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Weather Generator Methods
Dr Rob Wilby King’s College London
A few wise words “Probabilities direct the conduct of the wise man”
(Cicero, Roman orator, BC) “The only certainty is uncertainty” (Pliny the Elder, AD 23-79) “As for me, all I know is I know nothing” (Socrates, BC) Source: Katz (2002)
Presentation outline A brief history
The “classic” weather generator approach Conditioning by atmospheric circulation patterns Weather generator applications Future directions
A brief history
Key publications in the development of daily weather generators
Distributions of daily wet (red) and dry (blue) spell lengths at Cambridge, UK approximated by geometric distributions
Distribution of daily wet day totals (tenths mm) at Cambridge, UK approximated (poorly) by the exponential distribution
The “classic” approach
Precipitation occurrence process
Most weather generators contain separate treatments of the precipitation occurrence and intensity processes. A first-order Markov chain for precipitation occurrence is fully defined by two conditional probabilities p01 = Pr{precipitation on day t | no precipitation on day t-1} and p11 = Pr{precipitation on day t | precipitation on day t-1} which are called transition probabilities.
Precipitation occurrence processes (cont.)
The transition probabilities for Cambridge, UK are as follows dry-to-wet (p01) = 0.291 wet-to-wet (p11) = 0.654 Therefore it follows (for a two state model) that dry-to-dry (p00) = 1 - p01 = 0.709 wet-to-dry (p10) = 1 - p11 = 0.346 This approach may be extended from a first-order to nth-order model by considering transitions that depend on states on days t-1, t-2…...t-n (as in Gregory et al., 1993).
Precipitation amount processes
Daily precipitation amounts are typically strongly skewed to the right. The simplest reasonable model is the exponential distribution, as it requires specification of only one parameter, , and whose probability density function is: The two-parameter gamma distribution is a popular choice, defined by the shape and scale parameter : Most weather generators make the assumption that precipitation amounts on successive wet days are independent.
Precipitation amount processes (cont.)
January precipitation at Ithaca, New York represented by three pdfs: exponential gamma mixed exponential Source: Wilks and Wilby (1999)
Inverse normal transformation
[1] raw data [2] empirical pdf [3] cumulative pdf [4] normal pdf [5] z-scores
Other meteorological variables
Condition the statistics of the daily variables (typically maximum/ minimum temperatures and solar radiation) on occurrence of precipitation (a proxy for other processes such as cloud cover). In the classic WGEN model, multiple variables are modelled simultaneously with auto-regression: Where z(t) are normally distributed values for today’s nonprecipitation variables, z(t-1) are corresponding values for the previous day, and [A] and [B] are K K matrices of parameters, and (t) is white-noise forcing.
Other meteorological variables (cont.)
The z(t) are transformed to weather variables dependent on rainfall occurrence: if day t is dry if day t is wet where each Tk is any of the nonprecipitation variables, k,0 and k,0 are its mean and standard deviation for dry days, and k,1 and k,1 are its mean and standard deviation for wet days. Seasonal dependence of the means and standard deviations is usually achieved through Fourier harmonics (i.e., sine and cosines).
Daily weather generation (Markov chain)
Source: Wilks and Wilby (1999)
Daily weather generation (spell-lengths)
Source: Wilks and Wilby (1999)
Use of atmospheric patterns
Weather classification schemes may be used to condition daily meteorological variables such as the precipitation occurrence and intensity processes
Conditional probabilities of rainfall and mean intensity at Kempsford, Cotswolds associated with the main Lamb Weather Types (LWT), Conditioning weather patterns may be derived from (a) observations; (b) climate model output; (c) stochastic representations of (a) or (b).
Conditioning stochastic properties of daily precipitation on indices of atmospheric circulation
Conditioning variables: day of the week (!), month, season, year, geography, weather patterns, moisture indices, airflow/pressure indices, hidden states, NAOI and SOI, etc. Standard deviation of monthly precipitation at Valentia for an unconditioned an induced SLP model (Kiely et al., 1998).
Multi-site daily weather
Repeat application of single-site methods (see example below) Non-parametric (nearest neighbour, weather pattern) resampling Spatially correlated random numbers Fuzzy logic, neural networks Observed and downscaled inter-site correlations for 12 stations in Eastern England Estimates of Kendall’s τ for the 90th percentile 20–day winter maximum precipitation amounts across EE. Black lines represent observations; blue/red are model estimates.
Generation of climate analogues
125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 historic abstraction 1893 zero 1872 Ml/day Simulated 10-day annual minimum flow in the River Test under extreme cyclonic (1872) and anticyclonic (1893) weather patterns.
Temporal disaggregation - Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP)
Daily Tmax/Tmin/PPT using modified Richardson (1981) approach; Parameterized using HCN/ Coop network and VEMAP 99-year monthly grid (0.5º); Separate parameters for wet and dry periods (Wilks) Quality check of frequency distributions/ extremes Not actual daily series Source:
Detection of non-stationarity
Source: Wilby (2001) Dry-spell persistence (p00) at selected sites in the UK
Statistical downscaling
Changes in station-series means and variances will be proportional to changes in the respective area-average (GCM grid) moments: where S(T) is the sum of T daily precipitation amounts, is the unconditional probability of precipitation, and is the mean wet-day amount. Source: Wilks (1999)
Future directions
Sub-daily models Three steps in weather generator:
Number of wet subperiods conditional on total daily amount; Relative distribution of rainfall amounts per wet period; Time series using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. Source: Bardossy (1997)
Seasonal forecasting Using winter North Atlantic SST anomalies to condition summer dry–spell persistence (p00). Hindcasts of summer dry–spell persistence (p00) at Cambridge, 1946–1995, from preceding winter SST anomalies. Source: Wilby (2001)
Summary of weather generator characteristics
Further reading Cameron, D., Beven, K. and Tawn, J An evaluation of three stochastic rainfall models. Journal of Hydrology, 228, Dessens,J., Fraile, R., Pont, V. and Sanchez, J.L Day-of-the-week variability of hail in southwestern France. Atmospheric Research, 59-60, Gregory, J.M., Wigley, T.M.L. and Jones, P.D Application of Markov models to area-average daily precipitation series and interannual variability in seasonal totals. Climate Dynamics, 8, Katz, R.W Techniques for estimating uncertainty in climate change scenarios and impact studies. Climate Research, 20, Kiely, G., Albertson, J.D., Parlange, M.B. and Katz, R.W Conditioning stochastic properties of daily precipitation on indices of atmospheric circulation. Meteorological Applications, 5, Kilsby,C.G., Cowpertwait, P.S.P., O’Connell, P.E., and Jones, P.D Predicting rainfall statistics in England and Wales using atmospheric circulation variables. International Journal of Climatology, 18, Richardson, C.W Stochastic simulation of daily precipitation, temperature and solar radiation. Water Resources Research 17, Wilby, R.L Downscaling summer rainfall in the UK from North Atlantic ocean temperatures. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 5, 245–257. Wilks, D.S. and Wilby, R.L The weather generation game: a review of stochastic weather models. Progress in Physical Geography, 23,
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