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Position Questionnaire Employee Training 2009. ND Renew Agenda  Overview  Objectives  Completing the Position Questionnaire  Individual  Validating.

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Presentation on theme: "Position Questionnaire Employee Training 2009. ND Renew Agenda  Overview  Objectives  Completing the Position Questionnaire  Individual  Validating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Position Questionnaire Employee Training 2009

2 ND Renew Agenda  Overview  Objectives  Completing the Position Questionnaire  Individual  Validating Prepared Questionnaire (Focus Group)  Validating Prepared Questionnaire (Individual)  Resources 2

3 ND Renew Overview Sharing background about the project  The University is engaged in a process to more effectively articulate and manage its compensation program  2006 ND Voice survey feedback identified the following perceptions concerning the current position structure and compensation practices:  Out-of-date and no longer function properly  Inconsistent among the University departments  Employees at the University are paid low or paid under market  The three phases of this process are:  Articulating our compensation philosophy — Completed  Developing related policies and procedures — Completed  A comprehensive review of our exempt and non-exempt non-faculty position structure and compensation program, ND Renew 3

4 ND Renew Overview Setting the context for ND Renew  ND Renew was planned before the current national economic events  This project is not:  A plan to reduce pay  A cost-saving initiative  An effort to eliminate jobs  While the impact of this project cannot be determined until it is complete, there should be no expectation of individual salary adjustments  Any outcomes from this project will be implemented independent of the Performance Planning and July 1, 2009 Merit Pay process 4

5 ND Renew Objectives Reviewing the objectives of ND Renew Fact-Finding Phase  Document and provide comparisons of current position structures  Internally across the University  Externally with relevant markets  Compare the University’s total compensation program to other organizations from which we draw talent/hire people  Review the University’s benefits package in comparison to other organizations Recommendations and Implementation Phase  Develop standard and competitive position structures across all departments  Update salary structures and incentive plans that fully support the University’s compensation philosophy  Provide staff with a clearer picture of roles, responsibilities, competencies and potential career opportunities across the University 5

6 Completing the Position Questionnaire — Individual Employee 6

7 Electronic Position Questionnaire  Position Questionnaires will be available on the website for those with access to that medium  Process:  Visit, open the appropriate questionnaire (exempt or non-exempt) and save it to the desktop  Title the document “Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name) (ver 1)”  Enter responses directly into the form Non-Exempt employees complete sections B through H Exempt employees complete section B through I  Save work  Send completed Position Questionnaire via email to supervisor  Supervisors will save the document and title it “Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name ) (ver 2)”  Supervisor will complete the remaining sections and validate the employees’ responses  Supervisor sends the reviewed Position Questionnaires to the next level of management or the individual designated for second level review  Next level management or second level reviewer will save the document and title it “Completed PQ – (Last Name, First Name) final”  The final Position Questionnaire will be submitted to ND Renew Individual Electronic Position Questionnaire 7

8 Paper Position Questionnaire  Paper copies of the Position Questionnaires will be distributed to employees who do not have electronic access  For employees receiving a paper copy:  Write responses directly on the form Non-Exempt employees complete sections B through H Exempt employees complete section B through I  Send the completed Position Questionnaire to supervisor  Supervisors will complete the remaining sections and validate the employees’ responses  Send the reviewed Position Questionnaire to the next level of management or the individual designated for second level review  Next level management or second level reviewer will provide comments on the Position Questionnaire and submit it to Human Resources: Attn ND Renew ND Renew Individual Paper Position Questionnaire 8

9 Important  When completing the Summary Statement section, understand that the role should be described as it is today, not how it should be or will be in the future  When completing the Essential Duties and Responsibilities section, use action words, specific tasks and estimate the percentage of time spent annually  See for a glossary of “action terms” and sample questionnaires ND Renew Completing the Position Questionnaire 9

10 Validating Prepared Position Questionnaires 10

11 Validating Prepared Position Questionnaire Individual (Electronic)  Supervisors will complete the Position Questionnaire and title the document “Completed PQ- (job title) (ver 1)”  Supervisor will distribute electronically for all employees who have access to that medium  For employees receiving an email attachment:  Open the attachment  Save the file to the desktop and title the document “Completed PQ – (Last Name, First Name) (ver 2)”  Review the form and enter any responses directly into the form using the Track Changes tool Employee reviews sections B through H  Send the completed Position Questionnaire via email to supervisor  Supervisors will save the document and title it “Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name) (ver 3)”  Supervisors will complete the remaining sections and validate employees’ responses  Supervisor will send the reviewed questionnaire to the next level of management or the individual designated for second level review.  Next level management or second level reviewer will save the document and title it “Completed PQ – (Last Name, First Name) final”  The final Position Questionnaire will be submitted to ND Renew Reviewing the Position Questionnaire 11

12 Validating Prepared Position Questionnaire Individual (Paper)  Paper copies of the Position Questionnaires will be distributed to employees who do not have electronic access  For employees receiving a paper copy:  Provide edits directly on the prepared form  Send the reviewed Position Questionnaire to supervisor  Supervisors will complete the remaining sections and validate employees’ responses  Supervisor will send the reviewed questionnaire to the next level of management or the individual designated for second level review  Next level management or second level reviewer will provide comments on the Position Questionnaire and submit it to Human Resources: Attn ND Renew ND Renew Reviewing the Position Questionnaire 12

13 Validating Prepared Position Questionnaire Focus Group  Prepared Position Questionnaires will be distributed prior to the focus group session  Employees performing similar work may work in a group to review and validate the information Non-Exempt employees will review sections B through H  The facilitator of the session will gather feedback and make necessary updates to the Position Questionnaire  The completed Position Questionnaire will be forwarded to the supervisor  Supervisors will complete the remaining sections and validate the employees’ updates  Supervisor will send the reviewed questionnaire to the next level of management or the individual designated for second level review  Next level management or second level reviewer will provide comments on the Position Questionnaire and submit it to Human Resources: Attn Compensation ND Renew Reviewing the Position Questionnaire 13

14 Important  When reviewing the Summary Statement section, understand that the role is described as it is today, not how it should be or will be in the future  If editing the Essential Duties and Responsibilities section, use action words, specific tasks and estimate the percentage of time spent annually  See for a glossary of “action terms” and sample questionnaires ND Renew Validating the Position Questionnaire 14

15 ND Renew Titling Protocol for Position Questionnaire 15

16 ND Renew Titling Protocol for Electronic PQs 16 EmployeeSupervisor2 nd Level Review Individual Electronic Position Questionnaire from Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name) – v1 Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name) – v2 Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name) – Final Prepared Electronic Individual Position Questionnaire will be named Completed PQ- (Job Title) – v1 Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name) – v2 Completed PQ- (Last Name, First Name) – v3 Completed PQ– (Last Name, First Name) – Final

17 ND Renew Resources 17

18 ND Renew Resources Resources available for this project:  Website  Announcement letter from John Affleck-Graves Position Questionnaires (Exempt and Non-Exempt) Examples of completed Position Questionnaires Frequently Asked Questions Glossary of Action Terms Training presentations for PQ Distribution  Email Address for comments/questions   Human Resources: 574-631-5900  AskHR Customer Service Center  HR Business Partners  HR Compensation Staff 18

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