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CHALLENGES/ REMEDIES. Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln.

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Presentation on theme: "CHALLENGES/ REMEDIES. Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln."— Presentation transcript:


2 Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln

3  State Governments : Participation And Implementation  Provision For Migrant Labour  Chronological Age Appropriate Classes  Teacher Training Deficits  Relevance Of Curriculum

4  Status update on RTE-2009 -Only 9 states and 2 union territories.  SCPCR established -1/3 of the states( 11 )  Unresolved dispute between state and center on sharing of expenditure for RTE-2009.

5  Understand that education is the agenda of every state.  Lesser dispute on share of funds and better focus on initiation and implementation.  Cognizant to Infrastructural and Human Resource -Management and Supervision

6 Children of -  contractual labour for major structures and projects  lambadas and gypsies  Salt pan workers  Sugar factory and seasonal industry workers

7  Establishing of mobile schools to reach out to these remote places.  Establishing more Adarsh nivasi schools and Anganwadis.  Motivating and encouraging learning through stipends and work place education and vocational skills along with the foundation level of 3 Rs

8  Intellectual age / chronological age.  Pronounced inadequacy upon inclusion in Public schools.  Insufficient support and lack of time for bridging previous learning shortfalls.

9  Conversion of Government, aided schools and low- cost private schools to special schools.  Integration into mainstream education only when compatible intellectually.  Special schools must have comparable infrastructural and academic delivery capacities.  Remedial and bridging modules to assist slow learners.

10  Conventional methods of teaching-learning processes.  Rote learning and drills vs. experiential learning.  Product driven and knowledge intensive.  Lack of accountability for student’s performance.

11  Process driven- more experimental, experiential, inductive, hands-on learning, active learning, enacting and elucidating.  Activity based -cooperative and collaborative games and projects.  Complete accountability for students’ learning and rules of job permanence revisited.

12  Colonial methods of T-L processes based on outdated need analysis.  Knowledge intensive – does not facilitate skill acquisition.  Incorporation of Work education, Life skills and vocational skills.

13  Need analysis reflects varying requirements in different societies.  T-L processes realigned with TNA results at periodic intervals.  Need based and student -centric curriculum to be devised.

14 Success is not a destination that you ever reach. Success is the quality of your journey. Jennifer James

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