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Testing the standard Model in the forward region at the LHC

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1 Testing the standard Model in the forward region at the LHC
Ronan McNulty (UCD Dublin) Irish Quantum Foundations, Castletown House, 3,4th May 2013

2 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Outline Theory: The Standard Model Experiment: LHCb detector Electroweak tests using W, Z; probing the proton structure Electroweak tests using Z; sensitivity to Higgs Test EM & QCD with exclusive production of dimuons, J/ and χc. Analysis Paper Luminosity Wν JHEP 06 (2012) 058 37pb-1 Z CERN-LHCb-CONF 1fb-1 Z JHEP 1301 (2013) 111. Higgs arXiv: Exclusive J/ JPG 40 (2013) Exclusive χc CERN-LHCb-CONF .

3 This is what we want to test....
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations This is what we want to test....

4 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
fermion mass Higgs mass W mass Z mass

5 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
fermion propagator fermion mass W propagator photon prop. Z propagator Higgs mass W mass Higgs prop. Z mass gluon propagator

6 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
fermion propagator fermion mass QED vertex W,Z vertex W propagator photon prop. W,Z,photon interactions Z propagator Higgs mass W mass Higgs interactions with fermions and bosons Higgs prop. Z mass QCD vertex gluon propagator

7 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
fermion propagator fermion mass QED vertex W,Z vertex W propagator photon prop. W,Z,photon interactions Z propagator Higgs mass W mass Higgs interactions with fermions and bosons Higgs prop. Z mass QCD vertex gluon propagator

8 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
The LHC ALICE ATLAS CMS LHCb Nominal Energy: 7TeV (10-15m)

9 ATLAS and CMS surround the interaction region
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations ATLAS and CMS surround the interaction region Fully instrumented in region: -2 <  < 2 Partial instrumentation: <  < 5

10 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
The LHCb detector 0.4

11 Complementarity of LHC detectors
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Complementarity of LHC detectors

12 1. Electroweak tests using W, Z; probing the proton structure
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations 1. Electroweak tests using W, Z; probing the proton structure u d u d

13 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Parton Density Function (PDF): Probability that the proton contains this parton with this momentum fraction Q = Invariant mass of parton interaction x = Qe±y/s [y is rapidity, s c.o.m] fq(x,Q2) u d u d

14 Theory v Experiment at the LHC
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Theory v Experiment at the LHC Hadronic Cross-section PDFs Partonic Cross-section Test the Standard Model at the highest energies. W/Z theory known to 1% Constrain parton distribution functions. Test QCD – of particular interest in regions with very soft gluons

15 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 log10(x)

16 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 LHC kinematic region log10(x)

17 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 LHC kinematic region DGLAP evolution log10(x)

18 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region Production of object of mass Q at rapidity DGLAP evolution log10(x)

19 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region ATLAS & CMS ATLAS & CMS: Collision between two partons having similar momentum fractions. PDFs either already measured by HERA or Tevatron, or requiring modest extrapolation through DGLAP. log10(x)

20 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region LHCb: Collision between one well understood parton and one unknown or large DGLAP evolved parton. LHCb LHCb log10(x)

21 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region W,Z ATLAS & CMS ATLAS & CMS: Collision between two partons having similar momentum fractions. PDFs either already measured by HERA or Tevatron, or requiring modest extrapolation through DGLAP. g* log10(x)

22 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
9 8 7 6 5 log10(Q2) [GeV2] 4 3 2 1 -1 y: LHC kinematic region LHCb: Collision between one well understood parton and one unknown or large DGLAP evolved parton. Potential to go to very low x, where PDFs essentially unknown W,Z LHCb LHCb DGLAP evolution g* log10(x)

23 Pre-LHC precision on W,Z cross-sections
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Pre-LHC precision on W,Z cross-sections e.g. very roughly

24 W and Z production in the forward region
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations W and Z production in the forward region Experimentally: =N/L Count number of events: Z, W Master formula:

