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Life in the polar regions Ecosystem. Nenet people herded reindeer The nenet people of Siberia have herded reindeer for hundreds of years. as the reindeer.

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Presentation on theme: "Life in the polar regions Ecosystem. Nenet people herded reindeer The nenet people of Siberia have herded reindeer for hundreds of years. as the reindeer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life in the polar regions Ecosystem

2 Nenet people herded reindeer The nenet people of Siberia have herded reindeer for hundreds of years. as the reindeer move from place to place, the nenets followed them.

3 The coldest place around The polar regions are the coldest places on earth. The temperature seldom climbs above freezing. The treeless lands and windswept seas are almost always covered with snow and ice.

4 More plants than animals in the sea In the polar regions more plants and animals live In the sea than on land. Even the coldest waters are full of life

5 Animals and plants Plankton, krill, squid, fish, humpback whales, narwhals, Waddell seals, ringed seals, polar bears, penguins, willow ptarmigan, snow geese,south polar skua, peary caribou, reindeer, arctic foxes, lemmings, arctic hares, wild flowers, colorful lichens.

6 food chain Plankton Krill Squid Weddell seal Polar bear humans

7 Arctic foxes Arctic foxes use their sense of smell to the lemmings and other animals for therapy.

8 penguins Penguins can stay under water up to 18 minutes at a time.

9 Made by: Breauna, Shelby, Jake, Trey

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