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1YMLP-D-09-022 Introduction to the FutureNEM project D2 Concertation meeting Brussels- 3-4 February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "1YMLP-D-09-022 Introduction to the FutureNEM project D2 Concertation meeting Brussels- 3-4 February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 1YMLP-D-09-022 Introduction to the FutureNEM project D2 Concertation meeting Brussels- 3-4 February 2010

2 2YMLP-D-09-022 Why FutureNEM ? FutureNEM objectives and organisation FutureNEM Partnership FutureNEM Budget

3 3YMLP-D-09-022 NEM has gathered a significant momentum, Permanent and large participation, Well established organisation, Relevant set of publications, Recognized presence in standards organisations, High level of visibility (NEMletter, NEM Summit), International cooperation, Significant role in Future Internet discussions. NEM is on the way to achieving the major objectives defined at its creation …then….

4 4YMLP-D-09-022 Why FutureNEM ? …. To prepare the transition towards self sustainability: keep a leading role in Future Internet (FIA, KIC, PPP), Keep high visibility in EU and outside, Continue formulating a common european position on strategic, technical, regulation issues Develop its constituency towards under-represented communities (SMEs, Content producers)

5 5YMLP-D-09-022 Why FutureNEM ? The role of FutureNEM is to provide assistance to NEM on a limited set of activities: When a coordinated european approach is required When activities are associated with a financial load difficult to share …..Other NEM activities are operated by NEM stakeholders on a voluntary basis.

6 6YMLP-D-09-022 FutureNEM objectives and organisation WP6 : SA Management WP1 : Management support for NEM initiative WP2 : NEM Strategy WP3 : NEM Public position WP4 : NEM Summit WP5 : NEM development To keep leading role in Future Internet+ prepare NEM 2.0 To formulate a common European position To develop collaboration with specific communities

7 7YMLP-D-09-022 WP6 : SA Management WP1 : Management support for NEM initiative WP2 : NEM Strategy WP3 : NEM Public position WP4 : NEM Summit WP5 : NEM development FutureNEM objectives and organisation

8 8YMLP-D-09-022 WP1 : Management support for NEM initiative T1.4 Collaboration tools T1.2 Support for NEM GA & Exec. struct. T1.3 Marketing support T1.1 Governance & Membership Manag. Execution of the governance model (elections), membership databases etc. Support to the executive management of the ETP Document repository+ NEM social Web network, forum Newletters, brochures, posters, press releases FutureNEM objectives and organisation

9 9YMLP-D-09-022 WP6 : SA Management WP1 : Management support for NEM initiative WP2 : NEM Strategy WP3 : NEM Public position WP4 : NEM Summit WP5 : NEM development mit FutureNEM objectives and organisation

10 10YMLP-D-09-022 WP2 : NEM Strategy T2.2 NEM liaison with regional clusters T2.3 the future of NEM T2.1 NEM in the FI community Representation and contribution of NEM in the FI discussion : FIA, KIC, PPP Develop the collaboration with regional clusters Draft out what NEM 2.0 will look like ! FutureNEM objectives and organisation

11 11YMLP-D-09-022 WP6 : SA Management WP1 : Management support for NEM initiative WP2 : NEM Strategy WP3 : NEM Public position WP4 : NEM Summit WP5 : NEM development FutureNEM objectives and organisation

12 12YMLP-D-09-022 WP3 : NEM Public position T3.2 : Organ. of position paper elaboration T3.3 : Support to Open Net. Media Forum T3.1 : NEM position on future research direction What are the view of NEM on important research topics ? An instrument to advise NEM ! …includes : -investigate non-ICT domain -promotion on standardisation aspects -Education & training activities FutureNEM objectives and organisation

13 13YMLP-D-09-022 WP6 : SA Management WP1 : Management support for NEM initiative WP2 : NEM Strategy WP3 : NEM Public position WP4 : NEM Summit WP5 : NEM development FutureNEM objectives and organisation

14 14YMLP-D-09-022 WP4 : NEM Summit T4.2 : Event Promotion T4.3 : Event Organisation T4.1 : Event definition 2 other NEM Summits in 2010 and 2011 Includes a post event analysis, and, at the end « the future of NEM summits » FutureNEM objectives and organisation

15 15YMLP-D-09-022 WP6 : SA Management WP1 : Management support for NEM initiative WP2 : NEM Strategy WP3 : NEM Public position WP4 : NEM Summit WP5 : NEM development FutureNEM objectives and organisation

16 16YMLP-D-09-022 WP5 : NEM Development T5.2 : Promotion of NEM membership T5.1 : International cooperation 2 communities identified : -SMEs -content producers Maintain the link with specific projects that address each country FutureNEM objectives and organisation Increase the footprint of NEM in specific communities

17 17YMLP-D-09-022 FutureNEM Partnership Thomson (Chair) Eurescom (Secret.) IRT (new research direct.) Rose (Intern. & NEM Forum) P I&R (regional clusters)France Telecom (VP) BBC (VP) Sigma Orionis (NEM summit)Game (content industr.) UPM (academ.)

18 18YMLP-D-09-022 85 P-M / 1.3 M (EC contribution : 870 k) between 15 & 20% per WP except –NEM Summit (28%) –SA Management (5% ) FutureNEM budget

19 19YMLP-D-09-022 Thank you for your attention

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