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 They are soon to be Year 3 and …. in the JUNIORS!!!!!!

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2  They are soon to be Year 3 and …. in the JUNIORS!!!!!!

3 USP Unique Selling Point  Your children  Our caring community  Focus on excellence  Partnership

4 Our School  ‘Happiness at the Heart of Learning’  High expectations of everyone  Valued, effective staff  Very good organisation systems  Excellent quality of teaching  Fantastic pupils  Expanded building- good facilities

5 Values led  Respect  Self confidence  Social Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)  Membership

6 What’s our child’s new school like?  Presence of staff on the playground  Informative website  Newsletters  Wellbeing team of staff  Assertive Mentoring - half termly reports on your child’s progress  Opportunities to come in to join learning

7 Happy Individuals  Class contracts  Home school agreement  Investor in Pupils  Social Emotional Aspects of Learning  Aware of their own potential but respectful of others  Clear behaviour policies with positive approach but clear sanctions

8 Year 3 team  Miss Lattimore – team leader  Miss Haukim – current Year 3 teacher  Mr Papadarkis – current Year 3 teacher  Mrs Balsal – joining our school, experienced KS1 and Y3 teacher  A team of teaching and learning support assistants  Mrs Kelly working with Miss Lattimore  Mrs Huse (SENDCo) focus on Year 3 in Autumn  Miss Hague- teacher of children with additional needs

9 Transition programme  Playtime  Assembly  Lunch  Show  Tried and tested routines  Meet new teachers next Tuesday  Very good relationship with the Infants school

10 Your child will be given:  A planner  A school pencil case  Contents for the pencil case  School dictionary  Log-ins for: Bug Club (reading tool), Mathletics, Fronter or website for homework, homework book

11 You can…..  Visit our school library with your child after school on a Monday and Tuesday  Help your child save at our school bank  Come to gardening club on a Wednesday lunchtime  Volunteer in class –will need a DBS check

12 Children Involved  From ringing the bell in the morning..  School Council, eco warriors, maths ambassadors, reading champions  Planners - homework  Clubs- early morning, lunch and after school( will be getting a letter)  Investors in Pupils

13  To be in the playground by 8.45am when the bell sounds  Send with dinner money or packed lunch – keep £5 in credit  P.E. kit in school on weekdays  Expect to have a reading book and planner come home  Not take them out of school for dentist or doctor appointments  Bring to school unless they have been sick or have a temperature  Speak with us if you have any concerns You need:

14 Exciting Curriculum  National Curriculum with a Whitehall ‘twist’  Some ability grouping-much learning from one another  Will be taught French and learn the recorder (other instruments in Year 4)  Will go swimming in Year 5  Will have at least one educational experience offsite per term

15 If your child has additional needs  All teachers will offer Quality First Teaching We have an Inclusion Team:  Coordinator of Special Needs – Louise Huse  Special Needs teacher – Kim Hague  EAL coordinator - Heather Brooks  G&T coordinator - Joanne Norman  Pupil Wellbeing Officer - Debbie Simmonds  Learning Mentor - Bina Gadher  Activity Leader – Emma Raeburn  Lunchtime leader – Manjit Bhogal

16 Teaching respect  Modelling by all adults  Simple courtesies  Some conversations need to be private = off the playground  Sanctions  Uniform  Bullying- keeping safe and secure policy

17 Uniform expectations – all named!  Red jumper  White shirt  Black trousers skirt  Headwear in school colours, long hair tied back  Black shoes or trainers  P.E. kit in named bag to stay in school red top and black shorts/trousers and change of shoes

18 Ongoing partnership  September meeting with teachers  October achievement report  Early morning and after school  Inform about life outside school  Parents and Friends Association  Governors  Parent group- Leading Parent Partnership Award

19 Family matters

20 September 2015 and beyond…  Lovely children in supportive community;  Excellent Ofsted and good follow up audits;  Very good standards of attainment and rates of progress;  Focus on high expectations, good teaching of the basics and motivational learning;  Good partnership as we move forward.

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