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Jenny Hughes Pontydysgu. Web 1.0 links information Source: Sabin-Corneliu Buraga cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth,

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Presentation on theme: "Jenny Hughes Pontydysgu. Web 1.0 links information Source: Sabin-Corneliu Buraga cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jenny Hughes Pontydysgu





6 Web 1.0 links information Source: Sabin-Corneliu Buraga cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Anything can connect to anything

7 Web 2.0 links people

8 Web 2.0: User participation Source: Sabin-Corneliu Buraga cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

9 BostInnovation Web 2.0 Communities of Practice

10 Existing data re-connected for other (smarter) uses Adapted from : Sabin-Corneliu Buraga cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Web 3.0: Links knowledge

11 Web 3.0 Web 1.0 Web x.0 Web 2.0 Semantic Web The Web Meta Web Social Web Degree of Social Connectivity Degree of Information Connectivity cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010


13 cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009 Web 2.0 User generated content architecture of participation

14 cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009 Web 2.0 Tools Collaborating Sharing Voting Networking User generated content architecture of participation Tagging

15 cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009 Learning 2.0 Tools Collaborating Sharing Voting Networking User generated content architecture of participation Tagging If its not participatory its not social media

16 How has this changed the direction of the evaluation process ? How has this changed the direction of the evaluation process ? Kimba Howard 2005

17 1. Social media gives stakeholders a real voice cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

18 stakeholders.. In the digital age, common location is not so important.

19 Stakeholders can create and publish evaluation content Ian Alexander

20 2. New tools to open up evaluation A J Cann 2010

21 My top Evaluation 2.0 tools Web site - Blog Microblog (twitter) Google maps Wiki Google docs Podcasting Slidecast Tag cloud Social networking Cartoons and comics Streamed radio RSS Aggregator Slide sharing URL Shortening Video sharing Photo sharing cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

22 3. Challenges perceptions of who are the evaluators

23 Which book? Alex Tan 2008

24 Recommender systems

25 Crowd sourcing cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010


27 The present speed of information based on new technologies has undermined traditional expert driven processes of knowledge development and dissemination. ~ Dave Cormier cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

28 4.Makes us rethink how we visualise and represent data. Increases the range of evaluation products

29 Rich multi media data set Deals with multiple realities Localisation Repurposable digital products – open content NASA Images

30 The Future...? One day every town in America will have a telephone! ~ U.S. Mayor, (c 1880) cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

31 For the first time we are preparing … for a future we cannot clearly describe. – David Warlick cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

32 The semantic web will change the meaning of evaluation Open linked data – mash ups Updated on the fly Collaborative intelligent filtering Speed – evaluation will be fast t Web 3.0 revisited

33 cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Give me the demographic

34 As you move your mobile phone camera, so the overlays change to represent information relevant to the scene before you. cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

35 Web meets World Mash-up GPS QR codes Camera Mobile phone Bar codes Browser Projector Geomapping Geotagging Personalised Ambient 3-D Video Navigation Communication Haptic cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

36 We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges. ~ Sir Tim Berners-Lee cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

37 …that breaks the old silos, links everyone, everything, everywhere, and makes the whole thing potentially smarter." - Greg Boutan cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010 Evaluation


39 cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009 Digital natives? Evaluation clients and consumers of the future

40 Source: Wikipedia cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009 No hiding place In the past you engaged with a client; now you are engaging with a community Rules of engagement are changing Changes the rules on confidentiality, on ownership, on copyright

41 Alex Bogusky Is there a role for the evaluator and what does that look like?

42 Focus on training others It's not what you know that counts anymore. It's what you can learn. – Don Tapscott cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2009

43 Creating the algorithms Joos Buijs 2010 from Sheldon Cooper

44 creativity In using mobile technology In using social network spaces In informatics In animation In writing blogs and wikis In repurposing evaluation products

45 Imagination is more important than knowledge ~ Einstein cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

46 "In the times of rapid change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." ~ Eric Hoffer cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

47 "Dinosaurs were highly successful and lasted a long time. They never went away. They became smaller, faster, and more agile, and now we call them birds." ~ Mark Halper in Forbes (1997) cc Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2010

48 Diolch yn fawr iawn am gwrando! Diolch yn fawr iawn am gwrando!

49 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: International Licence. Jenny Hughes Pontydysgu, Wales UKES Annual Conference, Birmingham 23 November 2010

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