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Loughborough Director of Marketing and Advancement, Loughborough University EMMAJ70.

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Presentation on theme: "Loughborough Director of Marketing and Advancement, Loughborough University EMMAJ70."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing @ Loughborough Director of Marketing and Advancement, Loughborough University EMMAJ70

2 What We’ll Cover Challenges The marketing function Identifying audiences and opportunities The strategy What’s next...

3 Challenges

4 Lack of planning, frameworks and connectivity Capacity and skills Institutional understanding about marketing and communications Branding and positioning Meeting the “brand promise” Resources and ROI

5 The Marketing Function at Loughborough o New structure – Marketing and Advancement o Comprises six previously disparate areas: Design and Print, Marketing, Communications, SOAR, International Office, DARO – “cradle to grave” structure focused on the student experience and linked to recruitment at the core but with wide ranging focus on corporate promotional, reputation, influencing and brand o Reputation as a key strategic enabler spanning all forms of income generating activity including recruitment, research, enterprise, philanthropic and other income, commrical income

6 Focus on Stand Out

7 Strategic Alignment

8 Aims and Objectives

9 So Who Matters? Kotler and Fox (1985): The University and its Publics

10 Strengthening Communications Strategy

11 Developing a ‘Global Army of Ambassadors’

12 Using Social Media Strategically Developing reach and building connected communities of interest Harnessing ambassadors Raising awareness and amplifying impact Building connections Responding to opportunities Supporting recruitment, fundraising and other forms of income generation

13 Content, Search and Social Media in a PR Context

14 Why News is Important…and PR Methods Need Updating

15 Integrated Public Relations

16 Social media Link to further content Subhead Link to lead researcher’s page on The University of Nottingham website Embedded video also included, where appropriate Working Your Media Content

17 Student Involvement

18 Other Brand Advocates

19 Staff Advocacy

20 Understand Your Audience

21 The Impact of Devices

22 Online Usage Infographic by via Pinterest

23 Understanding the recruitment marketing mix

24 New Ways to Market

25 The Conversation in Context

26 Mobile Rules…

27 Global Opportunities

28 Strategy Development

29 Marketing Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

30 Aligning On and Offline Activity

31 Encouraging Buy-In

32 Uses, Channels and Opportunities

33 A Strategic Framework

34 A Seven Step Process

35 Why Bother?

36 Customer First

37 The Right Tools For The Job

38 Top Line Uses

39 Governance and Training

40 Listen, Engage, Analyse

41 A key strategy for reach and leverage is to re-purpose and refocus content across a wide range of channels. Monitor channel development and growth and go where your audiences are — you can’t be everywhere. Maximise channel links and opportunities to engage across platforms and embed social media within your PR and marketing strategy (inc. publications). Multiple Uses and Careful Targeting

42 COPE in Action

43 Resourcing Issues

44 And When It All Gets Too Much…

45 The Future? What’s Next?

46 And Finally… “However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” Winston Churchill Thank you for listening.

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