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Quiz on I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic

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Presentation on theme: "Quiz on I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quiz on I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic
By: Henry W

2 What is the main characters name?
A. George B. Matt C. Enzo D. Adam

3 What was the butler’s name?
A. None of the below B. Patrick C. Pj D. Markis

4 How old is George? A. 17 B. 9 C. 10 D. 12

5 What is George’s sister name?
A. Pheobe B. Periwinkle C. Janey D. Sherri

6 What sea or ocean did the titanic cross?
A. Arctic B. Pacific C. Indian D. Atlantic

7 How did the Titanic sink?
A. Ran into a iceberg B. Ran into a glacier C. Got eaten by a 9 zillion pound whale D. None of the above

8 About how many people died on the Titanic?

9 How tall is the Titanic? A. 9 stories high B. 11 stories high C. 8 stories high D. 15 stories high

10 How long was the Titanic?
7 city blocks long B. 8 city blocks long C. 10 city blocks long D. 4 city blocks long

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