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Heads and Managers Forum 29 April, 2014. Academic Headship.

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Presentation on theme: "Heads and Managers Forum 29 April, 2014. Academic Headship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heads and Managers Forum 29 April, 2014

2 Academic Headship

3 Academic Headship Document The HR Working Group focussed on: - relevant sections of the Principal Statute; - procedures for appointment to headship of College, School and Discipline; - responsibilities attaching to the position of Head of College and Head of School; - training and support available to academic heads Academic Group – Four Colleges Prof. Paddy O’Donovan, ACSSS Prof. John McCarthy, ACSSS Prof. Ciaran Murphy, B&L Prof. Steve Hedley, B&L Prof. Nabeel Riza, SEFS Prof. Martin Pemble, SEFS Prof. Ken O’Halloran, M&H Prof. Eileen Savage, M&H

4 Academic Headship Document 1.Principal Statute in Relation to Academic Headship Headship of College Headship of School Academic Headship Within the School 2.Appointment to Academic Headship Position Headship of College Headship of School 3. Responsibilities of Academic Heads Head of College Head of School 4. Training and Development for Academic Heads

5 Academic Headship Within Schools E.4.c Academic Headship within the School. The academic structures within the School shall be prescribed by each College in College Rules which shall also specify:  The method of appointment to academic headship positions within the School;  Eligibility of academic staff to fill leadership/management roles in the structure;  The responsibilities of heads;  A statement in the College Rules that any academic heads within the School shall report to the Head of School;  The categories of staff who are required to accept an offer of appointment;  The term for which such appointments may be held and if they are renewable; The authority to sign off on appointment to any academic headship position within a school, shall be delegated to the Head of College by the President.

6 Academic Headship Document - Approval Heads and Managers Forum – Twice UMTO – Twice - Approved Governing Body – Provisional Approval on 15 April, 2014 Academic Council – May, 2014 Final Approval Governing Body June, 2014

7 Staff Communication Plan

8 Draft Plan Covers: Principles Responsibilities:  Senior Management/UMTO/S  Heads  All Staff  Committees  Internal Comms

9 Staff Communication Plan Draft Plan Covers: Categories of Information  UMTO/Strategic Direction  Day-to-day work related information  University-wide notices  Emergencies Communication Channels  Face to Face  Email  Staff Bulletin Board  Notices  Blackboard  Social Media

10 Staff Communication Plan Thoughts / Suggestions for areas to be covered in the Plan Plan to be circulated to HMF for comment

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