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Transport Urban mobility package 2013. Transport The 2011 White Paper - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Oil dependency - High and volatile.

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Presentation on theme: "Transport Urban mobility package 2013. Transport The 2011 White Paper - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Oil dependency - High and volatile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transport Urban mobility package 2013

2 Transport The 2011 White Paper - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Oil dependency - High and volatile oil prices - 60% Greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 Congestion Competitiveness of the EU economy

3 Transport Ten Goals for a competitive and resource efficient transport, including …two specifically urban. | 3 Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Halve the use of conventionally-fuelled cars in urban transport by 2030, phase them out by 2050 Achieve essentially CO²-free city logistics by 2030 – in major urban centres

4 Transport Urban Mobility Package – 2013 Initiative 31 Sustainable urban mobility plans link EU funds to sustainable urban transport strategy Initiative 32 Framework for urban road user charging and access restriction zones Initiative 33 Zero-emission urban logistics – in major urban centres by 2030 Urban Mobility Package in 2013

5 Transport Public consultation Public consultation on urban dimension of the EU transport policy An on-line public consultation run between 17 September and 17 December 2012 206 respondents took part in the consultation: 195 replied to the questionnaire and are included in the statistics, the other 11 sent position papers 88 responded in personal capacity, 58 was from associations/NGOs and 24 were from local and regional public authorities Responses are not a statistically representative sample of EU stakeholders or citizens The topics addressed - Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans - Access restriction and urban pricing schemes - EU financial support for urban transport projects, - Urban logistics - Other issues

6 Transport Study to support the UMP Launched December 2012 To support the IA on SUMPs To assess the use of access restrictions To assess city logistics

7 Transport Process Public consultation until 17 December 2012 Exchange with experts, stakeholders and MS EC Impact Assessment – first half 2013 Preparation of proposal texts (Communication? Guidelines? Strategy? Conditionality? Legal Text?) – first half 2013 Proposal – second half 2013

8 Transport Today's meeting To present and discuss the Urban Mobility Package To complete the Impact Assessment on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans with information and views from the CoR

9 Transport Thank you for your participation and contribution!

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