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LAI / CILIP Joint Conference Workshop A Public Libraries Strategy for Ireland John Dolan & Annette Kelly 11 April 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "LAI / CILIP Joint Conference Workshop A Public Libraries Strategy for Ireland John Dolan & Annette Kelly 11 April 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAI / CILIP Joint Conference Workshop A Public Libraries Strategy for Ireland John Dolan & Annette Kelly 11 April 2013

2 Background and Context Who is involved –Department of Environment Community and Local Government –Libraries Development, Local Government Management Agency –Steering Group –Library partners – CCLs, LAI Background to the strategy –Previous strategies –New strategy 2013-2017 Political rationale National strategy + local delivery

3 SWOT on Libraries Strengths Popular. Nostalgia. Community value. Children. Literacy. Recent investment paid off. Weaknesses Inconsistent. Low awareness. Research/ Evidence. Dated (image). Slow to modernise Opportunities Partnership. Community engagement. Digital. Staff skills relevant. Sustainable libraries – Engaged, Relevant, Innovative Threats Competition. Lack of support. Stagnate. Investment not productive. Failure to meet needs of people and communities

4 Strategy

5 The Strategy: Key strategic purpose Social /community –Community. Identity –Cohesion –Place to go, to be –Cultural Economic –Jobs –Entrepreneurs, SMEs, Start-ups –Creative industries –Digital economy –Tourism economy

6 Five strategic strands Human –Employability. Skills. SMEs. Entrepreneurial potential –Children, Young People and Families –Citizenship. Health. Community. Wellbeing Digital –Single national LMS –Web content. E-publications. Local e-publishing –Social Media –24/7 Physical –Right libraries in the right place Workforce –Leadership and Impact –Customer and Community –Learning and Development Research –Monitoring. Review, Evaluation. Innovation. Futures

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