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Volusia System For Empowering Teachers (VSET)
Annual Faculty Training Evaluation training remains the responsibility of each school’s administrative team. This presentation is provided as a procedural overview of VSET for Feel free to use or modify this presentation to meet your needs. Be sure to keep a sign in sheet to document which faculty members participate in this annual VSET training, and have a plan for make up training for those who are absent or late hires. Provide teachers access to the VSET Handbook (hard copy or electronic access) for reference during this presentation. The VSET Handbook is available at Please contact Josh Wycuff at x50817 if you have any questions.
VSET General Guidelines (p. 3)
Continuous, collaborative process designed to improve instruction and boost student achievement Based on observable evidence Principal, administrative designee may evaluate Review general guidelines on page 3 of VSET Handbook. Emphasize that the vision for VSET is to provide meaningful feedback to improve instruction and boost student achievement. All of us has room to improve. Encourage a Growth Mindset when working within VSET.
Statutory Requirements
See Statutory Requirements on page 9. VSET based on Florida Statute , which requires the following: -1/3 of eval based on student learning data (reduced from 50% minimum by HB 7069) -Four levels of performance -Evals once annually; twice for first year tchrs -Include criteria based on FEAPs Provide VSET background and context—this answers many of the “Why do we have to do this?” questions that teachers sometimes have.
Changes For 2014-2015 No PAR Evaluators
Domain 4 components added back to the pre-observation conference form Summative calculation adjusted for all teachers: Overview of changes for as recommended by VSET Steering Committee and approved by Superintendent: PARs: to serve selected novice teachers in mentoring role only Domain 4 Components: These components have been returned to the pre-conference form to give teachers the option of adding evidence for 4(b)-4(f) during the scheduled observation cycle. While adding evidence for 4(b)-4(f) is OPTIONAL as part of the pre-conference, it is encouraged that teachers use this opportunity to provide evidence for these components, as evidence will eventually need to be added so that ratings may be assigned. As a reminder, evidence for 4(b)-4(f) does NOT have to be specific to the lesson being observed. Summative calculation: For ALL teachers—25% DPP, 35% VAM or Student Growth Measure, and 40% Administrative Observation Score. VAM was reduced from 50% to 35% in response to Florida House Bill The 15% removed from VAM has been added to the Administrative Observation Score.
Teacher Categories (page 4)
Category 1: First year teachers; teachers new to VCS; temporary hires Category 1A: All teachers in Year 2 (no required midyear evaluation) Category 2: Teachers with 3 or more successful years of experience; effective or highly effective Category 3: veteran/tenured teachers requiring assistance; unsatisfactory/needs improvement No changes from MyPGS will identify each teacher’s assigned category, so it is not necessary to spend much time here.
Power Components No changes to weighting (see page 14) Be aware that 3 components are weighted heavier than all others at 10% each: 3(b): Questioning & Discussion Techniques 3(c): Engaging Students in Learning 3(d): Using Assessment in Instruction Greater weight = greater impact on student achievement Review Framework for Teaching on page 14 of VSET Handbook. Note Power Components in bold and “Super Power Components” that are most heavily weighted (3b, 3c, and 3d).
Observation Guidelines
See page 15 for details. Minimum length unchanged No VSET formal observations or Walk-Throughs: -First two weeks of school -Last 5 days of school -Two days before/after Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break -On standardized testing dates, with some exceptions Review observation guidelines from page 15 of VSET Handbook.
Scheduled Observation Cycle
See pages for details. Step 1: Schedule pre-observation conference and observation. --Must schedule both; conference optional for Category 2 teachers -- “When the pre-conference meeting is waived by the evaluator, the ratings of Domain 1 will be considered at least Proficient.” (p. 16) Review scheduled observation cycle on page The pre-observation conference (meeting) is Optional for Category 2 ONLY. Must still be scheduled but can be waived by teacher and evaluator. Note proficient or higher rating requirement for Domain 1 components if pre-conference is waived.
