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The Reactions of: John Chapter 20. The Characters of John 20 Peter and “the Beloved Disciple” vv 1-10 respond to the report of Mary Magdalene Peter enters.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reactions of: John Chapter 20. The Characters of John 20 Peter and “the Beloved Disciple” vv 1-10 respond to the report of Mary Magdalene Peter enters."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reactions of: John Chapter 20

2 The Characters of John 20 Peter and “the Beloved Disciple” vv 1-10 respond to the report of Mary Magdalene Peter enters first – no indication of whether he believed Then John enters When he sees the burial garments he believes Jesus has risen Why the description of the garments ?

3 Burial procedures "St John tells us that Jesus was buried in the 'manner of the Jews' (19:40). At the time of Jesus' death it was the custom of the Jews to wash the body, then dress it in clean linen clothes, generally garments worn at festivals, to bind a cloth or bandage under the chin and tie it at the crown of the head to prevent the jaw sagging. A cloth was sometimes placed over the face, but invariably the feet and wrists were also bound (as we learn from St John in Chapter 11, where he describes the raising of Lazarus: Jesus tells those who were caring for him to 'unbind him and let him go free'.) When all this was done, the body was laid on the long linen shroud, which ran the full length of the body and then back over the head to the feet again. Before the shroud was bound to the body, it was packed with spices and herbs, and coins were placed over the eyes. Months later, when the body had sufficiently decomposed, the bones were placed in an ossuary, a small stone or wooden chest, and placed alongside others in the family tomb. Jews did not swathe their dead in bandages like Egyptian mummies, and the Romans cremated their dead. Consequently there were at least six, and possibly seven pieces of cloth involved in a Jewish burial."raising of Lazarus

4 Mary Madalene vv 11-18 She is mentioned 18 times in the gospel When the disciples returned home, Mary returned to the tomb Sees two angels –They are in the same position as wrappings in v 6-7 Believes Jesus’ body may have been moved Jesus’ words to Mary parallel those of 1:38 She recognizes Jesus when he says her name What is the importance of this?

5 The Disciples 19-23 No longer dark – why ? But there is still a fear of the Jews Gives them his peace Sends Holy Spirit Removes all doubt of his identity – shows wounds Fulfill promise made at last Supper 16:21-22 They believe Disciples are commissioned – similar to synoptics

6 Thomas v. 24-29 Thomas has been absent when Jesus first appeared to the disciples He refuses to believe (just as so many in this gospel have) Thomas wants proof of the resurrection, but refuses to believe the others. Stresses physical presence Fails to recognize presence will now be on a different level

7 Thomas Thomas’ demand for proof has been condemned by Jesus in 4:48 The greatest doubter comes to a certain faith “My Lord and My God” - verse 29

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