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Systemic Discrimination. Classroom Norms 1. Mutual Respect 2. Assume Positive Intent 3. Keep an Open Mind 4. Attentive Listening.

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Presentation on theme: "Systemic Discrimination. Classroom Norms 1. Mutual Respect 2. Assume Positive Intent 3. Keep an Open Mind 4. Attentive Listening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systemic Discrimination

2 Classroom Norms 1. Mutual Respect 2. Assume Positive Intent 3. Keep an Open Mind 4. Attentive Listening

3 You Are All Assessing Me Right Now In One Minute Determine My: Age Ethno-Cultural Background Country of Birth Sexual Orientation Marital Status Faith

4 Pre Judgment Adults determine gender and ethnicity in the first four seconds of a human encounter. We are biologically hardwired to make snap assessments: evolutionary survival mechanism

5 Definitions Try to find the match for the term or definition that you have been given

6 Definitions Ableism Prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination directed against people who have developmental, emotional, physical, sensory or health-related disabilities Ageism Prejudices, Stereotyping and discrimination directed against the elderly or youth Anti-Semitism Prejudices, Stereotyping and discrimination directed against individual Jews or the Jewish people on the basis of their culture and religion

7 Definitions Classism Prejudices, Stereotyping and discrimination directed against individuals or groups of people on the basis of the accumulated wealth or income Colonialism A process by which a foreign power dominates and exploits an indigenous group or country by appropriating its land and extracting wealth Discrimination Unfair or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups on the basis of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, marital status, family status, or disability, as set out in the Ontario Human Rights Code or on the basis of other, similar factors.

8 Definitions Equality Equal rights and treatment for people regardless of what factors they might have that make them different. Equity A condition or state of fair, inclusive and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating people the same without regard for individual differences. Ethnocentrism The tendency to view others using one’s own ethnic group and customs as the central norm of standard for judgment, and the tendency to see one’s ethnic group, customs, language or dialect, social norms, cultural norms and beliefs as the best or as neutral or normal.

9 Definitions Hegemony A form of control exercised by the dominant class. Leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others. Homophobia A wide range of negative, disparaging, or hostile attitudes, fears and biases against homosexuals and homosexuality, or those perceived to be homosexual. LGBTQ.... The term originally stood for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and questioning or queer. A broader range of identities is often implied with this term including: 2 spirited, intersex, asexual, queer, questioning, ally

10 Definitions Patriarchy Is a social system in which the male is the primary authority figure central to social organization and the central roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property, and where fathers hold authority over women and children. Prejudice Refers to preconceived, unfavourable judgments toward people or a person because of personal characteristics Racism A set of mistaken assumptions, opinions and actions stemming from the belief that one race is inherently superior to another. It assigns value to people for being white and harms or disadvantages people for being racialized

11 Definitions Sexism A set of erroneous assumptions, opinions, and actions stemming from the belief that one gender is inherently superior to another. Sexism operates in the context of patriarchy. Stereotype A false or generalized, and usually negative, conception of a group or people that results in the unconscious or conscious categorization of each member of that group, without regard for individual differences

12 The Power Triangle Racism Ageism Sexism including homophobia Classism (Socio-economic status) Ableism Faithism/Culture I know _______ is happening when I see/hear...

13 The Power Triangle Institutional/Systemic Discrimination Individual Discrimination/ Individual Acts Ideas/Beliefs, Stereotypes and Prejudices

14 What is Power? Power is control, or access to, those institutions sanctioned by the government Power is the ability to define reality and to convince other people that it is their reality Power is ownership and control of the major resources of a nation; and the capacity to make and enforce decisions based on this ownership and control

15 What is Systemic Social Privilege Systemic social privilege is power that is not earned and that often is invisible to the holder It may be based on one's gender, race, faith, socio- economic status, sexual orientation, ability, etc. We may have systemic social privilege based on some parts of our identities, but not others This privilege gives us an unfair and unearned advantage over others To create a more equitable and inclusive environment for learning, we must address issues of power and privilege Peggy MacIntosh's “Unpacking the Invisible Backpack” clip White Priviledge clip (2:30)

16 Steps of Inequity BIAS Prejudice BELIEF Stereotype ACTION Discrimination POWER Systemic Inequity

17 Systemic Discrimination - The Reality 2 Directors of 72 School Boards are visible minorities(3%) 15 Superintendents out of 423 are visible minorities(3.5%) 13 MPPs out of 107 are visible minorities (12%) 24 MPs out of 308 are visible minorities (8%) 21 CEOs out of Fortune 500 companies are women (4%) 42 CEOs out of Fortune 1000 companies are women (4%) 21 CEOs out of Fortune 500 companies are visible minorities (4%) There are 5 Fortune 500 CEOs who are women and visible minorities (1%) Visible Minorities represent 23% of the population in Ontario, 16% of the population in Canada, by 2017 that will grow to 20% of the population Visible Minorities represent 35% of the population in the United States

18 CBC News Report on System Racism at University of Ottawa

19 “Fair is not treating everybody equally, it's giving people what they need...”

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