Scheduled Observation Cycle
Step 2: Conduct the pre-observation conference, if necessary. --Teacher should do most talking --Evaluator guides discussion and asks questions -- “Any additional evidence for Domains 1 or 4 should be entered into MyPGS.” (p. 16) Emphasize that teacher has option to add evidence for components 4(b)-4(f) as part of the pre-conference form. 4(a): Reflecting on Teaching, is to be addressed AFTER the lesson is taught and may be added as part of the teacher’s self-assessment.
Scheduled Observation Cycle
Step 3: Observe the teacher. --Evaluator gathers evidence of teacher’s and students’ actions, statements, questions, etc. --Evaluator submits evidence to teacher within hours. --Teacher may add to the evidence as part of his/her self-assessment Remind teachers of guidelines for evidence---should be factual, objective, and free of bias. (This includes evidence provided by teachers as part of their pre-observation conference form, self-assessment, or during discussion in pre- or post-conferences.)
Scheduled Observation Cycle
Step 4: Prepare for the post-observation conference. --Teacher completes 4(a) evidence and adds evidence for 4(b)-4(f), if desired. --Teacher and evaluator independently rate evidence. Teacher shares self-assessment at least one day prior to post-conference. --Evaluator marks areas of agreement and leaves blank areas not observed or requiring further discussion. --No evidence added AFTER post-conference. Remind teachers that they must go back in to their pre-conference form in MyPGS to complete 4(a): Reflecting on Teaching, OR, if they have already marked the form complete, they may add 4(a) evidence to their self-assessment. This reflection must take place AFTER the lesson is taught. Teachers may also add evidence to 4(b)-4(f). Emphasize importance of both parties following established timelines. No evidence for the observation may be added after the conclusion of the post-observation conference.
Scheduled Observation Cycle
Step 5: Conduct the post-observation conference. --Evaluator shares ratings at conference --Teacher invited to discuss areas of disagreement. Final rating is judgment of evaluator based on preponderance of evidence (see definition on p. 7). --Teacher and/or evaluator may add relevant evidence to Domain 4 during conference. --Evaluator AND Teacher acknowledge the observation in MyPGS within 24 hours of conference. Encourage teachers to bring laptop to post-conferences to acknowledge observation at end of meeting.
Unscheduled Observation Cycle
Same process as Scheduled Observation Cycle without the pre-observation conference/form Teacher and evaluator may add evidence for Domain 4 during cycle No evidence added after post-conference
Planning Conference Form
Found on p in VSET Handbook Teacher completes at least a day prior to pre-observation conference. (GUIDING Q’s; teachers should refer to rubric when completing) Evidence entered for 1(a)-1(f) before lesson. (Evidence for 4(b)- 4(f) may also be added, but this is optional) Teacher completes reflection in 4(a) AFTER lesson is taught but before post-observation conference Note that 4(b)-4(f) has been returned to the pre-observation conference form. Evidence for these components may also be added in the teacher’s self-assessment for inclusion as evidence.
Walk-Throughs (page 21) General guidelines remain the same as Walk-Throughs: minutes in length --May occur in settings other than classroom (meetings, trainings, conferences, etc.) --May focus on any component --Evidence is collected, but not rated --Evidence shared within 24 – 48 hours Review these guidelines and discuss use of Walk-Throughs on your campus.
Requirements By Categories
See pages in VSET Handbook.* *Note: Quarter 2 ends after winter break this year (January 14, 2016). Display pages from the VSET Handbook (available online in MyPGS under the VSET Help tab) and review timelines and requirements for each category. There were no changes to these requirements for It is important to walk teachers through the minimum requirements to give them an idea of the general timeline for VSET activities.
Deliberate Practice Plan
Goal = improve practice, resulting in increased student achievement --Teachers hired on/after January 16, 2016, are NOT required to complete a DPP --DPP based on E3 program for new teachers, but E3 teachers must still select a component on which to focus their work Emphasize the importance of the DPP (weighted 25% for most teachers). New teachers will still complete a DPP in MyPGS, but it will be aligned with their E3 activities and goals. We recommend E3 teachers select a Power Component as the component of focus for their DPP. IMPORTANT: Encourage your teachers to consider aligning their DPPs to your School Improvement Plan and the professional development that you have planned for your 8 early release PD days. Give them a solid understanding of the direction in which your school is moving so that they may best align their individual professional growth needs to the PD that will be offered in-house for them. Please note that teachers on an INDIVIDUAL DPP may select ANY component as their component of focus without approval of their administrator. However, alignment is strongly suggested.
