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The Poor Man’s RICH Concept: A One-Dimensional Dual Radiator RICH

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1 The Poor Man’s RICH Concept: A One-Dimensional Dual Radiator RICH
Joerg Reinhold Florida International University, Miami presented at Hall C Summer Workshop August 7, 2009

2 A “poorly” funded pet project in collaboration with
Michael Carl, FIU M.S. 2003 M. Carl, J. Reinhold, et. al., NIM A527 (2004) 301. Brian Beckford, FIU M.S. 2008 Naipy Perez, FIU M.S. 2006 Tohoku University 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

3 Cherenkov Radiation Trivia Prediction 1889? Noble Prize in Physics 1958
Oliver Heaviside Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov Il´ja Mikhailovich Frank Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm See e.g. O. Heaviside, Electromagnetic Theory (Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, 1971) Cerenkov, C. R. Ac. Sci. U.S.S.R. 8, 451 (1934) Frank and Tamm, C. R. Ac. Sci. U.S.S.R. 14, 109 (1937) 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

4 Motivation: Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV PID with Cherenkov detectors
8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

5 Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH)
Image from P.A. Cerenkov, Radiation of Particles Moving at a velocity exceeding that of light, and some of the possibilities for their use in Experimental Physics. Nobel Lecture (1958). 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

6 Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH)
8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

7 Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH)
Example: 1m x 1m area 1cm2 pads => 10,000 channels 1cm stripes w/2-sided readout => 200 channels 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

8 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A333 (1993) North-Holland A RICH detector for velocity determination of heavy ions K. Zeitelhack, J. Friese, HA. Körner, J. Reinhold and R. Schneider Physik-Department E12, TU München, Germany 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

9 Poor Man’s RICH Concept
8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

10 Wavelength Shifter Properties Charles Hurlbut, ELJEN Technology, Sweetwater TX, private communication Waveshifting quantum efficiency ~ 84%. 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

11 KEK PS Experiment T554 30 cm x 10 cm x 1 cm WLS
2 5-inch PMTs (Photonis) 8-mm fused silica radiator Hadron beam line with p, K,  up to 2 GeV/c Scintillator TOF for PID 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

12 T554 Results 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

13 T554 Results w/out reflection losses at radiator/air & air/WLS boundaries 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

14 T554 Results: Discussion Digitized Q.E.s & transm.
Fold with Cherenkov spectrum Expect coll~65% Agrees with external collection However internal ~41%?? Need to study theory of Cherenkov in absorbing media 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

15 Monte Carlo Simulation
10 cm n=1.015 aerogel radiator 100 cm distance aerogel-WLS 50 WLS bars, 1 cm wide coll=61.5% 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

16 MC Disributions & Likelihood PID
8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

17 PID Efficiencies: 10 cm n=1.015
protons kaons pions 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

18 Distributions at p=12 GeV 10 cm n=1.015 aerogel radiator
K K p p 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

19 Dual Radiator 10 cm n=1.015 & 100 cm C4F10
proton kaon pion 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

20 Comparison with other RICH
[14] N. Akopov et al. The HERMES dual-radiator ring imaging Cherenkov detector. Nuc. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. 479 (2002) [37] P. Di Nezza, Hadron Suppression in DIS at HERMES. J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phys.30(2004)S783-S790. [38] K.Suetsugu, Performance of Pion and proton identication with Ring Imaging Cerenkov Counter of HERMES. Master's thesis, Tokyo (February 2001). DESYTHESIS [40] A. Papanestis, The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors for LHCb. International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, PoS(HEP2005)375. [41] E. Nappi, Particle Identication Techniques. PhD Dissertation, 2005. 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

21 Summary & Outlook WLS collection efficiency ~ 62%
1-dim RICH w/PID comparable to existing RICH WLS are low-cost options for large area segmented photon collectors Need more realistic MC: angular distributions, Rayleigh scattering, … Measure coll for thin long WLS 8/7/09 Joerg Reinhold, FIU

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