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Litter By: Lorent Hoti. STOP LITTER!!! Why do people litter? What’s the point?! You can just walk down a block and throw out your trash. You don’t need.

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Presentation on theme: "Litter By: Lorent Hoti. STOP LITTER!!! Why do people litter? What’s the point?! You can just walk down a block and throw out your trash. You don’t need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Litter By: Lorent Hoti

2 STOP LITTER!!! Why do people litter? What’s the point?! You can just walk down a block and throw out your trash. You don’t need to be lazy and throw it on the floor. On some blocks you can see waste forming because so many people litter. It’s disgusting, and smells horrid. It makes me wonder why do people treat the world like this? Do people even care if the world turns in to a dump? Surely I wouldn’t like if I live in a dump. I would like to live in a clean environment, not a disgusting wasteland. To make the world a better and cleaner place, don’t litter!!! Try cleaning up after some people, and try convincing people what would happen if we don’t stop litter.

3 Some rules also apply to you!!! The sign says to clean up after your dog. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to clean up after yourself. DIRTY!

4 Laziness!!! Some people are too lazy to walk down the street and throw out their trash! Wow, I can’t believe how lazy some people are!

5 Look at these lazy people!!! The garbage can is empty and all the trash is on the floor. Can’t people just walk one extra step to throw out their trash?

6 Ripping then littering!!! Look people make more trash by ripping their garbage THEN throwing it on the floor.

7 GROSS!!! if someone finishes his/her cup then can that person though it out and not have it stepped on, crushed, and look disgusting.

8 Come people, STOP BEING LAZY!!! I thought coffee gave you more energy and makes you stay awake more? Then how come this person is still to lazy to through out his coffee cup.

9 One step away, still to lazy Look how close the garbage can is! Not even a foot! Can you at least walk ONE STEP to throw out you trash!?!? I guess you are way to lazy to do it.

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