25 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
The LHCb detector 0.4

26 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
First Z candidate

27 Z cross-section measurement
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Z cross-section measurement

28 Efficiencies for W and Z analysis found from tag-and-probe
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Efficiencies for W and Z analysis found from tag-and-probe

29 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
First W candidate

30 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Purity of W selection 2<<2.5 2.5<<3 3<<3.5  - 3.5<<4 4<<4.5

31 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
W charge asymmetry

32 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Comparison to CMS

33 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Testing the theory

34 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Z differential cross-section as fn of rapidity and transverse momentum compared to various PDF sets and different generators

35 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
1. Summary Electroweak data from LHC is in good agreement with Standard Model Predictions. PDFs constrained and thus predict other processes (e.g. Higgs) with greater precision.

36 2. Electroweak tests using Z; sensitivity to Higgs
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations 2. Electroweak tests using Z; sensitivity to Higgs e Are these couplings the same? Could something else produce ?

37 Z->ττ signal and background
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Z->ττ signal and background

38 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Trigger and selection

39 Estimated signal contributions
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Estimated signal contributions μμ μe μμ μh eh

40 Comparison of Z->μμ and Z->ττ results
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Comparison of Z->μμ and Z->ττ results

41 Reinterpretation in terms of Higgs
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Reinterpretation in terms of Higgs

42 Higgs boson in the forward region
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Higgs boson in the forward region Model independent limits SUSY limits (mhmax scenarios)

43 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
2. Summary Lepton universality holds SUSY parameter space severely constrained. With more statistics we are sensitive to Higgs production in the forward region.

44 3. Exclusive J/ψ and ψ(2S), χc and μμ
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations 3. Exclusive J/ψ and ψ(2S), χc and μμ Results based on 37pb-1 of data taken in 2010

45 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Physics of the Vacuum Elastic p p It’s QCD – but not as we normally see it. It’s colour-free σelastic ≈ 40mb σdiffractive ≈ 10mb σinelastic ≈ 60mb

46 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Physics of the Vacuum Elastic Pomeron (soft) p 0+ p It’s QCD – but not as we normally see it. It’s colour-free σelastic ≈ 40mb σdiffractive ≈ 10mb σinelastic ≈ 60mb

47 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Physics of the Vacuum Pomeron (soft) p 0+ p It’s QCD – but not as we normally see it. It’s colour-free σelastic ≈ 40mb σdiffractive ≈ 10mb σinelastic ≈ 60mb

48 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Physics of the Vacuum Diffractive Pomeron (hard and soft) No activity “rapidity gap” p 0+ p It’s QCD – but not as we normally see it. It’s colour-free σelastic ≈ 40mb σdiffractive ≈ 10mb σinelastic ≈ 60mb

49 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Physics of the Vacuum “particle” Central Exclusive Pomeron (hard) p 0+ “rapidity gap” “rapidity gap” p Elastic diffractive: clean environment to study vacuum, and in particular, transition between soft and hard pomeron. σelastic ≈ 40mb σdiffractive ≈ 10mb σinelastic ≈ 60mb

50 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Physics of the Vacuum “particle” Central Exclusive Pomeron (hard) “rapidity gap” p 0+ Photon “rapidity gap” p Elastic diffractive: clean environment to study vacuum, and in particular, transition between soft and hard pomeron. σelastic ≈ 40mb σdiffractive ≈ 10mb σinelastic ≈ 60mb

51 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Physics of the Vacuum “particle” Central Exclusive Photon QED ! “rapidity gap” p Photon “rapidity gap” p Elastic diffractive: clean environment to study vacuum, and in particular, transition between soft and hard pomeron. σelastic ≈ 40mb σdiffractive ≈ 10mb σinelastic ≈ 60mb

52 Sensitivity to gluon PDF
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Sensitivity to gluon PDF Gluon PDF enters squared Leading order cross-section Examples of dependence of Jpsi cross-section on PDF (left) and extraction of gluon PDF (right) from Martin, Nockles, Ryskin, Teubner, arXiv: v1

