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Image Receptor Systems

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1 Image Receptor Systems
Film/Screen Imaging Computed Radiography Digital Radiography


3 Image Capture Image Receptor

4 Image Receptor Types Film/Screen Systems Computed Radiography Systems
Direct Digital Systems

5 Image Receptor Types

6 Film/Screen, CR, DR systems

7 Terminology Image receptor Image capture Beam absorption Attenuation
Primary radiation Secondary radiation Scatter radiation Remnant radiation Exit radiation Latitude Latent image Manifest image

8 Film/Screen Imaging Film construction Cassette construction
Film capture Film developing Film Interpretation/Storing

9 FIRST “FILM” Early Years: Developments: Glass plates Cellulose acetate
Break easily Difficulty in storage Expensive Developments: Cellulose acetate Highly flammable Easily torn Polyester Base Cellulose acetate is a base that was highly flammable.

10 Today’s Modern Film

11 Film Sizes Metric: Standard: 18cm x 24cm 8” x 10” 24cm x 30cm
There are problems with film and cassettes. If you have a metric film and a standard cassette, they are not compatible. IF you user a smaller film inside a larger cassette, it can be used but often times people will clip.

12 X-ray Film Two basic parts: 1. Base 2. Emulsion and Topcoat

13 Film Construction

14 Film Construction - BASE
Made of a polyester plastic Must be clear, strong, consistent thickness Tinted pale blue or blue-gray (reduces eye strain) Uniform lucency COATED ON 1 OR 2 SIDES WITH EMULSION Single emulsion you can get better detail but you must use more radiation. Double emulsion you use less radiation but you get less detail With single emulsion you place the active layer closest to the intensifying screen. There is protective coat on top of the emulsion to protect the emulsion.

15 Film Construction - EMULSION
Film emulsion can be on one side or both sides of base (single emulsion / double emulsion) Protective overcoat layered on top of emulsion-topcoat, supercoat Emulsion is a gelatin containing the film crystals---THE HEART OF THE FILM There is a protective coat on the emulsion to protect from handling damage Gelatin is filled with silver halide crystals.

16 Film Emulsion Made of mixture of gelatin & silver halide crystals
Silver halide crystals made of silver bromide (90%) and silver iodide (10%) Photographically active layer – activated by light & radiation to create image They used to be round but now they are more flat.

17 Latent Image Imaged Formed by:
Direct x-ray interaction with film Indirect interaction with light from cassette Image is not seen until developed chemically developed by processor.

18 Film Storage Clean, dry location 40 – 60 % Humidity 70 º Fahrenheit
Away from chemical fumes Safe from radiation exposure Standing on edge Expiration date clearly visible You have to store it upright because they will warp.

19 Cassettes function Protect film from exposure to light
Protect film from bending and scratching during use. May contain intensifying screens, keeps film in close contact to screen during exposure.

The CASSETTE is used to hold the film during examinations. It consist of front and back intensifying screens, and has a lead (Pb) backing. The cassette is light tight

21 Cardboard Cassettes Direct x-ray exposure to film:
Requires 25 to 400 times more radiation to create an image on the film Better detail than film screen (no blurring of image from light) All exposure made from x-ray photons Very large dose to the patient These do not have screens, we get great detail. But it takes 25 to 400 times the radiation. 200 mas with 50 kvp. 2 mas with intensifying screens.

CASSETTE FRONT CASSETTE BACK Exposure side of cassette is the “front”. Has the ID blocker (patient identification) Made of radiolucent material Intensifying screen mounted to inside of front Back made of metal or plastic Inside back is a layer of lead foil – prevents backscatter that could fog the film Inside foil layer is a layer of padding – maintains good film/screen contact Back intensifying screen mounted on padding

23 Cassette Construction

24 Screen Construction Polyester plastic base – support layer
Phosphor layer – active layer Reflective layer – increases screen efficiency by redirecting light headed in other directions Protective coating

25 Intensifying Screens Phosphors
RARE EARTH – (emits green light) Developed in 1980’s Most efficient Most common in use today CALCIUM TUNGSTATE (blue light) Not as efficient Not used as often Calcium tungstate was a slower film.

26 Reduce patient exposure Increase x-ray tube life
INTENSIFYING SCREENS DISADVANTAGES: less detail than direct exposure ADVANTAGES: Reduce patient exposure Increase x-ray tube life

27 The light photons are emitted by phosphor crystals.
These crystals are significantly larger than the silver halide crystals in the film Screen reduces image sharpness Exams requiring extremely fine detail use screens with small crystals. The light photons generated in the intensifying screen are emitted by phosphor crystals. These crystals are significantly larger than the silver halide crystals in the film use of a screen reduces image sharpness somewhat Some examinations requiring extremely fine detail use screens with small crystals




31 Image creation Latent Image
1% of x-ray photons that leave patient Interact with phosphors of intensifying screens 100’s of light photons created to make image on film Light photons expose silver halide crystals in the film emulsion – Turn black metallic silver after procession

32 Film Development


34 Developing Chemicals Developing is the stage where the latent image is converted to the manifest (visible) Image. Phenidone Developing Agent Hydroquinone Developing Agent Sodium Carbonate Activator Potassium Bromide Restrainer Developing Agents help change ionic silver to metallic silver (black). Silver ion is said to be reduced. Only crystals that contain the latent image are reduce to metallic silver.

35 Fixer Chemicals The stage of processing where the film gets treated so that the image will not fade but will remain permanently is called fixing. Acetic acid activator Ammonium thiosulfate(hypo) clearing agent Potassium alum hardener Sodium sulfite preservative Water solvent Fixing the film CLEARS the film of all undeveloped silver halides. It is important to stop the developing process because with time, all the ionic silver will be reduced to metallic silver, thus ruining our image. Our latent image must be processed in a timely fashion or we will have image degradation.

36 Wash Cycle The function of the wash cycle is to remove ANY residual chemicals from the film. Water is used as the washing agent. Failure to completely wash the residual chemicals could result in film fog, hypo retention, yellowing of films, fading of films, Dry Cycle The final step of the processing is to dry the film before it leaves the processer. Failure to do so occasionally results in sticky films which eventually cause artifacts.

37 Extras….. Replenishment : As chemistry is used up by the processing of image, the proper chemical balance is needed to be maintained. As a film enters the first stages of processing, the replenishment system turns on and the chemistry in both developer and the fixer are added to as needed according to prescribed rates. Silver Recovery: As the latent image is developed into the manifest image, the unaffected silver halide crystals will be washed off. Each processor will have a silver recovery system in place. This is economically sound and environmentally helpful. It also helps prevent the processor from breaking down due to clogging of the system by metallic silver. $

38 Film Storage

39 YOUR XRAY IMAGE You will need to bring to class an object or objects to image during week 12 and week 13. Each student will produce one image.

40 Any Questions ??????

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