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ERDF in Andalusia Monica Burch, Grupo Alba Monica Burch & Paul Soto, Grupo Alba.

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Presentation on theme: "ERDF in Andalusia Monica Burch, Grupo Alba Monica Burch & Paul Soto, Grupo Alba."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERDF in Andalusia Monica Burch, Grupo Alba Monica Burch & Paul Soto, Grupo Alba

2 Objective 1, largest Spanish region and one of the most rural Largest recipient of Stuctural funds in Spain (12 bn - 30% of Obj 1 budget) Impressive natural and cultural resources 1995 – 2003 increase from 69.6% to 74.1% of average EU GDP per capita Population of over 8 M – and growing… Why Andalusia?

3 Strategic choices - Global competition Vs territorial cohesion… – 7.8bn was assigned to Andalusia´s Integrated Operational Programme (IOP) – 3 core objectives, 1 of which: increase the efficiency of the territorial model of Andalusia to promote economic development and improve the quality of life Rural Andalusia

4 Reaching rural areas? Huelva Seville Cádiz Málaga Granada Almería Jaén Córdoba Absence of systematic data No specific rural objectives in ERDF (or ESF)

5 How to measure? WP9: 6 provinces: strong autonomous intermediate (1,012 per head) Córdoba: strong rural ( 1,104 per head) Jaén: weak rural (895 per head)

6 And yet… clear importance of ERDF for rural areas ERDF: 6bn – approx half spent on rural areas – 48% transport infrastructure – 28% environmental measures – 8% business units – 6% social infrastructure ALL highly relevant for rural areas EAGGF: 316M 2/3 on agriculture & food 1/3 diversification, start-ups, Leader type projects ESF: 932M => human capital, employment, micro-businesses, self- employment

7 ERDF 82.9% of EU funding (500M) on business units. Jaén (weak rural): 246.9 per head. Average: 156.3 Main source of funding for the Global Grant Certain criteria benefit rural areas. Two most rural provinces: 33% of GG, 18% of population. 22% of companies receiving support were in rural areas (<10,000 inhabitants) ERDF support for businesses with growth potential

8 48% of ERDF expenditure (3bn): transport infrastructure High speed rail Madrid-Seville, Madrid-Malaga 90% of the population within 25mins from a motorway or dual carriageway 6.6% spend on minor and rural roads. Telecommunications: 1% of budget (92M) Broadband to all towns of <10,000 ERDF contribution to accessibility of rural areas Transport infrastructure

9 ERDF: support to R&D and innovation in rural areas Relatively low spending on R&D, but increasing… At NUTS 3 level, similar spending in the strong intermediate and strong rural provinces. Weak rural province lagging. Interviews insist on positive role of ERDF on R&D spending in rural areas – Research centres located in rural areas – Research centres of relevance to rural concerns

10 ERDF: supporting the environmental and social conditions for development 28% of ERDF investment related to the environment Environmental compartments and water treatment Social infrastructure: 6% of ERDF investment, spent particularly in rural areas. Social & health infrastructure

11 CONCLUSIONS The ERDF has played a fundamental role in the development of rural areas in Andalusia To support and measure rural policy, the following are necessary: A finer classification of rurality Geographically referenced projects Needs of different types of areas integrated into planning objectives and project selection criteria Better coordination between different funds to achieve specified territorial objectives. With these conditions the ERDF has enormous potential to do even more in rural areas…

12 Thank you!

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