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Getting to Know Your Class RED. General Rules Respect - a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities,

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Presentation on theme: "Getting to Know Your Class RED. General Rules Respect - a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting to Know Your Class RED

2 General Rules Respect - a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.  Respect Yourself  Respect Others  Respect your Environment

3 Respect Yourself: 1. Put in your full effort.  It’s your education and you rob from yourself by not putting in your full effort.  Putting in a full effort sets you up with good habits for the future.

4 Respect Yourself: 2. Have a good attitude  Says a lot about you and helps create a positive environment.  Happiness is infectious  So is meanness

5 Respect Yourself 3. Use your manners  Their not dead yet, and you are expected to keep them alive a little longer.

6 Respect Yourself 4. Use your time wisely  As of yet, there is no going back to get me time.  Most of the time you can avoid homework.  Work first, then play

7 Respect Others 5. Follow all directions  Follow directions immediately and the first time.  This is a science classroom and safety is our number one concern. 6. Think about others differences  Not everyone is like you. Some people have differences that cause them to act, speak or behave in different ways.  Rules and assignemnts that are easy to you may not be for another person.

8 Respect Others 7. Listen quietly while others are speaking.  You might learn something  You might have had the same question  They will return the favor 8. No interfering with the teaching and learning of others.  If you don’t want to learn, there isn’t much I can do, but you will not take away someone elses choice to learn. 9. Leave your seat only when necessary.  It’s a distraction

9 Respect Your Environment 10. Come to class prepared.  Bring your materials and your brain to class 11. Clean up after yourself, leave your work area clean.  Quote from my mother; use it, put it away.  You will leave you station clean with your stool pushed in at the end of the day.

10 Respect Your Environment 12. Obey all school rules.  You are also subject to all school rules  One of my favorites,  You must obey and follow all reasonable requests from an adult. To NOT do so is called willfull disobedience and subject to discipline. 13. Pay attention to your volume.  The classroom echos because of the tile floor.  Pay attention to how loud the class is. If it is too loud, don’t add to it, or ask your group to lower their volume.  If the person is a foot from you, you DON’T need to shout.

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