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Scotlands Environment Web WISE/GIS IT Workshop 07-08 May 2012 Duncan Taylor/Dave Watson.

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Presentation on theme: "Scotlands Environment Web WISE/GIS IT Workshop 07-08 May 2012 Duncan Taylor/Dave Watson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scotlands Environment Web WISE/GIS IT Workshop 07-08 May 2012 Duncan Taylor/Dave Watson

2 Scotlands Environment Web The gateway to everything you want to know about Scotlands environment Phase 1 completed November 2011 Provides a single view of Scotlands Environment State of Environment Report Demonstrates shared services approach Fits into national and international frameworks Provides a forum for debate and engagement Phase 2 – three year programme EU LIFE+ funded

3 SEWeb - Partners Scottish Government (SG) Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Historic Scotland (HS) Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS) James Hutton Institute (JHI) Marine Scotland (MS) LINK RAFTS NHS COSLA Food Standards Agency Scotland (FSAS)

4 Themed Maps Developed to support State of Environment report Constructed from 30 existing WMS Summary crafted maps plus ability to access more data sources Metadata harvest from national metadata repository Development of 60 additional WMS over next 3 years to target gaps identified in Phase 1

5 SEWeb Themes – Phase 2 Incorporation of data download services Demonstration applications – data accessibility and visualisation Channelled data provision INSPIRE SENSE2 – linked data trials Citizen Science Portal to existing sites (NBN, OPAL, Eye on Earth) How to exploit citizen data

6 Citizen Science Scotland possesses many isolated Citizen Science data repositories SEWeb looking at developing mechanisms to make prioritised datasets available. Construction of Citizen Science register characterising projects to allow prioritisation Explore linked data options for disparate Citizen Science datasets.

7 Linked Data Development Promote publication of data held by Agencies Academic involvement – development of ontologies and inference engines, integration of citizen science data Participation in SENSE2 (Shared European National State of the Environment) project – focusing on exchange of environmental indicators.

8 EEA SENSE2 Trial Indicators ThemeCodeIndicator name Air pollution CSI 001 Emission of acidifying substances Air pollution CSI 002Emissions of ozone precursors Air pollutionCSI 003 Em. of primary particulate matter and sec. partic. matter prec. Biodiversity CSI 008 Designated areas Cl. changeCSI 010Greenhouse gas emission trends Cl. changeCSI 011Greenhouse gas emissions projections EnergyCSI 029/ENER 026Primary energy consumption by fuel FisheriesCSI 033Aquaculture production WaterCSI 018Use of freshwater resources

9 Water/Freshwater Resources Indicator – Candidate Datasets Water Resources Data Returns Scottish Water Leakage Rates Meteorological Office - Rainfall

10 Linked Data Availability/Information Integration

11 Links Scotlands Environment Website Scottish SDI Metadata Discovery Catalogue






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