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Johnson’s Model of Substance Dependency

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Presentation on theme: "Johnson’s Model of Substance Dependency"— Presentation transcript:

1 Johnson’s Model of Substance Dependency
Disease - Alcoholism and chemical dependency are a disease. ( A disease has its own symptoms and is describable) Primary Disease-It is not a secondary symptom of some thing else Progressive Disease-It progressively gets worse. People become physically, psychologically, and spiritually ill. Chronic Disease-There is no cure, There is no way to safely use substances again. Fatal Disease-The disease can only be arrested. If it is not arrested, the person will die from it.

2 Phase 1: The Learning Phase
Pain Normal Euphoria ________________[_________]________________

3 Phase 2: The Mood Swing Pain Normal Euphoria

4 Phase 3: Harmful Dependency
Pain Normal Euphoria ________________[_________]________________

5 Phase 4: Chronic Stage Pain Normal Euphoria

6 Alcoholism As A Disease
Jellineck (late 1940’s) established that alcohol dependence progressed through a natural sequence. Disease concept includes the notions that alcoholics are out of control and abstinence is the only answer.

7 Alcoholism: A Genetic Link?
Nature VS. Nurture Twin Studies: 3,000 children ion Sweden showed children with one biologic alcoholic parent was at a greater risk of developing an alcohol problem Even when raised by adoptive parents

8 Cognitive/Behavioral Approach to Substance Problems (1)
Problematic substance use arises based on a number of motivations Individuals lacking coping/life skills may use substances to self-medicate Abusive patterns of use can be changed Concept of controlled drinking

9 Cognitive/Behavioral Approach to Substance Problems (2)
Problematic use is a result of Nurture, not Nature Problematic use does not always result in death Physical dependence does not occur (Vietnam vets) Problematic use is a learned behavior that can be unlearned Use is a way of coping yourself and your world

10 Disease Concept: Treatment
Abstinence Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Turn life over to a higher power Once alcoholic, always an alcoholic Treatment Services

11 Cognitive/Behavioral: Treatment
Controlled drinking Counseling focusing on: Rational Thinking Cognitive Restructuring Development of life skills Development of self-awareness and self efficacy

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