53 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
The LHCb detector (some sensitivity -3.5<η<-1.5) 0.4 Low multiplicity required. Restricts to single-interaction collisions

54 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
VELO sub-detector measures particle positions to 5um UCD helped build, commission and operate the VELO

55 Graphical Representation
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Graphical Representation

56 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations

57 Effect of rapidity gap requirement on muon triggered events
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Effect of rapidity gap requirement on muon triggered events JPG 40 (2013) JPG 40 (2013) All triggered events With veto on backward tracks

58 Central exclusive di-muon signals
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Central exclusive di-muon signals SuperChic: L. Harland-Lang, V. Khoze, M. Ryskin, W. Stirling, EPJ.C65 (2010) Starlight: S.R. Klein & J. Nystrand, PRL 92 (2004)

59 Before and after requiring precisely two tracks
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Before and after requiring precisely two tracks Tracks have pT>400MeV 2<η<5

60 Non-resonant background very small
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Non-resonant background very small JPG 40 (2013) JPG 40 (2013) Distributions are not background-subtracted. 37pb-1 of data: 1492 J/ψ and 40 ψ(2s)

61 Cross-section measurement
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Cross-section measurement Purity: non-resonant bkg (1%) Chi_c feeddown (9%) Psi’ feedown (2%) Inelastic Jpsi production (30%) Number of events observed Luminosity Efficiency: Trigger Tracking & muon id. Single interaction beam-crossing

62 Feed-down backgrounds
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Feed-down backgrounds

63 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Inelastic background Characterise pT spectrum of background using shapes with 3-8 tracks and extrapolate to 2 track case.

64 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Inelastic background Signal shape Estimated from Superchic using exp(- b pT2) (arXiv: ) Take b from HERA data. Extrapolate to LHCb energies to get b= 6.1 +/- 0.3 GeV-2 Crosscheck: Fit to spectrum below with b free gives b = 5.8 +/- 1 GeV-2 JPG 40 (2013) Inelastic background shape Estimated from data. Characterise shape for 3-8 tracks and extrapolate to 2 tracks. This approach works for QED production of dimuons, tested using LPAIR simulation. Also checked with PYTHIA simulation of diffractive events. Purity of exclusive signal below 900 MeV/c pT = (70 ± 4 ± 6)%

65 LHCb compared to theory & experiment
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations LHCb compared to theory & experiment * All predictions (bar Schaefer&Szcaurek) have similar approach and give similar results and are consistent with our data.

66 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
LHCb compared to HERA e Twofold ambiguity LHCb c/s is HERA c/s weighted by photon spectrum + gap survival factor (r) LHCb differential data fitted assuming power law dependence Power law results LHCb HERA

67 LHCb compared to theory & experiment
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations LHCb compared to theory & experiment JPG 40 (2013) measured from fit plotted

68 Deviations from power law
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Deviations from power law Saturation model (Motyka&Watt PRD ) has deviation from pure power law.

69 LHCb compared to theory & experiment
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations LHCb compared to theory & experiment looks very like

70 Other ways to fill the vacuum with muons
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Other ways to fill the vacuum with muons χc 0,1,2 decay to Jpsi+photon Vacuum state should be 0

71 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
3. Summary Nature of the pomeron investigated Sensitive to gluon PDF Prospect for new phenomena in QCD saturation odderon (3-bound gluons)

72 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations
Conclusions Rich variety of physics available from LHC Standard Model has so far resisted all our attempts to break it! Precision physics and new energy regimes are key to improved understanding Irish physics very much involved at the energy frontier.

73 Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations

74 Determination of non-resonant background
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Determination of non-resonant background pT for 3-track events pT for 8-track events

75 Exclusive pseudo-vector production
Ronan McNulty, Irish Quantum Foundations Exclusive pseudo-vector production LHCb preliminary results with 2010 data BR(χc0->J/ψγ)=1.2% BR(χc1->J/ψγ)=34.4% Dominance of Xc0 is confirmed. BR(χc2->J/ψγ)=19.5% Experimentally difficult to separate three resonances and determine non-resonant background for each.

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