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Revisions 2012 – 2013 School Year.  Student Code of Conduct Committee ◦ Building administrators, parents, interventionists, teachers - AEA representatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Revisions 2012 – 2013 School Year.  Student Code of Conduct Committee ◦ Building administrators, parents, interventionists, teachers - AEA representatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revisions 2012 – 2013 School Year

2  Student Code of Conduct Committee ◦ Building administrators, parents, interventionists, teachers - AEA representatives  Elementary and Secondary Building Administrators  Parent-Business Advisory Council


4 ADD: DEPLOYMENT RELATED ABSENCES  The Appoquinimink School District will grant up to five days excused absences for military-connected students whose immediate family member is experiencing a deployment. The conditions under which the school may approve excused absences are: (1) the absence is preapproved; (2) the student is in good standing; (3) the student has a prior record of good attendance; (4) missed work is completed and turned in within the allotted time period; and (5) the absence is not during standardized testing dates.

5  Delaware regulation requires that we include in our attendance policy the procedures and penalties applicable to truancy:

6  Grades K – 5: Level II Offense  First Offense  REQUIRED:  Parent/guardian notification  Parent/guardian conference  Police notification when necessary  Subsequent Offenses  REQUIRED:  Detention and/or suspension (1 day)  Parent/guardian notification  Parent/guardian conference  Police notification when necessary  Behavior support plan  Recommendation to counseling or appropriate social service agency – if warranted

7  Soliciting, using or sending pornographic or obscene material, accessing unauthorized e- mail, downloading and/or installing files with or without malicious intent, damage to equipment, or sites not authorized by teacher.

8 Grades K – 5: Level II Offense  First Offense  REQUIRED:  Reprimand  Parent/guardian notification  Subsequent Offenses  REQUIRED:  Detention and/or suspension (1 to 3 days)  Parent/guardian notification  Parent/guardian conference Grades 6 – 12: Level II Offense  First Offense  REQUIRED:  Reprimand and/or detention  Parent/guardian notification  Subsequent Offenses  REQUIRED:  Detention and/or suspension (1 to 3 days)  Parent/guardian notification  Parent/guardian conference

9 First Offense REQUIRED:  Detention and/or suspension (1 to 3 5 days) Subsequent Offenses REQUIRED:  Suspension (1 3 to 5 days)

10 Add: Sexual Harassment “Severe Clause”: Situations in which the sexual harassment is directed toward a staff member. K – 5 Violation of Severe Clause REQUIRED:  Suspension (1 to 3 days)  Parent/guardian notification  Behavior support plan  Police notification, when necessary  Recommendation to counseling or appropriate social service agency – if warranted  Referral to school Discipline Committee or Instructional Support Team

11 6 – 12 Violation of Severe Clause REQUIRED:  Suspension (1 to 5 days)  Parent/guardian notification  Behavior plan/contract  Police notification, when necessary  Recommendation to counseling or appropriate social service agency – if warranted  Referral to school Discipline Committee or Instructional Support Team


13  All students will be oriented to the 2012 – 2013 Student Code of Conduct during the first week of school. They will sign that they have received a copy as well as their parent/guardian will sign acknowledging receipt.  Staff will be oriented to the 2012 – 2013 Student Code of Conduct and the updates during the August in-service days.

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