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Deutsches Mikrofinanz Institut e.V. Microfinance in Germany Brigitte Maas.

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Presentation on theme: "Deutsches Mikrofinanz Institut e.V. Microfinance in Germany Brigitte Maas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deutsches Mikrofinanz Institut e.V. Microfinance in Germany Brigitte Maas

2 Deutsches Mikrofinanz Institut e.V. membership based association service provider and network for microfinance practitioner's quasi apex organisation for facilitating (public and private) funders and donors

3 product and process development crosslinking and distribution loan delivery co-operation and risk management Advanced Performances: capacity building for MFIs (clients / market survey's, organizational development, staff training - e.g. loan officer) system building exchange of know how and experiences: product and process innovation Microfinance Development Process

4 market / client survey's as a sound basis to find out specific target groups needs: loan products - loan processing - non financial services capacity building for local MFIs: - support of organzational development - appropiate staff training - transfer of successful tested methods and instruments Basic Activities and Requirements

5 well crosslinking of MFIs with other local suppliers of financial and non financial services (e.g. NGO's, neighborhood management, local business development) promotion of (local) MF-system building: - microfinance institution - local bank - local risk capital fund and federal fund ("Mikrofinanzfonds D") - apex organization ("DMI")

6 crosslinking of MFIs for microfinance know how transfer, quality management and benchmarking via apex organizations or networks Basic Activities and Requirements careful co-operation agreement and adjustment of loan processing by local partners as a sound basis for a longer term microfinance collaboration

7 Microfinance Advocates & Supporters "Mikrofinanzfonds Deutschland equally funded by Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology, KfW-Bankengruppe and GLS Bank EU-Initative EQUAL - German DP EXZEPT: Financial support for DMI to develop training, tools, benchmarking for MFI - limited funding until December 31st 2007

8 Microfinance Advocates & Supporters Federal Office for Building and Regional Planing: development strategies for the local economy - "Experimental Housing and Urban Design (3 model projects in different German cities) - ltd. funding until November 30th, 2007 various partners for regional and local development: regional state banks, job center's, local economic development agencies, foundations.

9 incentives for micro loan providers, e.g. - fees for processing and administering loans - bonuses for successful loan repayments Bringing Microfinance into the Mainstream national, regional, local actions plans for a systematic microfinance sector development:

10 financial support for MFI-building (pilot projects) with considerable need by specific target groups, clusters or regions financial support for project partnerships to boost product and process development (MFI in co-operation with MF-networks / apex org and [international] experts)

11 Financial support for microfinance networks and / or apex organisations to support and governance MFI development, quality management for funders and donors (monitoring / benchmarking)

12 Thank you very much for your attention!

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