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Group I CSO capacities for engaging and becoming visible in the media.

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Presentation on theme: "Group I CSO capacities for engaging and becoming visible in the media."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group I CSO capacities for engaging and becoming visible in the media

2 Building capacities – CSOs Capacity building is about realising the importance of media as a channel to reach the public. Define a communications person in the organisation. Create tools for communication with the media. Communication needs to be at a high level both internally and externally to ensure the right message is being sent out. Media literacy training - how to effectively handle media communication tools. Communication cannot be the responsibility of one single person. Everyone in the organisation should be aware of the communication plan and find their individual place in its implementation.

3 Building capacities of the media Issue-oriented media workshops. Formulate them as working meetings, information sharing meetings, media consultations, if you feel the media won’t respond to ‘training’. Engage the media, ask their opinion on certain issues. Help specialize journalists in specific subjects like ecology, women’s rights etc.

4 Show benefits of CSO-media partnerships Sharing of best practices and experiences Better informing of citizens Change of perception of the public, corporate social responsibility. Media that work with CSOs would gain credibility. It could help them gain the respect they lack today. Helping media take their proper role in the democratic society.

5 Relationship building between CSOs and media Building closer professional relationships with media Helping break down the stereotypes on both sides Give the media more information, be transparent Involving media representatives in governance structures Include media experts in the preparation of CSO strategies. CSOs supporting media in their efforts to battle for freedom of the press, free speech, missing and murdered journalists and violence against journalists etc.

6 CSO internal change - attitude change Communication strategy should be connected to the mission, vision and aims of the organisation. Remind CSOs that the main beneficiary of their work is the public. Developing the accountability of the CSOs to their own constituencies and the public, and not only to the donors – and the role of the media in ensuring that accountability. Promote good stories to bring about attitude change. Recruit celebrity/VIP champions to promote your issues. (Keeping in mind the risks involved).

7 Innovation and social media Digital media – citizen journalism and CSO journalism – creating content directly. They should be addressed in a specific way and CSOs should have a section of their strategy dealing with them. There is no clear agreement in the group on how necessary is it to include social media in the communication strategy.

8 Media internal change The media have owners, editors and directors, and a marketplace to which they bend. It is up to us – the CSOs – to bring change to them.

9 Clear, simple message The message needs to be understandable both to the media and to the general public. Whenever it’s possible, engage communication experts in creating your message. Recognize the elements of a good message – content, channels of publishing.

10 Thank you

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