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NFOIC Social Media Strategy Ryan Shiner and Erica VandenHouten.

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Presentation on theme: "NFOIC Social Media Strategy Ryan Shiner and Erica VandenHouten."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFOIC Social Media Strategy Ryan Shiner and Erica VandenHouten

2 Executive Summary ●Who is the NFOIC? o The Freedom of Information Center specializes in open government research and education and promoting the public's right to government accountability

3 Let’s get to work ●What was our goal? o To research the current online presence of the NFOIC and its 50 affiliates o Come up with appropriate suggestions for improving online performance

4 Research ●Hours of time on social media, looking at every affiliate ●Attempts to send out a survey ●Communication with Dan Beverly about current situation

5 Findings

6 ●Postings = links ●No attempt to facilitate conversation ●No connection

7 Suggestions 1. Join 2. Post 3. Connect

8 Suggestions ●Tab on NFOIC website ●Twitter list: affiliates affiliates ●PayPal

9 Yammer ●What is it? o Collaboration software that empowers employees to be more productive and successful ●NFOIC account o Great resource, little usage o Affiliates need to know why they should be on it o Included in our handbook

10 Further Research ●Survey to be sent out on the NFOIC’s surveymonkey account o Hoping to gain more responses this way

11 Survey 1. How familiar is your organization with social media? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? 2. In what ways do you think you could improve? How could an improved online presence help you as an organization? 3. Are you familiar with Yammer? What is your current involvement with the NFOIC? If you were aware that NFOIC had valuable resources there, how would you use them? 4. What help do you need to improve your online presence?

12 Constraints ●Little connection, even less communication ●Distance ●Growth has to start with the basics o It’s where we are. Cannot have a great sophisticated plan because no one would follow it

13 Questions? Thank you!

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