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1 COMMISSIONER HÜBNER Cohesion Policy & Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "1 COMMISSIONER HÜBNER Cohesion Policy & Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 COMMISSIONER HÜBNER Cohesion Policy & Environment

2 2 Objectives Exploit the potential for a win-win" synergy between environmental protection and business growth: –Mainstreaming environmental priorities –Assist regions in tackling climate change and engaging in the low carbon economy –Eco-innovation & SMEs

3 3 Cohesion Policy & environment 105 billion for the environment - 30% of total Cohesion Policy funds 2007-2013 - 3 times more than in 2000-2006 ( 37 billion)

4 4 Environmental rulebook 54 billion Investment examples: -Water management: 22 billion -Waste management: 6 billion -Biodiversity & nature protect: 3.9 bn

5 5 Environment integrated in programme objectives Project compliance with EU environmental legislation: –Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of plans and programmes –Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of specific projects Mainstreaming environment

6 6 Low carbon economy 48 billion Environmental rulebook Investment examples: - Railways: 23 billion - Clean urban transport: 6 billion - Renewable energies: 4.8 billion - Energy efficiency: 4.2 billion Principles: - Cross cutting integration of low carbon practices and indicators - Regions are crucial to achieve EUs climate goals: climate change is an opportunity

7 7 Principles: - Foster competitiveness - Leadership in environmental technologies RTD & Innovation 3 billion Low Carbon Economy Environmental rulebook Investments: - Support to environmentally friendly products and processes (SMEs): 3 billion

8 8 Leader in green development Win-win policy: Positions EU as lead market in green technologies Creates new and sustainable jobs in local economies (growth) Improves and protects the environment RTD & Innovation Low Carbon Economy Environmental rulebook

9 9 COMMISSIONER HÜBNER Cohesion Policy & Environment

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