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Regnum Christi Monthly Formation Webinar April 2014.

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1 Regnum Christi Monthly Formation Webinar April 2014

2 TOPICS  1. Update on the renewal process  2. Regnum Christi Convention 2014  3. Best Practices Sharing:  Guests: Fr Martin Connor, LC, Atlanta Men’s Section Chaplain  Michelle Hoffman, Calgary Women’s Section Director

3 RENEWAL  Formal Renewal Process for the Lay Members of the Movement will have 2 stages.  Illumination  Statute Revision  Following the Renewal of the Lay Members Statutes, we will begin reflection on the aspects of Regnum Christi Common to all branches- the Charism, missions  Charisma, spirituality, mission  Nature of association & Membership  Government & administration of the whole body

4 RENEWAL TENTATIVE TIMEFRAME October – December 2014 Illumination January-June 2015 Statute Revision Fall 2015 Territorial Assemblies Winter 2016 General Assembly 1.Materials and Process are being developed in Rome by a committee of lay members, Legionaries & Consecrated with help from Canon Lawyers and a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity 2. Illumination will prepare all members to be able to review the statutes, and will ideally be done in mixed groups. It will be a prerequisite for eligibility to participate in Statute Revision 3. Statute revision will take place Jan-Jun 2015 4. Territorial Assemblies will be held in Fall of 2015 where lay representatives from localities will gather to review the statutes that have been revised 5. In the 2016 General Assembly, the statutes of the lay members will be ratified and then presented to the Holy See for Approval

5 ILLUMINATION OCT-DEC 2014  The objective of this phase is to promote a process of reflection and deepening of the identity (vocation and mission) of the lay member of Regnum Christi. It also prepares members to revise statutes.  TOPICS 1. The lay vocation 2. Ecclesial Movements in the Church. 3. History and Evolution of Regnum Christi 4. Charism and Spirituality of the Movement  POSSIBLE MODALITIES: VIDEO PRESENTATION, DOCUMENT STUDY, GROUP DISCUSSION  PARTICIPANTS- all lay members, as well as Legionaries and consecrated who would like to participate.

6 STATUTE REVISION Jan-Jun 2015  The parts of the 2004 statutes of the Regnum Christi Movement which apply to lay members have been collected in a draft and modified with the work done in 2013 by the lay members tasked to give a first revision by Cardinal Velasio dePaolis. This is the working document for continued revision.  Participants must have participated in Illumination to participate in statute revision  Group discussion of the statutes and the themes in them will produce feedback collected locally and given to the territorial coordinator.

7 TERRITORIAL ASSEMBLY FALL 2015  After all of the feedback from localities and territories globally has been collected in Rome and a new draft of the statute has been produced, each territory will have an assembly of lay representatives review the new draft together and make recommendations to the General Assembly about it.

8 General Assembly Fall 2016  After the process of revision of the lay statutes is completed, the whole movement ( Legionaries, consecrated and lay members) will continue discernment and dialogue about the aspects of the Regnum Christi Movement that are shared by all branches. These are:  Charism  Spirituality  Mission  Nature of Association & Membership  Governance of the whole  In a General Assembly of all branches, a new statute will be proposed base don this discernment. At this time, the new statute of the lay members will also be ratified, and will be presented to the Holy See for approval.

9 LOCAL APPLICATION The renewal is universal in process and content, but is implemented locally. Therefore, localities will need to plan to: 1. Have local leaders attend the October Territorial Convention 2. Set aside time in the local calendar for the Illumination and Revision of Statute discussions (at least one meeting a month) 3. Have a local team of lay section directors or appointed lay members who will be responsible for organization, implementation and communication of the renewal process locally.

10 Regnum Christi Territorial Convention October 10-12, 2014 Atlanta, Georgia

11 THEME ‘Caritas Christi Urget Nos’ The Love of God Impels Us ~ 2 Cor 5:14  The “Core of the Charism”  The aspects of Spirituality, Communion and Mission in RC  This convention is for all Legionaries, Consecrated and lay people who are leaders or future leaders in their sections and localities

12 PROGRAM We will come together as a spiritual family to learn, dialogue together and understand:  The charism : progress & next steps on renewing it  the outcome of the assemblies and chapter  the relationship between the branches of the Movement & the framework for collaboration  the process for the renewal of the first and second degree  the territorial priorities in apostolic work and local application

13 As we move towards a General Assembly, we will focus on the:  Picture – of where we are going, what being an ecclesial movement in the Church means, how we are called to fulfill our identity and mission  Purpose – the purpose of the next 6 years of living a new reality towards a general assembly

14  Plan- how the illumination, renewal and revision of statutes for the lay members will work, how the framework for collaboration among the branches of the Movement will work, what apostolically we will focus on together.  Part- how is each branch and each member involved? How are we interrelated? What does this mean for you in your specific branches and roles?

15 Participants go home with  tools needed to communicate this to their members and integrate/implement these ideas into their planning and work.  Understanding of the lay renewal and the process and involvement of all branches, members and local leadership.  Renewed sense of communion in the Movement, stronger clarity on identity and mission, commitment for the next 6 years of work towards becoming what we are called to be in the Church

16 LOGISTICS  Dates: October 10-12, 2014  This convention is for Legionaries, Consecrated and lay people, especially those who are leaders or future leaders in their sections and localities.  Location: Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Atlanta  Registration will open early May

17 PRICING  Double Hotel style accommodation, all meals and conference activities and materials  Single Hotel style accommodation, all meals and conference activities and materials  Commuter rate- no accommodation, includes all meals and conference activities and materials Early Registration By July 15 $425 After July 15$499 Early Registration By July 15 $525 After July 15 $599 $350

18 BEST PRACTICES Guests: Women’s Section director : Calgary, Canada Michelle Hoffman Men’s Section Chaplain: Atlanta, GA Fr Martin Connor

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