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Do Now: Which new deal program did you think was the best and why? (Base these off the presentations from yesterday) Objectives: Students will be able.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Which new deal program did you think was the best and why? (Base these off the presentations from yesterday) Objectives: Students will be able."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Which new deal program did you think was the best and why? (Base these off the presentations from yesterday) Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) Describe the function of the major New Deal programs (2) analyze the info and form opinions on it's success Homework: Continue Reading Through Chapter on your Own

2 The Hundred Days Refresh An impressive 15 acts of legislation were passed early on in FDR’s presidency Born out of a divided administration (Many opinion)

3 Step 1: Fix the Banks! Declared a Bank Holiday right when he took office Emergency Banking Relief Act passed after just 38 mins! FDR then addressed 60 Million people in Fireside Chat Following day the deposits outweighed withdrawals

4 Regulating Banks & Brokers Advisors to FDR wanted him to go further to Trust-bust and create fair competition Securities Act of 1933 – This created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) The Glass-Steagall Act – This created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

5 Step 2: Managing Farms & Industry Advisors believed that struggles came from low prices and high production Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) – Government paid farmers NOT to grow certain crops Had to destroy crops already planted By 1936 farm surplus had ended and food prices rose (Hard Criticism Large farmers did better than small ones because they had one crop vs. many African American became homeless and jobless when landlords chose to shut down their land

6 Step 3: Debt Relief Americans were in debt – cut back spending Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) – Government bought loans and restructured with longer terms less interest 1 out of 5 mortgages were helped Still foreclosed if people lost jobs Farm Credit Administration (FCA) – Similar program for farmers

7 Step 4: Spending and Relief Programs Didn’t want to simply GIVE money to the unemployed Thought people could build morale and develop skills

8 Programs Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – Gave men 18-25 conservationist jobs Planting Trees, fighting forest fires, and building reservoirs Public Works and Emergency Relief – Created FERA (Led by Harry Hopkins) Public Works Administration (PWA) – Created construction projects, like highways, dams, sewers, water-works, schools, etc. Indirect Hiring Civil Works Administration (CWA) – Similar to PWA but employees hired directly ($1 Billion Spent) Direct Hiring Became alarmed at the spending and shut down program

9 First Term Thoughts These programs did not restore prosperity His actions inspired hope and optimism Faith in nation had returned Why do you think faith returned???

10 The Second New Deal Do Now: Grab a worksheet from Mr. Collison and fill in the first part of the chart with a partner Objectives: Students will be able to...(1) analyze an image for key information (2) describe the second New Deal (3) compare and contrast the two New Deals Homework: Guided reading sheet for 23-4

11 Opponents of the New Deal Who opposed the New Deal? Why did they oppose it? What is deficit spending? What comparisons can you make to our current economy?

12 Opposition from Right & Left People on the Right: Thought he was putting too much regulations on Government Deficit Spending – scared business leaders Formed American Liberty League – Organized opposition to the New Deal People on the Left: Believed he had not gone far enough Wanted more dramatic intervention

13 Second New Deal Programs Works Progress Administration (WPA) - Similar to PWA and CWA $11 Billion Spent Built: 650,000 miles of highways, roads and streets 125,000 public buildings 8,000 parks Improved: 124,000 bridges 853 airports

14 Supreme Court Programs were taking longer to pass in congress. Why? Supreme court struck down National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) Schechter vs. United States – “ The sick chicken” case Schechter brothers violated chicken provision by selling diseased chickens and paying workers too little. Supreme court ruled that Congress could not delegate powers to Executive Branch

15 Industrial Unions National Labor Relations Board (Wagner Act): The act guaranteed workers the right to organize unions and to bargain collectively Set up binding arbitration – neutral party listens to both sides and decides on issues Committee for Industrial Organization: Organization formed to help organize unions

16 Strikes Sit-Down Strikes: Workers who stopped working but refused to leave plants Flint, Michigan Auto-Plant: Union workers went on strike and it turned violent Similar situations happened around the country

17 Social Security Act GOAL – To provide help for those unemployed through no fault of their own People it helped: Elderly who stopped work after 65 Unemployed People with disabilities Poor families with young children Critics didn’t like that the $$ came from payroll taxes on workers Helped a lot of people initially, but left our the neediest of people at the time (Farmers and domestic workers) 65 % African Americans fell in to this category

18 Your task…. Using the chart on the back and the book, identify what those major programs accomplished, and who might have opposed them

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