces. Most people did not know about his paralysis. His optimism won the people’s confidence. Believed that Roosevelt would try new ways to end the depression.

5 New Deal Objective #1 Objective = Economic Recovery

6 Banks FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) If you put your money into the bank and the bank for any reason went broke, the government would pay you back. This helped citizens regain faith in America’s banking system.

7 Recovery Programs (Farmers and Manufacturers) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) Farm Security Administration (FSA) National Recovery Administration (NRA) --Pay farmers to produce less cotton, corn, wheat, rice, and milk and to raise fewer hogs. --Bought products from the farmers and gave them to the poor. --Provided loans to more than a million sharecroppers to buy land, tools, and animals. --Encouraged farmers to try new crops, taught them how to conserve their soil, and gave them training on how to better manage their farms. --Made businesses abide by strict codes of conduct. --Outlawed false advertising and made companies charge the same prices for a product to everyone. --Set minimum wage laws --Set maximum working hours for each employee --Child labor no longer permitted.

8 Relief Programs (Unemployed) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Public Works Administration (PWA) Works Progress Administration (WPA) --Put young men to work in rural and forest areas, planting trees and terracing fields to prevent soil erosion. --Also worked on dams, roads, and forest fire prevention and mosquito control projects. --Put about half-million men to work on public construction projects (school buildings, community auditoriums, hospitals, dams, roads and bridges, airports for the military, and ships for the navy). --biggest and most controversial work relief program. --cleared slums --built power plants --provided free plays and concerts

9 Reform Programs (Changed the Way Americans Worked) Security & Exchange Commission (SEC) National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Social Security Act --Oversee the buying and selling of stocks --protect investors and corporations --set rules against the wild speculation and shady dealings that had led to the 1929 crash --Protected workers who wanted to organize unions. --Employees guaranteed the right to choose representatives to bargain collectively with employers over wages and working conditions. --Provided electrical power to rural areas. --Built dams and operated power plants to provide low-cost electricity to people in seven states. --bought power to millions of farm families through cooperatives. --Provided government pensions (retirement pay) to older citizens. --Provided federal money to state governments for helping people who were unemployed.

10 Georgia’s New Deal Governors Richard Russell, Jr. Eugene Talmadge Eurith Rivers Ellis Arnall

11 Richard Russell, Jr. Tried to run the state like a successful business. Served the US Senate for 38 years after leaving his position as governor.

12 Eugene Talmadge One of the most famous politicians in Georgia. His good looks and support for the farmer made him popular to many Georgians. Elected as Governor 4 terms. County Unit System = Talmadge knew that this system of voting gave the small rural farmers as much say in the state legislature as the more populated areas.

13 Talmadge Against FDR’s New Deal He did not like big government having programs that controlled people’s lives. He especially disliked relief efforts, public welfare, and federal assistance programs. He opposed minimum wage requirements. When the General Assembly passed laws to enable Georgia to participate in other New Deal programs, the governor vetoed them. When Talmadge refused to follow federal New Deal regulations, the federal government took over New Deal programs in Georgia. After two consecutive terms, Talmadge ran for US Senate against Richard Russell and was defeated.

14 Eurith Rivers Supported New Deal. Health services for all Georgians Old age pensions Teacher pay raises 7 month school year Homestead exemptions for taxes Expansion of the state’s highway system

15 Talmadge Re-Elected Softened his anti-Roosevelt stand Modified version of New Deal State’s economy grew Talk of Integration at University of Georgia & Georgia Southern University Talmadge had them fired Offended the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and they voted to take away the accreditation of white Georgia colleges.

16 Ellis Arnall Georgians were upset the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and with Governor Talmadge. Elected Arnall Immediately took steps to correct the problems with the university accreditation Led Georgia to become the 1 st state in the nation to grant 18 year olds the right to vote.

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