Deliberate Practice Plan
Teachers enter DPP in MyPGS by September 30th Evaluators discuss DPP with teachers and acknowledge in MyPGS by October 15th DPP categories unchanged: --Individual: highly effective or effective last year --Monitored*: new tchrs or needs improvement last year --Directed*: unsatisfactory last year *Requires evaluator’s approval to move forward Review DPP types (based on teacher categories). Refer to page 25 for more details.
Deliberate Practice Plan
What if a teacher wants to use the same DPP goals as last year? (p. 25) Questions to ask: --Was the goal met last year? --If so, why are you working on the same goal this year? Discuss appropriateness of continuing with same goal or component as previous year.
Deliberate Practice Plan
DPP developed after reflecting on evidence: --Self-Reflection using VSET rubric --Last year’s summative evaluation --E3 goals --Endorsement requirements Teacher should self-reflect. Encourage teachers to use the rubric and highlight where they are in their current practice for each component (OPTIONAL!).
Deliberate Practice Plan
DPP developed after reflecting on data: --Formative academic --Summative academic --Attendance --Behavior/discipline --Other measurable data Teachers should consider school-wide plans and goals for school improvement.
Deliberate Practice Plan
Teacher develops 1-2 learning goals to strengthen practice (balancing individual, student, school and district needs). Suggestion: Use VSET rubric language to guide writing of DPP goal(s). Admin approval only required for Directed or Monitored DPPs, but conversations encouraged
Deliberate Practice Plan
DPP is developed. Now what? --Teacher participates in professional learning activities and actions throughout the year --Teacher collects data, analyzes progress related to goal(s); encourage logging activities in MyPGS --Teacher and evaluator discuss progress regularly (at all post-conferences, minimum); additional meetings to discuss DPP are optional for teachers on Individual DPPs There should be no surprises; ongoing conversation is key. Emphasize importance of this phase of the DPP process. Category 2 teachers may only have one post-conference, so additional conversation will be necessary. Encourage teachers to keep evaluator informed of activities and efforts throughout the year. Teacher should take initiative to bring forward evidence to support progress throughout year. Encourage teachers to periodically log evidence for their DPP in MyPGS throughout the year and to keep their evaluator informed.
Deliberate Practice Plan
End-of-the-Year DPP Review (p. 27): Step 1: Teacher completes end-of-year reflection in MyPGS summarizing work and results. Attaches no more than 5 relevant artifacts. Rates DPP using DPP rubric. (By May 1st at 5:00 p.m.) Step 2: Teacher meets with evaluator to share evidence and artifacts Step 3: Evaluator rates DPP using DPP rubric.
Deliberate Practice Plan
End-of-the-Year DPP Review: Step 4: Evaluator shares and discusses DPP rating at end-of- year conference. If teacher and evaluator disagree and cannot come to consensus: --Teacher informs evaluator in writing ( is fine) within 5 work days of intention to refer DPP to the DPP Review Committee.
Deliberate Practice Plan
DPP Committee Review Procedures (page 28): --Evaluator submits DPP (as presented) to committee. No additional evidence/documents may be submitted. --Committee reviews DPP and makes rating determination. Committee decision is final. --Evaluator enters final rating in MyPGS.
Deliberate Practice Plan
DPP Rubric (p ): --No changes for Note definition of collaboration on p. 4 for consideration in the rubric at the proficient and distinguished levels Review DPP rubric on pages of the VSET Handbook. It may be helpful to take a few moments to have teachers do a close reading of the rubric and identify differences between various levels of performance.
Collaboration “Collaboration as it relates to VSET and/or the Deliberate Practice Plan refers to a coordinated, structured, interactive process that facilitates the accomplishment of an end product or goal. Collaborators employ comprehensive planning to construct and develop new knowledge, projects and plans, together achieving better results than they are likely to achieve alone.” --VSET Handbook, page 4 Review this definition from page 4 of VSET Handbook and emphasize that this is the definition used within VSET.
End-of-year Procedures
All 22 components must be rated in final post- conference. Ratings based on the preponderance of the evidence (see definition, p. 6). NO evidence is to be added after the final evaluation conference.
