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COMPRES FOCUSED ION BEAM WORKSHOP March 27/28, 2004 Riverside, CA Harry W. Green, II Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Department of Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPRES FOCUSED ION BEAM WORKSHOP March 27/28, 2004 Riverside, CA Harry W. Green, II Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Department of Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPRES FOCUSED ION BEAM WORKSHOP March 27/28, 2004 Riverside, CA Harry W. Green, II Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Department of Earth Sciences Riverside, CA 92506

2 FEI Dual- Beam FIB

3 TEM Foil Preparation of Microdiamond included in Zircon


5 Preparation of TEM Foil by FIB from Multianvil Specimen Pyrolite composition equilibrated at 14 GPa, 1400˚C and then reannealed at 13 GPa.

6 Wadsleyite Majoritic Garnet

7 Dobrzhinetskaya et al. (unpublished) Donghai, China Grt 1.5mm Di Di Di Di Intergrown Garnet & Diopside in Mantle Peridotite Grt

8 Exsolution in Diopside Grt DiopsideDiop Bridge Exsolution lamellae

9 Size and Distribution of Lamellae

10 Foil Prepared by FIB Diopside Host Lamella Pt Expansion cracks induced by polishing solution

11 Lamella showing analysis spots Diopside

12 Lamella Topotaxy Diopside Mica (100) di // (001) mica

13 Summer Solstice Eve in the Western Norway UHPM Terrane

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