End-of-Year Procedures (page 34)
Ratings based on Preponderance of Evidence: --Walk-Throughs --Pre-observation forms and conferences --Observation evidence --Post-conferences --Up to 5 artifacts provided by teacher for areas not observed. (Not a portfolio.) --Records of Conference, Letters of Caution, Letters of Reprimand
End-of-year Procedures
Evaluator schedules end-of-year conferences for May Teacher submits self-assessment ratings and DPP by 5 p.m. on May 1st. Evaluator rates all 22 components and DPP based on preponderance of evidence. Emphasize that DPP reflection/self-assessment and the self-assessment of each of the 22 components is due by May 1st at 5 p.m.. Encourage teachers to plan ahead to meet this deadline.
End-of-year Procedures
Teacher and evaluator meet to discuss areas of disagreement, citing evidence and artifacts. Attempt consensus. Evaluator’s judgment is final for 22 components. Teacher and evaluator acknowledge ratings in MyPGS.
End-of-year Procedures
Insufficient Progress Toward Reading or ESOL Endorsement: --Rating for 4(e): Growing and Developing Professionally shall be no better than Basic/Needs Improvement --All Reading/ESOL requirements must be completed and assessed by May 1, 2016 to be considered (p. 35). Plan ahead for planned leaves of absence at end of year Note language on page 34 regarding insufficient progress toward ESOL or reading endorsement.
VSET Improvement Plan When teacher’s performance is deficient in one or more areas (as determined by the administrator), teacher must be provided with support via VSET Support Form (p. 38). One semester of support (or equivalent) is required. Support should be individualized or provided in small group and targeted to specific concern(s).
VSET Improvement Plan The VSET Support Form: --May or may not lead to Improvement Plan --May be signed at any time --9 weeks of the 18 weeks of support must take place AFTER form is signed by teacher --Should be documentation of support
VSET Improvement Plan Following 18 weeks of support, if deficiencies still exist: --May lead to VSET Improvement Plan --Teacher notified in writing of VSET Improvement Plan (p. 39) --Principal/site supervisor becomes evaluator --Support Team developed (3 from teacher; 3 from principal) to support improvement process
VSET Improvement Plan See VSET Improvement Plan template on p Timeline for improvement is 90 calendar days, not including holidays or summer Support Team will meet approximately once per month
VSET Improvement Plan Results of VSET Improvement Plan (p. 42): --Performance meets expectations. --Teacher has demonstrated improvement and will be returned to a Directed DPP. --Teacher failed to show sufficient improvement. Termination of teacher’s employment will be recommended to the School Board.
Other Evidence Collection Tools
Review other evidence collection tools detailed on pages 45-49: --Input Form --Record of Conference --Letter of Caution --Letter of Reprimand When used as evidence, these documents must be uploaded into MyPGS. Point out that teachers may read more about these evidence collection tools on pages of the handbook. It is not necessary to discuss each one separately in your training session.
VSET Rubrics The classroom teacher rubric is included in the VSET Handbook on pages Non-classroom teacher instructional rubrics are available in MyPGS under the VSET Help tab. Encourage teachers to discuss with their evaluatora any questions about which VSET rubric they should be using at the start of the school year.
Getting Started in MyPGS
MyPGS is the online platform where VSET is housed A short Camtasia video to assist you with logging in and getting started with VSET is available now at: links/Pages/Evaluations.aspx A detailed VSET Technical Guide will be available in MyPGS under the VSET Help tab shortly. This guide provides step-by-step technical instructions for each portion of the VSET process. Additionally, on-demand video support is being developed and will be available soon. The first video, which details how to log in to MyPGS and activate the evaluation (Starting the Plan) is currently available at (You may wish to go ahead and show this short video to your faculty by clicking the link during your presentation.)
VSET Resources Remind teachers that resources are in place in each school’s professional library to support their understanding of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching, the basis of the VSET Rubrics. Teachers may also visit the Danielson Group’s website at (free registration) for access to additional resources. Encourage teachers to contact their evaluator for assistance with any of the above resources.
Volusia System For Empowering Teachers (VSET)
Annual Faculty Training
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